"Finding Nemo"


Sep 5, 2012
Okay the majority of people do it. Some do it alot...masturbating. Its something that we naturally do, but why do others see it as a sin or something icky and horrible? Just been thinking about my days in Sunday school and how my teacher said that masturbating is a sin and makes us "unclean" in the eyes of the Lord. Yes I was doing it at the time.and it made me feel bad about what I did at night. So I went through junior/senipr highschool feeling like a freak marked for hell. I'm over that stuff now, but I still wonder: why people see it as a sin or crime?
Upbring, religious teaching of, "go forth & multiply, not wasting seed": Plus if ones does it to the exfreme, very self-centered narcisstic action. "Only I am worthy of myself!"
I was raised in a strict Catholic environment and went to Catholic school too. And I was fed the same lines about masturbation and pre-marital sex being sinful. But it never took with me. I never once actually believed any of that nonsense. I don't know why.

I jerked off 2 or 3 times a day as a teenager and I can't recall ever once thinking it was actually sinful or even feeling guilty about it. Same with pre-marital sex.

It's kind of interesting to me that so many people were so affected by these teachings, and continue to be. Not condescending to anyone in the least. Just wondering out loud as to why it never troubled me whatsoever.
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I was raised in a strict Catholic environment and went to Catholic school too. And I was fed the same lines about masturbation and pre-marital sex being sinful. But it never took with me. I never once actually believed any of that nonsense. I don't know why.

I jerked off 2 or 3 times a day as a teenager and I can't recall ever once thinking it was actually sinful or even feeling guilty about it. Same with pre-marital sex.

It's kind of interesting to me that so many people were so affected by these teachings, and continue to be. Not condescending to anyone in the least. Just wondering out loud as to why it never troubled me in the least.

Lol. I think it also depends on the priest. I've had a priest kind of shrug when I've had to confess to it. Light questioning-- nothing to invasive, simply was I committing adultery in my heart, etc... but when he realized it was simply that I was horny as hell, hubby wasn't around, and it felt good... I swear I think he actually rolled his eyes. lol
i think people, especially in Western society, view sex as dirty, wrong, or immoral. i used to have a huge guilt trip over this stuff as a kid....thinking like, "oh if there's a god always watching me, he's gonna watch me masturbate....nooooo"

now i realize, any sort of god there is gave us instincts for a reason. if we weren't supposed to masturbate everyday (guys) or every whenever (women) we wouldn't do it. it's a useful biological function, and relieves stress, etc,etc. i believe any god who is too pre-occupied with seeing people masturbate is either a pervert, or doing a terrible job of managing the universe when many other important things are going on. there is plenty of real harm that people do to each other to be concerned about.
Funny little thing about the whole no masturbating thingy. It's said to not do that because you don't want to waste seed. Well see only guys emit seed so they can't stroke off. Women on the other hand can, but they are not to participate in pre marital sex.

See the problem is, go back to middle ages and you had wenches who would let guys fuck them, generally for money. This was viewed as fine because they didn't let the seed go to waste, and it kept the succubus at bay.

Just don't ask me why it suddenly went to bad to use a wench for wifely duties. Most likely the wives said hey our husbands are fucking wenches. :rolleyes:

Yet the wenches keep coming back, just they went to not being a barmaid but an actual whore. Whorehouses opened up and that was where guys went to get laid. Those got closed down eventually by the wives creating a fuss. Oddly wives are the ones who gave us prohibition as well. At the moment I'm glad I'm not a wife because I'd want to kick my ass. :eek: :D

Side note, being a wench or whore was a good thing, you got plenty of sex and money. It was either that or maid there wasn't that much else one could do as a woman. Unless your husband got you to help him do his job, barreler, blacksmith, whatever you were a stay at home wife, wench or whore. Not all over the world but for the most part.
B/c there are a lot of narrow minded idiots out there who just don't get it. It is a safe, healthy, and natural act. Imo intead of worrying about some dude sitting home jerking off to Playboy they should be worried about the predetors out there making our streets unsafe for our kids, wifes, and neighbors. **climbs down off of soapbox**
so true

B/c there are a lot of narrow minded idiots out there who just don't get it. It is a safe, healthy, and natural act. Imo intead of worrying about some dude sitting home jerking off to Playboy they should be worried about the predetors out there making our streets unsafe for our kids, wifes, and neighbors. **climbs down off of soapbox**

I mean your entitled to however you grew up and what your beliefs are when it comes to masturbation. Like you said its natural, feels great and there are much more things to worry about
hahaha my kitty kat do you feel guilty? i am sorry if you do i love 'finding nemo' where ever the hell he may be hiding *i have yet to find the shark to bait him!* lol anyway! i don't think it is that big of a deal ... biology made you like this for a reason god made you like this for a reason *though i am not religious*
hahaha my kitty kat do you feel guilty? i am sorry if you do i love 'finding nemo' where ever the hell he may be hiding *i have yet to find the shark to bait him!* lol anyway! i don't think it is that big of a deal ... biology made you like this for a reason god made you like this for a reason *though i am not religious*

I dont understand why I call it that XD but yeah Im kinda like okay whatever, I like it so Ill do it now
oh my try doing it when you are talking to a guy from the uk and he is directing you via skype...it was ...different
One major element that hasn't been touched on is the idea in Christianity that if you have any addiction/obsession in your life, it inevitably reduces the amount of space you have for loving God. This is a common Christian argument about avoiding any potentially addictive behaviours. When I was growing up, I never got lectured on the whole 'spilling your seed' thing, but I certainly heard the message that take an unhealthy interest in your own flesh was to reduce your capacity to love God and be a good Christian.

