Finally Hit 5,000


May 24, 2009
Took me a while... :cool:

I'm about to crack 3k! But I make most of my posts under my JAMESBJOHNSON username.

Blowjobs? Hot diggity!
limodriverslut Total Posts: 44 Join Date: 09-15-2011

piccicatopolka Total Posts: 5,002 Join Date: 05-24-2009

MajorHoulihan Total Posts: 1,574 Join Date: 04-20-2006

Dark Johnson Total Posts: 206 Join Date: 08-16-2005

limodrivinslut Total Posts: 3,534 Join Date: 03-31-2004

gypsywitch Total Posts: 27,861 Join Date: 11-09-2003

38,221 :eek:
First things first- Congrats you sexy dancing lady!

Second things, well, second- I do believe you are the first poster I have ever seen who not only admits to using diferent identies, but is willing to post them! My dear you are not just another pretty face. You are the keeper of the Titanium Nuts Award. Possibly for life.

Now, can any of the others here with multiple personalities step up?
gypsywitch was first but i can't get into that account anymore and don't wanna bug Laurel plus I don't really care about post count that much really.

Close friends here new that limodrivinslut was me for the SRP forum but 'she' came over to the GB as well. Kinda fun to watch people shit bricks over an open alt. :rolleyes: Some GBrs came over to SRP which was cool.

Dark Johnson was my male side as a writer; an experiment of sorts. Imhotep was Solid Moldoon so we had fun in SRP and at the GB with that. (girls can be really dumb when flirted with LOL :D )

MajorHoulihan was a secret since my RL Ex was still around the boards. Didn't admit that one until just a couple of months ago. 'She' had fun being ditzy.

limodriverslut is most recent since I can't get into my limodrivinslut anymore but no one is really into my limo fetish either as 'co-workers' or clients. Kinda fizzled... meh... whatevah.

Not sure if I have titanium nuts. :cool: Ovaries for sure. :kiss: