Filled to overflowing (closed for Kyttthekytten)


Literotica Guru
Sep 5, 2011
Hiroaki wandered the Con with intentional randomness. In truth, he was highly focussed on his surrounding, in particular the women who had come to the convention. He paused, scanning the crowds, the symbiot within him gifting him with the ability to rough sense the feelings of those around him. He did not find any one appropriate, and moved on. He was patient.

This was the last phase of a plan he had been working on for months. It was his life's purpose, or at least that was what the symbiot allowed him to think. He couldn't really recall his life prior to a party, where he had met some more unusual people. Since then, he had rented an suite in the building adjacent to the convention center. He had had it furnished, except for one bedroom, which he had personally fitted to accommodate the being who was the "father" of the symbiot within him. It dwelled within a large circular tank, partially submerged in salt water. He fed it and attended to its needs. As was natural, it had been quiescent until recently. It had awoken, and had sent him forth. It was entering its mating phase.

He had covered the tank with a large raised bed, and furnished the rest of the room to look like an posh bedroom. It would do nicely.

Hiroaki had dressed in a uniform of sorts, the type often portrayed in anime. His well muscled body gave the jacket a nice V shape. His hair, tousled, to his shoulders, was also in keeping with that particular image. He drew appreciate glances from the women, which allowed him to discreetly probe their minds and assess their bodies.

Interestingly, it was a woman who did not see him that drew his attention. He saw her in one of the many booths, looking at some videos. He sensed her arousal, and focussed on her. As he moved towards her, he examined her body and was pleased. Young, slender, but with curvy broad hips, vital, and very clearly to him, aroused. He walked slowly to the area of the booth where she was perusing DVD's. His eyes widened when he saw what she was flipping though, tentacle hentai.

He was not concerned that a genre of film had arisen about his kind. They were ancient and myths were long enduring. And this modern era seemed fascinated by supernatural beings, and horror. He moved beside her and inhaled, taking in her scent. He started flipping through the DVD's, going through row after row in quick succession.

He sighed loud enough for her to hear him, and then commented, "such a disappointment, nothing new." He could feel her eyes on him, and the symbiot squirm inside him.
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Yes, there was this nice young looking girl maybe 19 standing around 5 feet 6 inches tall who was clearly an athlete only with rather large breast, and yes Hiro had seen her the day before at his booth as a matter a fact they had spoken briefly and he was holding something for her a very rare Hentai Tentacle Monster Porn one of the first ever made and likely one of the most graphic made to this day which is what had made Letha want it so badly. See Letha had this massive fantasy of begin taken and filled by a tentacle monster of some kind so much so that there where night like last night she went out seeking males and even females who would pay her to fill her holes up until she was satisfied. This satisfaction never lasted long for Letha however.
Now yesterday Letha had introduced herself to him but was dressed this day as one of her other favorite things a cat and so she knew he would not know it was her when first she came up for her entire body head to toe was covered, and so she took advantage of this and looked around the area even more to see if there was anything new after all she had money to spend this day unlike yesterday.
Now as Letha looked around it seemed her attention kept going back to one of two things, the first being the tentacle rape videos and the other where anal video. It would also seem the more she looked them over the more aroused she became until finally she picked up two video,the first being one very similar to what Hiro was holding for her only it wasn't quite as graphic as it did not portray the females and even the males being forced to birth eggs from all holes of their bodies as the holes which where not birthing where being filled yet again, and the other video was nothing but anal sex and torcher of all kinds.
The two movies in hand Letha went over to where Hiro sat behind the table working on his art just as yesterday, Letha's voice just as he would recall.
Hi, Hiro, I told you I would be back today with the money assuming you still have the movie I asked you to hold, and also I would like these two movies. Letha would place the two movies down and wait for Hiro to grab the rare movie she knew he was holding for her especially since she had agreed to pay him double what he was asking.
So Hiro how much do I owe you?
As Letha said this Hiro would notice a slight hitch in her voice and likely notice a stronger musk smell coming from her. He would also notice her face flushing slightly and the hands which lay on the table becoming slightly clawed. (her hands are basically going into the beginning stages of fist). Letha would then take a few short breaths and once again relax muttering under her breath how much she hated her body at times especially when it randomly decided to let lose an orgasm.
Despite her costume, he could sense her coming from a distance. His mind was attuned to hers, and he could distinguish her scent now easily, particularly when she was aroused. He had considered her over the last day. She was genuinely aroused by the idea of tentacle rape. Of course, fantasy and reality were often quite different. Discreet enquiry had revealed that she endeavored to create this fantasy, and might be amenable to invitation.

But now she stood in front of him, purchasing two DVD's depicting intense violations, and for all the world, looked like she was having a small orgasm. He regarded her. Very promising.

As he packaged the DVD's, he commented about the tentacle themed one, "this was filmed in surround sound. It adds quite a bit to the experience, if you have the right sound system."

He watched her absorb this, and continued, "Would you be interested in a private screening? I think you would find it most fulfilling."
Do you have surround sound Hiro came Letha's response as she stood there handing the money over clearly doing better now then a few moments ago? If you do I would love to watch this movie with you since all I have is a laptop to watch these on. Says with a smile which would more felt then seen.
"I do indeed," Hiro replied smoothly, "and it would be so much better to experience these for the first time as they were intended to be viewed."

He kept his mind open to hers, and sensed her eagerness, on several levels.

"I also have a film you might be interested in. It was never released. There were some legal issues surrounding its production. But, I managed to get a copy. I would be pleased to share it with you," he said, reeling her in.

He took a card from his table, and wrote his room number on it. He handed it to her, "I am finished here at 7:00. May I expect you at, say, 8:00?"

He had preparations to make and that would allow him sufficient time.
Takes the card nodding yes and moves away from the table then heading to another one across the way. One which was in view of Hiro still so he could and would likely see her buying several plugs, lube, and a ball gag.

Soon enough 7 PM was there and the event was closing down and at 8 PM sharp Letha was at Hiro door this time dressed in jeans and a tank top her natural red hair and golden brown eyes being seen for the first time by him when he opened the door.
He returned to his work when she left, but could not help but notice her making purchases at the vendor across the aisle from his. Inwardly, he shook his head. Was she sexually suicidal, or was she simply entranced by a fantasy that bore no resemblance to reality? Either way, he would make use of her.

The day ended and he closed shop hurriedly. He dashed back to his suite and made preparations. The symbiot within him squirmed as he neared the tank, as though communing with the creature within. He didn't really understand, but then again, he didn't need to.

He showered and changed, and was combing his hair when the doorbell rang. He moved to open it and smiled as he saw Letha standing there. He had not seen her before, but her scents were well known to him. He welcomed her in, "what a pleasure to see you sans costume. You should not hide your beauty."

She seemed to beam at him. "Would you care for something to drink before we start the movie," he asked, "I have quite a selection of saki, if you are so inclined."
Letha would both blink and blush at the same time.
Thank you and no thank you. I have learned not to drink around people I do not know.
Looks around.
Nice place you have here. Rented for the weekend or do you live here?
Letha would move inward as she spoke finally taking a seat on one of the chairs.
It was clear she was a slight bit leery at this point even despite what she often did in her daily life but then again when she did it it was her choosing and unknown to Hiro there was one time she had done something simualr to this and gone to a strange male's room alone and it had ended very badly, which was also why most of the time when she did have her fun she always made sure that at least one if not two of the girls with was a friend of her's, not that any of them knew or likely would understand the dept of her fantasy,and Letha was fine with this.
"Of course," he replied, "a girl must be cautious these days. Perhaps some tea then? I will feel I am a bad host if I cannot offer you something."

