Fiasco (OOC)


Sweet Rogue
Jan 29, 2000
This is not meant to be spam.

For information about Fiasco or to download playsets and
materials, visit

Have any of you seen the Felicia Day/Will Wheaton youtube channel, Geek & Sundry? Have you watched any of Will's Tabletop episodes? Fiasco specifically?

Well, why not?

Okay, to the point, I would REALLY like to try the game out here. Would at least three of you fine folk be willing to do this with me?

Basically, we create a story by using dice to pick our relationships with each other, our driving needs, the location the story takes place in, and any objects of importance to the story.

We get four dice per person to do this, the dice get rolled and we go in a pre-determined order, picking dice from the pool that match the discriptions we want for our characters. (Basically, its a random story generator.)


New York City, 1978. Last year, the city endured the chaos of the
blackout of ‘77 and the terror of the Son of Sam killings. This year,
Studio 54 makes millions by giving beautiful plebs and dazzling
celebrities a place to party at $20 a head. Condensed sweat rains from
Studio 54’s mirrored-laminate ceiling—sweat evaporated from the
brows of celebrities, maybe—and falls back on the dancers below.

This is the year of Saturday Night Fever’s public zeal and Saturday Night
Live’s last season with Aykroyd and Belushi—a year bookended by
The Village Peoples’ “Macho Man” and “Y.M.C.A.” In New York,
The Rolling Stones play at the Palladium in July (and Mick Jagger
is likely seen at Studio 54) while Queen plays two nights on tour for
their new album, Jazz, in November, at Madison Square Garden. Rod
Stewart’s “Da Ya Think I’m Sexy?,” a song of dance-club lust, appears
at the end of this year.

This is a New York City that has recently discovered Star Wars, Annie
Hall, Smokey and the Bandit, and Close Encounters. Superman, The Deer
Hunter, and Every Which Way But Loose come out in December. The
Warriors comes out next year but its inspiration is all around. Refer
to real-world gangs like the Young Immortals, the Majestics, and
the Dukes for some thematic verisimilitude. Organized crime of any
stripe is apt in this age—and RICO was enacted just eight years ago.

This is a time of rock and disco, of reckless hedonism and casual
sex, a time before consequences. Debauchees high on blow, poppers,
or Quaaludes dance and laugh and lust and cry in swank clubs
and dirty dives all over the city. Whoever your characters are in the
daylight, come dark they transform into sordid stars or disco royalty,
beautiful disasters or pitiable victors, ricocheting off each other into
the glittering wreckage of imploded parties. Every Saturday night the
city’s alight with spectacular fiascos.
Current pool

Two 1's

One 5

Four 6's

Setting: Showbiz -

Current character details

Last Rider

Relationship: Romance with Yeishia - Husband and wife, for now.


Object: Misplaced wedding ring inscribed with "Forever and ever after."


Relationship: Criminal with Ravenloft - Buying drugs from Ravenloft's character.



Relationship: Rivalry with Last Rider - Saving this slot for the last die, which can be my pick

Need: To get even -
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Here is the first table.


1 Partnerships

1 Dance partners, one of them truly talented
2 Maverick veteran cop and straight-laced rookie
3 Sweethearts still
4 Uniformed cops with overlapping beats
5 Co-owners of the fourth-hottest nightclub in the five boroughs
6 Husband and wife, if anyone asks

2 Rivalries

1 Hothead and the supervisor on the hook for it
2 Contenders for the same heart
3 Dancers on the same slick floor
4 Cops competing for the same collar
5 Siblings ever at war
6 Drug dealers in the same club circuit


1 Supplier and seller
2 Newly-minted gangsters
3 Blackmailer and victim
4 Official on the take and someone paying the rake
5 The muscle and the mouth
6 Criminal accessories, both

4 Romance

1 One’s beloved, one’s oblivious
2 A one-night stand that the gonorrhea won’t let you forget about
3 Husband and wife, for now
4 Just another Romeo and Juliet
5 Someday soon. Maybe tonight.
6 Estranged and you both hate it


1 The one undercover and the one who knows about it
2 Messy addict and high-functioning addict
3 In cahoots and no one can know
4 Faithful spouse and the other man/woman
5 She doesn’t yet show and he doesn’t yet know
6 The one in the film and the one who has the film


1 “We’re actually dancers. Well, we’re gonna be.”
2 Director and star
3 Celebrity and spurned fan
4 Desperate talent agent and hot young thing
5 Singer and songwriter
6 The star and oh, yeah, the other one

Each player adds four dice to the pool to be rolled. Once rolled, we go around the group and each player gets to pick one of the dice rolled to define their relationship with one of the other players.