But yeah, I was more or less impervious to that message.
"Finding Nemo", that made me smile. I think you kind of answered your own question in the initial post though. Usually people who think it's a "sin or crime" do so because at a younger age, some person of authority (parent, teacher, pastor, counselor) imposed their own morals upon a young mind. It's really kind of tragic, but does give the world some fun "rebels" now and then.
First Off, Hello Newbie here nice to meet you all!!!

I was just going through the forums and threads and this one caught my eye, got to admit the thread name certainly makes you stop and think "what the heck!!!"

I am intrigued by the answers everyone is coming up with. And I do agree that it is a person of Authority that has the most lasting impact on our young,fragile minds growing up.

My parents were not one for religion, so I was allowed to explore faith etc. with alot of freedom if I chose to. hence I don't use the words bigot, delisional when it comes to some one who has given themselves over to an ideal...there choice who am I to contradict them as I have made my own choice.

I was born in '75 so that places me in the mid 80s early 90s in secondary school in the UK.

Now what really surprises me reading everyones replies is that alot of people seem to have had a religious upbringing or quite harsh teachers etc in school. WE were given sex education classes (at 14, pretty late if you ask me) BUT we were told that masturbation was healthy and not something to be seen as shameful or dirty.

I wonder and it is not meant as an insult to anyone in this thread how old everyone is and if that has alot to do with the whole stigmata that comes about masturbation. If say someone logged on here in their early 20s would there view be the same as Lady's or closer to mine.

I know as a father I will bring up the subject early with my sons as they get older, perhaps this is how the dirty/sin line of thinking should be broken. A discussion and the point that it is not wrong.

But thats just my thinking on the subject and as it is my own thoughts perhaps I will now be berated for daring to think freely or embraced.
This is a very interesting topic on here!

I was raised in a Christian household and went to church every Sunday. My uncle was the pastor, so my family was pretty involved. From my search there is no verse telling us that masturbation is a sin, despite what most people are told when growing up attending church. There are however verses that talk about the sin of lust, which often happens WHILE masturbating, and i believe this is where people come up with masturbation is a sin. I don't really know, or have any evidence, but that's kinda where I'v settled at with it.

Oh and it never stopped me. Actually, that's one of the reasons why I found Lit at an early age. I was able to read the hot erotic stories and masturbate to them and fictional people and situations and so I wasn't lusting after anyone.
" Tis my day off from work. My lunch is in the oven. And i'm in my bedroom performin "self luvin"."
It's not about scripture...it's about control.

This, from an atheist.;)
My personal guess would be that it's an extension of trying to make all sexuality shameful. But masturbation is especially dangerous, because it's a "sin" that requires no accomplices and, usually, has no witnesses and victims, so the only way to stop it is to put a little priest inside everyone's skull that tells them that every time they make their body feel good, they're going to suffer after they're dead.
" Tis my day off from work. My lunch is in the oven. And i'm in my bedroom performin "self luvin"."

I bet that is a beautiful sight.
I grew up in a Christian family, church every sunday, sunday school, etc. We were never taught that masterbation was a sin.
I have to agree with the other atheist (twister).

Masturbation isn't evil as such, it's about controlling your mind, and not letting your body's needs take control of you.

However, I'll take my grandmother's advice foremost when she said "moderation in all things."
My grandmother didn't have masturbation in mind when she said that, but to me, this means moderating even the controlling of self. You need some self time (if not some one-on-one time) to keep the body from popping at the seams. :eek:

Maybe my dad said it best "Clean body or a clean soul. You can't have both." :D
Having a clean body means you have a flood of impure thoughts. Purge those impure thoughts (have sex or masturbation) and your soul is clean but your body is now "dirty".

Just don't abuse it.

EDIT: ...or in the sweet sassy nurse's case, Don't get so self indulgent that you leave the lunch in the oven so long it burns and starts a fire!! :eek:
:rolleyes: :p
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I think "prince albert" had it when he said that there's something in the bible about "spilling seed on the ground" or whatever. You have to remember that was back in the day when everybody needed to have 10 kids because half of them died before they reached age 3. Nobody worried about overpopulation or having to spend half a million dollars to raise a kid through private nursery schools, private other schools, and college just so they could survive in a world that says you need a college degree to clean streets.

I remember when I was "very young" and knew what I was doing with my dick in my hand, but didn't know the big fancy name of "masturbation". I went to confession and told the priest I had been looking at "dirty magazines". He asked me if it made me "masturbate". (I can't say my age at the time because would certainly violate Lit regulations by at least 7-8 years) but what us guys called it certainly wasn't that big word. I didn't even know what to say so I said "no". He probably figured I was lying right there in the confessional but the truth was I didn't even know what he was asking. In any case, it probably saved me 15 Our Father's and 15 Hail Mary's. Lord they were stupid and ignorant times. Do they even still make kids go to confession to reveal non-sinful "sins"? Shit, that was back when you even had to confess eating meat on Friday's.