First time author question


Sub Male
Nov 2, 2015
Hi sorry if thi sis not the right place to ask, i'm about to submit my first story, parts of the text refer to an older woman calling her male sub a boy in various contexts, it states at the start that everyone is over 18, there is no suggestion of underage sex, is the use of boy allowed?

Hi sorry if thi sis not the right place to ask, i'm about to submit my first story, parts of the text refer to an older woman calling her male sub a boy in various contexts, it states at the start that everyone is over 18, there is no suggestion of underage sex, is the use of boy allowed?

You'll be okay - so long as you've not the written the sub as "young".

In the Note to the Editor box, write exactly what you wrote above, which will bring it to the editor's attention. Don't forget your tags.