1 To get in

1 …with the gang that controls this neighborhood
2 …to Studio 54
3 …on the big score planned for Saturday night
4 …with the glitterati kingmakers
5 …to the finals of the big disco bout
6 …to the cast of the next big show

2 To get out

1 …of your dead-end life
2 …from under the gangs
3 …for just one night of bliss
4 …of the debts your dreams have earned
5 …before anyone finds out what you did
6 …without leaving your friend behind

3 To get free

1 …of this neighborhood that’s holding you back
2 …of the charges against you
3 …on the dance floor, like you’ve dreamed
4 …of the person they want you to be
5 …by pretending to be someone else, if that’s what it takes
6 …of the drug that’s ruining you

4 To get respect

1 …from the one you love
2 …for doing the hard work, the ugly things
3 …from the audience, for your moves
4 …even if you don’t deserve it
5 …to show them you don’t need it
6 …from the ones you hate

5 To get even

1 …with the ones in charge
2 …by getting back what was taken
3 …with the ones who couldn’t see that you’re special
4 …for the one who can’t get her own revenge now
5 …without getting taken down yourself
6 …in a way that everyone can see

6 To get High

1 …on the thrill of the dance floor
2 …above this city in a place of your own
3 …up in the ranks of the organization
4 …on the good stuff, just once
5 …where someone will help you get straight
6 …on something true and real, for a change
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1 PRivate

1 Dim private room, deep inside the club
2 Apartment above a third-rate club, rattling with the bass
3 In the rear of a Chevy Vega hatchback
4 High-class high-rise hotel room, trashed
5 Final hour of a waning private loft party
6 Inside a bathroom stall with a line forming outside

2 Clubs

1 Third-rate discotheque with a first-rate crowd
2 All alone on a crowded dance floor
3 Inside Studio 54
4 On the light-up dance floor at Medallions
5 Last night of a club called Glamorous
6 On the balcony at The Nyx, overlooking the dance floor


1 Alley behind the sex shop
2 Inside a busy precinct house
3 Hot-dog cart on enemy turf
4 Fourth-floor fire escape outside a forbidden place
5 Bedroom of a powerful person you hardly know
6 Intersection claimed by rival gangs


1 Last train back to Brooklyn
2 Payphone under surveillance
3 In a front seat of a sketchy gypsy cab
4 Just one gatekeeper away from Studio 54
5 A diner sworn off long ago
6 Night on the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge


1 Cramped and dirty cell in the station house
2 Burned-out building in Hell’s Kitchen
3 Parking lot, broken glass, flecks of blood
4 In a teeming, fleeing crowd
5 The back row of a smoky porno theater
6 “Let’s call it what it is: my grave.”

6 Showbiz

1 Inside a celebrity’s stained white Cadillac
2 Projection booth during a showing of Grease
3 Backstage at a show you couldn’t get tickets for
4 A moldy room used for auditions
5 A peep-show booth in Peacock’s off Times Square
6 In the spotlight, on the big night
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1 Signed copy of the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack
2 ”The finest hi-fi system in the five boroughs”
3 Half of a loved one’s photograph
4 Unreleased dance single that’ll change the world
5 Your audition tape, created at great expense
6 The switchblade that did the killing

2 Official

1 Police detective’s badge
2 Medal awarded during Vietnam
3 A famous club’s liquor license
4 Surveillance photos of a celebrity suspect
5 Unsigned confession
6 Warrant smeared by the rain


1 Unshakeable memory of the deed
2 One obvious forgery
3 .45 pistol in a velvet-lined case
4 Reel-to-reel recording with a dead man’s voice on it
5 Dirty pictures in an envelope all stamped and ready to go
6 Hidden body of the wrong man


1 One clean needle, one dirty needle
2 Suitcase full of cut product, half as pure as advertised
3 Biggest shipment of the year
4 Brick marked as evidence
5 Silver spoon on a chain
6 A Lincoln loaded with hidden heroin


1 Pistol with three live rounds in it
2 Pregnancy test results, positive
3 One reel of film, labeled “Jaws 2,” that contains no sharks
4 Keys to the club
5 Wedding ring inscribed “Forever and Ever After”
6 8-track tape with a key hidden inside

6 Disco

1 Winged hard-hat, painted silver
2 “Glitter? I thought you were at work.”
3 A dozen hundreds, rolled and ready
4 A bloody disco ball
5 Crate of records that aren’t yours
6 Sexy jumpsuit with an obvious gash
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So, the first time I get to chose, I would chose Romance (As long as there was still a 4 in the pool of dice to chose from) Then the next time I chose lets say there was only one 2, several 4's and a 6. For my romantic relationship, I could only chose a one night stand, Romeo or Estranged. Perhaps the character I established a romantic relationship with has established that there is an item important to our relationship she has misplaced, and we both see that we can define it as a positive pregnancy test, now defining our relationship as a romeo & juliet or estranged would be more interesting, and there are more 4's in the pool, so we decide that we are star crossed lovers and she's pregnant, but has misplaced the proof.

