First it was chains...

Well dang it, I thought this thread would be about whips and chains.

False advertising
The contractor left his quickie-mart cups all over my yard but made damned sure he got all the old copper line he could dig up...

Many of them have a side bizness as recyclers.

I've done it myself.

Around here, if you have anything with a power cord, just leave it near the alley and it'll disappear.
I'll bet he thought I was being considerate, coiling it into one pile with the rest of my yard stuff...

Peggy Noonan knows what matters. What matters is what folks talk about afterwards.
Joe has his good days and his bad days. It's like that with dementia.

Joe is clueless about what matters. He and Obama wanna be THE SHOW and dazzle the folks with their songs and dancing. But GONG SHOW 2012 aint what matters.
Hell got a bad rap from those lying Christians...The thermostat is always set to 72°.

It was actually Dante and Milton who gave it the negative image. In truth, hell is what we are living now but absent the light of God, which is supposed to make it horrible beyond belief.