First Story Response/Is it always like this?

Nov 2, 2002
I had my first story printed. I got 300 votes the first day and over 100 e-mails from guys. One wanted to send me a picture of his dick. Is it always like this? I mean do all you ladies have this problem with guys? Don't get me wrong I love the attention, but this is a little extreme. I can't sign on my computer without getting an IM from someone, even at 4AM. My story didn't even have any real sex in it. Just described nudity and okay, a quick bad BJ.

I did get one e-mail from a woman. What was that all about?

having a guess, i'd say it was something to do with your advert in your profile...
Let me get this straight . . . you're young, you're attractive, you posted a cute picture, and you said you wanted to give every guy that voted you a five a blowjob.

Now you're gonna complain about the attention. Gimme a fucking break.
Couture said:
Let me get this straight . . . you're young, you're attractive, you posted a cute picture, and you said you wanted to give every guy that voted you a five a blowjob.

Now you're gonna complain about the attention. Gimme a fucking break.

Gosh no. I love the attention. I just didn't expect so much. I owe 200 plus blowjobs and will have to start in Austrailia and do 4 at a time to be home Christmas. Besides, who would take that kind of thing seriously? I didn't think people read the profile then vote on a story. Don't people normally do that the other way around? Vote, then look at the profile? I know I do. Do you really think I'm cute?
hmm how odd... for some strange reason i can't read your story now. wonder what happened.

hmm and there's an error on your profile page. maybe my pc is playing up

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: fetchrow() in /home/literot/literoticanet/literotica/newclasses/classMember.php on line 161
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It's called an implied contract.

Here's hoping you have a shitload of frequent flyer miles, and a couple of gross of chapstick. :cool:
TammyTrueheart said:
My story didn't even have any real sex in it. Just described nudity and okay, a quick bad BJ.

I've always been under the impression that a blow-job was sex.

Of course, I didn't graduate from the Bill Clinton School of Thought.

It's difficult for me to hold back my true thoughts about this "problem," but I'm going to try.
I can't answer for Mike, but he does seem to be getting very desperate for attention. I never suspected that he was a bisexual cross-dresser. Then again, since he seems to be upset by the email from the woman, maybe he is a gay cross-dresser. I get the feeling that Mike will live up to his blowjob promises, I know he doesn’t want everyone to think he doesn’t tell the truth, or changes his story as he goes along.

Mike, there really is nothing wrong with being a bisexual/gay cross-dresser, if that is what you really want to be. Be proud of who you are. I’m not a cross-dresser, but I am bisexual and have no problem with people being aware of it. It demonstrates that you are maturing and learning to accept who you are as a person. Based on the picture in your profile, you are doing a great job of making yourself appear as a woman. You seem to already have a lot of practice with this. Now that you are out of the closet, don’t be ashamed of who you are.

One thing though, from one girl to another, I would advise not advertising blowjobs for votes; you will get a “reputation” doing things like that.
Quasimodem said:
It's called an implied contract.

Here's hoping you have a shitload of frequent flyer miles, and a couple of gross of chapstick. :cool:
Thank you Quasi your a sweatheart. You have a cute handle:kiss:

Hiya, Tammy!

Hmmm...I haven't had the same problem - of course I've written mostly lesbian erotica lol

Good luck :)

lizthewizz2000 said:
Hiya, Tammy!

Hmmm...I haven't had the same problem - of course I've written mostly lesbian erotica lol

Good luck :)


Thanks Liz,

I am semi-bi, but mostly like men. I feel comfortable with another woman if a man is with us, even just watching, but feel a little funny with just a woman. I plan on writing about a few of my experiences with women. I hope I don't lose my boys on it. ;)