He smiled as she assented, and went to the kitchen. A few minutes later, he returned with a hot kettle, a tea pot, loose tea and cups. He set the tray down and proceeded to put the tea in the pot and add the water. He did this so that she would feel safe. He also did not mention that the tea had a mild narcotic effect, of which he was well familiar. After a few minutes, he poured the tea and they sipped.

He got up and put the DVD in the player. The movie that followed was intense, the poor young woman repeatedly violated by multiple tentacles spewing buckets of semen. They even managed to simulate her belly swelling, her body bloated. The surround sound was as promised, making the viewer feel in the midst of it all. He watched her as it played, the signs of her growing arousal obvious. The flush of her skin, the hardness of her nipples and the scent of her excitement...

When the movie ended, he looked at her, "I hope you enjoyed that. It is quite stimulating. Now for the other film."

He got up and switched DVD's. The film was older and featured a young looking woman. The action in the film mounted slowly. Hiro was sitting closer to Letha, and as a tentacle moved across the heroine's back, his hand moved over Letha's. She did not object immediately, seemingly absorbed in the experience. But when his fingers began to play with the neckline of her blouse, she abruptly stood up.
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Yes the movie had turned her on greatly however if Hiro had been watching more then just the movie and his growing cock he would have noticed Letha didn't touch the tea so that when he started making advancements towards her as he was Letha quickly stood up and looked to him.
Hiro I think I shall be going now, and I am sorry if by my buying and watching these movies with you I mislead you.
With that Letha picked up her bag and her movies and began to head for the door.
Hiro stood up slowly, the symbiot within him squirming agitatedly. He had erred and his prize was getting away.

He walked towards the door, trying to get closer to her, but not block her path. "Letha," he began, "please forgive my clumsiness. I.. I find these movies very exciting and thought you did as well. I got carried away."

She had stopped, so at least was listening. "Perhaps we could start over?" he suggested, "I know of a very good ice cream place not far from here. Might I make amends?"

The symbiot was making him most uncomfortable, pumping something into his bloodstream. His cock was swollen hard and pulsing. It made it quite difficult for him to be calm and reasonable.
No it's OK I guess I just over reacted Hiro, it's just the last time I was completely alone with a male and in his place it all started off nice watching movies similar to these but not as sexually graphic, and well long story short I was severally raped where I enedd up spending a few days in a hospital so now anytime I am alone with a male especially if I do not know them well, and sometimes even if I do, well when they touch me in certain ways I get very jumpy.
By now without even paying attention Letha had moved back to sitting on the couch, and had also noticed Hiro's pants.
Smiles, but not making a big deal of it for she knew what that was like after all she had had a basically however small orgasm while going to pay for her merchandise early this day.
Hiro, I truly with as turned on as these movies have made me I am unsure it would be wise to leave this place simply because well you are being a great host and slowly one I would consider a friend even those I have but spoken to you I think this makes 3 good times (con,con, and now) and the truth is I often loose control over myself as I am sure you might have realized when I was paying for this earlier today, and well I would hate to lose control of myself and have people stare at you thinking you have nothing but a slut or a whore with you, so come sit and let us finish watching this last movie, and then we can talk and see if we really wish to do anything.
Now already Letha knew she wanted to do something in fact she was unsure she would make it through the last movie before her pussy exploded or well that is what it felt like to her,and sitting beside Hiro with his growing cock was making it even worse for her but she didn't understand or know fully what was happening to her, of course Hiro likely would understand and knew full well what was happening to Letha, for it for it was something his symbiot did when girls of near prefect matches where found, and Letha was as near prefect as any Hiro had ever found.
Inwardly, Hiro breathed a sigh of relief, "Ah, I understand, and I am sorry if I gave you an discomfort."

He laughed softly at her worries about appearances, "trust me, what people think of my companions is the least of my worries. I am more concerned about you. I agree. Let's watch the rest of the movie and then see where things stand."

