Female assisted trickery/rape to get other women pregnant


Feb 21, 2013
I would love to read more stories in which a woman helps a man get other women pregnant. Some of the hottest scenes I've read involve one woman being turned on by another being fucked.

A woman being so turned on by another becoming pregnant that she lures women in, sabotages condoms, replaces birth control, secretly provides fertility drugs, or even restrains, drugs, or pins another woman down with her body is just incredible.

However, I'm not into violence or traumatic experiences happening to women. I've only read a two stories that don't include it, and, sadly, they are rather short.


In particular, I'd like to read stories that involve build-ups in the form of truth or dare games, or the woman's growing lust as she watches the victim become increasingly vulnerable, hot/wet, get restrained and stripped (perhaps at her hands), or get closer to being filled with cum - whether the victim ultimately wants it to happen and begs for it in the process or comes to accept it and want more afterward.

Scenes in which one woman coaxes/forces another onto a cock would make it even hotter.

A story in which several students in the same residence hall get coaxed into more and more sexual and risky activities by a few influential participants would be great - to the point that pussies are getting fucked and participants come back for more later - and at that time get tricked or forced into being knocked up.

An example progression over games might be nudity -> bare penetration -> sex without climax -> sex without climax while the girls are ovulating -> sex to climax with condoms (some of which some girls/guys have sabotaged) -> kink dares that result in girls being tied up and impregnated -> smaller meetups at which the remaining girls are coaxed into impregnation, held down, or tied up in front of everyone and impregnated.

Over time, more and more of the girls would develop kinks that include but aren't limited to risk and pregnancy.

Major bonus points for the inclusion of virgins - and maybe relatives (sisters; cousins).

I might give writing some similar stories a shot, but I'm not yet confident in my abilities. Anyone is free to use these ideas - but please post links here!

Here are a few related stories:

If anyone can recommend any other stories, I'd appreciate it.
My story "Truth Or Dare" is kind of similar to this, but not to the extent of anyone getting pregnant, just a couple of girls encouraging one another to go further and further with a guy they've invited back to their dorm room.