First Time Anal?

Jul 19, 2012
Im sure there is a post on this somewhere....

So here it is. This is something me and my husband want to try but we really arent sure how to go about it. Some people say you need to do enemas before hand. Some people say not.

Anyone experienced that can give me a basic run down on how to safely perform anal sex?

Cant wait to try it.
Not an expert here, only someone who's done it wrong once or twice, but I'd suggest starting with a toy...a small one, not necessarily a "butt plug" because of shape not being enough like a cock, but a dildo. Start small, like 1" or so, depending upon how you feel about the subject, then work to one larger. Go in steps until you can enjoy one that is the same size (maybe slightly larger in diameter) as your husbands cock. It might not take days or weeks, maybe just hours, but at least then you'll have a chance to relax and warm up, and you won't stretch something that couldn't before, and end up hurting yourself (and your hubby's ego).

Warm the toys in hot water beforehand.

Being patient, and using a finger to work lube into your bottom is important. Do that several times, and work it past the inner muscle ring. There are syringe like things that work for this too.

You should do the pointing and pushing back against the toy (or his cock) yourself. Someone else doing it, until they understand what angle is right for you, can be uncomfortable. You can also tell if you're slippery enough, and when you need another squirt of lube.

If you're concerned about being "dirty" there, then a small squeeze bulb of warm water, will help wash out the last few inches of what you're worried about. Anything more could be just messy, and takes more time to expel (although I do remember the giant pyramid of Fleet enemas at the Thrifty in West Hollywood, so I guess those work too, they just seem like more than what you'd really need IMO). I'm not picky myself, and I'd be content to take care of anything with a warm wet washcloth afterwards.

There might be some difference in feeling, in what he enjoys or what you feel comfortable with, so be open to that; e.g. you might not feel comfortable about "gaping" but it might very well turn him on like crazy.

I might have missed something here. Apologies in advance if I have.
Lubricate well.

Start off small with the thumb. Then work your way up.

If your hubby is small all the better.

If you don't like it but he does, just tell him he is too big-it will stroke his ego and will be your "get out of jail free" card :cattail:
I second the lube and lots of it!! Try to get good and worked up first so you are nice and relaxed. Start with the thumb or finger, even better while having vaginal sex, then maybe add a small thin toy, after your good and throbbing let the hubby (or partner) lube up and slip in. For me the most painful part is the actual entering and exiting. If he would just stay put and not back out all the way it would be less painful. I also use a toy on my clit at the same time. Good anal can be amazing. That being said I've only had it good twice. Happy experimenting and trying.
I have always taken it very slow to get my cock inside. Just a bit of constant pressure, then stop as the head got in. Just a little at a time and wait between movements. Keep this up and have slow fun until the woman says she is ready. Mostly it can get fast in not that much time. A great bit of fun. ;~>
She was smoking pot and would get particularly raunchy when that happened, lots of unnecessary biting and just general obnoxiousness. I was pissed off so I stuck it in her ass. She was high and didn't realize what happened. She did now that I think back but I put it fully in anyway. She didn't say it was painful, per se, she just thought it was a weird sensation. We broke up nearly 2 years of relationship soon thereafter.