As he sat down on the couch again, he grimaced. His cock was painfully hard and swollen now, one of the symbiot's ways of pressuring him. He backed the DVD up to the point when she had stood up and they watched the rest of the film. In it, the hero manages to slay the tentacle monster, but at the end, as the heroine's body swells huge, it is clear that the monster's progeny have won.

As the credits rolled, Hiro turned to Letha, who was looking rather agitated and aroused. He was only on the edge of control as he asked her, "tell me. What do you wish to do?"
Pizza and another movie?
Letha's voice was more of a question then she had intended as she sat there trying not to squirm too much as her pussy pulsed harder and harder.
What is the most hard core porn of any nature you have, Hiro? That is what I want to watch next if I can stay awake that is.
Hiro would notice that Letha was seeming to be getting somewhat tired at this point not to mention uncomfortable as she shifted herself once more crossing her legs and taking a rather deep breath in and out.
"Sure, we can do that," he replied. He got up and dialed the concierge for pizza, then went to a cabinet and opened it. It was full of DVD's."

He looked over at Letha, "perhaps you might peruse these and see what strikes your fancy?"

He reached a hand out to her, and she took it. He escorted her to the cabinet and left her there to make a choice. In twenty minutes time, the pizza arrived. Hiro paid the delivery boy and brought the pizza to the coffee table. Letha had returned with a DVD. He examined it, "Ah, very stimulating." He popped it in the player and went to the kitchen for plates and napkins. When he returned, he asked, "would you like anything to drink with that?"
The movie which was chosen by Letha was same but yet very different then the ones they had been watching before. In this movie there was mostly all males however still they where being raped by shemale monsters and then being forced to ejaculate over and over again as their bellies swelled from the cum being placed inside of their body.

So engrossed in the movie Letha did not hear the pizza come in or Hiro ask her anything as she sat there now with her own hand partly but not fully aware inches for her pussy area.
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Hiro watched her curiously. If he remained quiet, would she start masturbating? Clearly her arousal was mounting. she seemed to be in some sort of lustful trance. Her eyelids fluttered open and closed, as though she was falling asleep.
Do you have any wine?
Letha's voice came softly and rather out of the blue as she sat there eyes fixed on the scene unfolding on the TV, and without skipping a beat and still not breaking her eyes from the TV she spoke again a few seconds later.
And masturbation....
That time she did blink and turn to face Hiro her face redder then he had ever seen in fact redder then Letha could recall it ever being in her life.
Oh, Hiro I am so sorry I swear I do not know what is happening to me I think maybe something early today while still at the con was slipped into my drink and whatever it was was very long lasting. I'm so hot and horny and yet something is stopping me from having an orgasm. Here feel.
Hiro would literally feel his hand being taken and Letha placing it down her pants and onto a smoothly shaven pussy which should have been dripping wet but yet was just barely damp despite the clear swollen hard nub and the over all pulsing feeling.
Letha would then moan out.
Never mind the wine Hiro please get me off please.
Her eyes then locking onto the TV again knowing she was likely confusing Hiro greatly then again maybe not since she was the one asking for it unlike when he tried to touch her without asking.

(have Hiro do whatever besides fucking her to get Letha off and my next posting I'll have her passing out and entering into the 3 part dream.)
The rational, human part of Hiro was now quite confused. Was she jerking him around? Was she a bit unbalanced? He drapes an arm over her shoulder and she almost leaves. A short while later, she is pulling his hand into her jeans begging him to get her off.

