Female orgasms from a female perspective


Sep 13, 2007
During the composition of a story I have found myself trying to understand what feelings, sensations etc., a woman has whilst coming near to orgasm and the orgasm itself. Where does it start? Where does it end? How can you best explain it etc., etc. I like my stories to be accurate and realistic ... I don't just want to paraphrase something from an erotic story book, or a 'readers letters' page. If there are stories on Literotica which have covered this in detail can anyone kindly point me to them please, either via this post or by pm. TIA.
The problem is that this will be different for every one. I can say that the common things I read about are -- heat building, muscles tensing, that sort of thing. You could read some of my stories if you like. I'm not saying it's perfect, but these would be stories by a woman about women, so that might help.
Theyre as diverse as hairdoos. I suggest you watch some unchoreographed amateur sex, especially with inexperienced young women in them. And take notes. The pros and the mature gals remind me of drill teams and 1/2 time marching bands.
an answer to your question

There are different Kinds of orgasms. I don't speak for all women, but here is a run down.

1. Clitoral orgasms. Stimulation of this part will create intense sensations that can radiate into the lower abdomen and down the legs and make your toes curl.

2. G-spot orgasm. Certain spot in the woman that a man can hit with his penis or fingers or with a toy... creates intense sensations deeper inside the woman, may cause squirting...

3. The V orgasm: the stimulation of the inner labia and the bottom of the opening, close to the perineum. back and forth motion of toy or penis can cause woman intense sensations.

4. Anal orgasm... self explanatory.

different kinds of stimulation can cause different feelings and intensity of orgasm and it is unique to each woman.

hth -ms.read
and I used to have uterine orgasms

also I have full body ones that don't require touch and start in the mind.
and I used to have uterine orgasms

also I have full body ones that don't require touch and start in the mind.

ahh... the full body ones are awesome. Uterine orgasms? care to enlighten us?
Sorry ... I got sidetracked for a couple of days. Thank you all for the help and I'll be following each one up. I had a chat with one or two female members and what you say is right. Different stimulation, different effect ... Of course. I reckon different moods, different locations will also have an effect
I have completed and upped 'Sally's Story' from what I've learned. It's in the queue and should be published in a few days.
Thanks again and my best wishes to you all. Have a good Christmas and a super 2013.