See? See how cool this could be?
Well, I don't seem to have any interest yet, but I'm going to roll dice anyway. Here's what I got:

Four players:

6 - 6 - 6 - 6

6 - 5 - 5 - 5

5 - 4 - 3 - 3

2 - 1 - 1 - 1

Five players

Add another

5 - 2 - 1 - 1
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So, if I were to pick first (Not knowing who I'm playing with) I would pick a need. I would remove a six and chose Need: To Get High... (Later on, I can define what that means exactly.)

Any one willing to try this with me?
Okay, so I believe I've got two other people interested, so we've got a game comming. There's room for two more to join though.

To determine the order in which we pick our story elements (Relationships, needs, locations and objects) I am simply going to list by who posts first. I will be going last to give every one else a better pool to chose from.
Here is a half hour video showing the scenario we will be playing, in action!

Tabletop Fiasco

Hope you like some Will Wheaton pretending to do drugs...
Count me and Rider in :)

I can't do anything before my vacation and must catch up on my existing threads first or I shall be lynched...:rose:

1 Last Rider
2 Yeishia
3 Ravenloft
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I would make me last as it will be a while before I am able to post and I do not want to hold you up.

and I haven't a clue how to play this

and I would like to see who else joins first please. :eek:

Meanwhile I shall look at the links you posted.:)
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Very well, I'll be happy to put you in the slot just before me as far as chosing goes.

As soon as Last Rider or one of a couple others that have expressed interest posts we will have enough people to start.

So, its between Last Rider, DonScorpio and Apollo Wilde. Whoever posts first will get to pick first.

Here's a video about how the set-up (What we're currently trying to do) works.

Fiasco set up
I just said he was interested... if you want him to post himself then drop him a reminder PM.

I will watch awhile while you guys start before jumping in.

It will give me a chance to see what its about and to get my existing threads up to date,

I have a long long list and my muse is non existent, I am hoping a few days of vacation and rest will help. :eek::eek:
I'm here and definitely interested, this sounds like it could be a lot of fun
Very cool!

Watch the videos, they'll help explain what to do with the numbers and the lists. Its really quite simple.
The first thing we will each need to pick, in turn are our relationships with one another.

Now that we have four people playing we have

Five 6's

Four 5's

One 4

Two 3's

One 2

Three 1's

So the first player, Last Rider to pick a relationship can pick any of the six types of relationships and which of the three of us he wants to establish that relationship with and we remove the number he picks from the pool everyone gets to pick from.

So, if he etablishes a rivalry or a romance relationship with one of us, thats it, no one else can take which ever one he takes. (When the pool is down to one last number, that number can be 'wild', and used to pick anything from any of the lists though.)

You have to pick a catagory before you can pick a definition for it though. So, although Rider could pick a romance with Yeishia, he has to wait until after we have a pick to define his romance with her. Then, he can use the remaining dice pool to define their romantic relationship.

So, by the time it got back to him, he could establish another relationship with another player, a need, pick an object or location, or define his romantic relationship.

Lets say he wants to define his romance with Yeishia, its likely he would only be able to pick

1 One’s beloved, one’s oblivious

3 Husband and wife, for now

5 Someday soon. Maybe tonight.

6 Estranged and you both hate it

Because he'd already used the 4 and one of us more than likely would have taken the rivalry relationship.

Does that make any sense? Am I explaining this okay?
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If we don't draw a fifth player by noon tomorow, I'll lock the thread down to just the four of us.

So, noon tomorow, or as soon as you like, Last Rider, you get to establish your first relationship, then Apollo Wilde gets to pick and so on. (Yeishia, don't panic, we'll let you take your time.)
Okay, its going to be just the four of us.

Last Rider, when you're ready we may proceed and you get to pick your first relationship.

Five 6's

Four 5's

One 4

Two 3's

One 2

Three 1's


1 Partnership

2 Rivalry


4 Romance