The symbiot didn't care. Its tendrels were well distributed throughout his body, and his body now reacted. He smiled as bent to kiss her, his hands reaching for the hem of her top. As he pulled it off, his kisses trailed down her throat and onto her chest. He felt the texture and shape of his tongue changing, but couldn't tell how. But as he kissed her full breasts, he felt her lurch as his tongue met her hard nipples. He remained there for a time, before he was urged to move lower. His hands were on her jeans, already unbuttoned. He slid them from her toned legs. She parted them immediately. He glanced up and her eyes were still glued to the TV. As he kissed over her shaved mons, the felt his tongue thicken and expand. He also began to salivate copiously. The tip of his tongue probed her moist folds and circled her clit. With a live of its own though, it slid lower and dipped into her wet opening. He felt it elongate somewhat painfully, as it snaked deeper inside her, twisting, probing the inside of her cunt. He felt her hands in his hair and her hips shaking.
Throughout this all that was heard was soft moans but it was clear Letha was growing wetter and wetter as her top area was being played with and kissed. Not until Hiro reached her bottom half and his tongue slid into her pussy area did Letha's entire body buck hard and cum start forming and dripping and her moans get louder and deeper.
OH Hiro that feels so good please don't stop please.
Of course Hiro didn't stop only probed her more and more.
Finally after over a hour and a glass of wine (saying he brought her one before all this which was laced with a small amount of sleeping aid too.) Letha's body exploded and began cumming hard, and did not stop cumming for nearly a hour.
The last orgasmic cycle Letha went through was the strongest of all Hiro would as would the symbiot feel this as Letha's body arched hard around five time before spewing forth cum and other fluids for a good ten minuets only to stop long enough to barely catch her breath before she began hard cumming again this time to the point of her eyes rolling into the back of her head and then clearly passing out.
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Hiro finally rested when she collapsed. His tongue slid back into his mouth and slowly took normal shape again. He removed his stained shirt and wiped the fluids from his face. He took a sip of wine and regarded the naked woman sprawled on his couch. She was certainly the most sexual woman he had ever encountered. He speculated that she found sex with ordinary men and woman unsatisifying. If her body was capable of withstanding the stress, she might even enjoy what might happen to her.

He sat down on the coffee table and idly touched her body, stroking her. She didn't move. Her body was arched against the cushions, her legs spread wide, her breasts thrust out, her mouth partly opened as though she had passed out mid-climax. The more he touched her, the more the symbiot goaded him, making his cock pulse and drip. He slowly removed the rest of his clothing. His cock was so swollen and flushed with blood and tendrels, dripping copiously. He brought the head to her open mouth and just rested it there. It pulsed a mix of semen and other fluids. They slowly ran into her mouth and down her throat.
(dream state.)

Letha had no idea she had even passed out all she knew was that fluids and cum where running down her throat and that she was swallowing them willingly in large gulps and as she did her body slowly began to swell. Then within the dream she was flipped over and something long and narrow went into her ass and begin pumping her even more full until in her dream state she was swollen so large that her sleeping body which Hiro was watching began to grow restless and she began to mumble. No more please no more.
The dream however did not stop there, no next and final was part was two folded a very long and very thick feeling dick would shove up inside of her body and begin pumping her full of eggs and seeds while another very slender pin pointed looking dick peirced her belly area and that too began pumping eggs into Letha's body.
Hiro would watch even though this was a dream certain parts of it where manifesting on Letha's face and on her body like her breast growing larger and a small swell forming.
Now within her dream Letha was huge filled to breaking with eggs and seed and still growing larger as more more was pumped into her now all her holes filled and two more sharp pointy dick like things piercing her nipples and filling them .
This was it Letha had in fact only been passed out maybe 30 minutes however in her dream over a day had passed and in her dream Letha was now going into labor but the labor was too much for her.
Letha's eyes flew open at just that moment her now awake body gave a huge lerach as she grabbed a hold of her belly area her dream for a brief moment having followed her out her face then turned instantly green and what looked like water and some food began coming up in waves.
Finally when the sickness passed Letha looked to Hiro with tears in her eyes.
I'm so sorry I don't know what happened, the dream I had was so real. I felt like when I woke I was going into laor and then I became...
Letha's words died off there as she grabbed a hold of her stomach area again looking to Hiro mouthing...
I'm sorry...
before becoming sick again and then finally passing out once more.

(part one of the dream over part two will follow after your posting. I am thinking on part three however she wakes and the dream has become so real that Letha ends up birthing a few no more then 5 eggs so keep that in mind as you post also.)
Hiro wrinkled his nose, as her body purged itself. He would get rid of the couch and rug when the purification was complete. He could see her body struggling, resisting the change. Reality was so much messier than fantasy. Still, she had survived thus far.

When she passed out again, he picked her body up and moved to the bathroom. It had a huge walk in shower and he sett her body within it. He ran some water and cleansed her body some. As he did so, the symbiot pressured him further. He literally ached to fuck her, but knew she was not quite ready for that. However, she did need to ingest more secretions, so that the rest of her gastrointestinal tract would be cleansed.

He set a rolled up towel under her shoulders, so that he head hung back, her mouth open. He crouched down and put the head of his cock into her mouth. He hissed as his secretions began to flow from his organ and the symbiot within him. He pushed, and saw the head bulge in her throat. He groaned as he began to fuck her throat. He knew he had to and would be quick. His climax ripped through him, as he pumped semen and fluids down her throat. After a minute of this, he withdrew and watched as her body unconsciously gasped for air.

He sat back, against the wall of the shower, and waited.
Letha lay only barely stirring even as the water hit her. It wasn't until Hiro sperm hit into her belly that she woke up which was roughly an hour later.
This time however the dream she had of being filled once more showed no signs upon her body at least not at first. OK the dream itself did not however the sperm Hiro had forced down Letha's throat was showing signs and showing signs rather quickly.
Letha's face would pale as she looked to Hiro now.
I'm going to be sick I don't know what is happening to me. It feels like there is something growing inside like I am I am...
Letha would begin to shudder as she grabbed a hold of her belly area barely able to make it to all fours within the tub before a forceful waves of what would look like worms began coming up out of her mouth and then from her ass too.
The waves would stop a few moments later only to begin again the second wave worse then the first wave by now Letha's breast where also jetting milk free. At this point Letha had either thrown up or shat out close to 100 worms but Hiro and the symbiot knew it was likely wasn't over yet which it was not.
For a a few more minuets Letha simply stayed as she was looking in shock at what was happening to her trying to find words to ask what was going on, trying to tell herself she was still in a dream that this wasn't real however the quick and strong contraction of her muscles told her it was real and that she needed to run as quick as possible not that her body would or could listen as another body contraction hit her and again Hiro, the symbiot, and her would get to watch as more and more worms seemed to get expelled from her body until finally it seemed that close to 1,000 worms (all dead mind you.) had been expelled from Letha's body and Letha fell hard to the side hitting her head on the tub before Hiro could catch her all the while her breast still jetting milk free as was her pussy now.
Hiro laid her back down in the shower and checked her. He opened her eyelids and checked her pulse, and then sighed in relief. She would be fine, at least for now. He turned she shower on again and washed her body. The dead worms slowly dissolved and washed down the drain. They had done as they were intended, to scour her out inside.

When she was clean, he picked her up and carried her to the father's room. He set her down upon the bed over the tank. He looked at her, and felt a bit sorry for her. When he was simply human, she would have been the type he would have fallen for. Now, the best he could do was keep her alive, and perhaps have a moment now. He crawled on top of her, kissing her slack mouth repeatedly. He spread her legs and put the head of her now ever demanding cock at her dripping pussy. He sighed as he pushed into her. She remained unconscious and unresponsive. He pushed deep and began to fuck her. His strokes slowly became more forceful, skaking her body. He felt his cock swelling larger, the tendrels expanding with in it. When he came, his ejaculation lasted minutes, pumping her womb full.

As his head cleared, he could see the tentacles beginning to arise around the bed. He knew well enough to pull out and hop out of the bed. He wouldn't want to be in the way...