Feeling down..Some one cheer me up?


Literotica Guru
Oct 11, 2009
Hey, everyone so heres the situation:

One of my long time friends and the all time love of my life basically shut the proverbial door on my face, essentially ending a good 17-20 year friendship/relatiinship. We have known each other since elementary school and our relationship has endured through almost everything. We dated and after hated each other for a few years then got back to being close. Then following a failed pregnancy, her moving away amd joining the military, getting married and having a kid and watching her marriage crumble. Through helping her support her daughter and help pay bills and be there for her. In the end a 4 MONTH long relationship supercedes our friendship and all the stuff i did. I hope she found another guy that will help her, but am angry that after years of proving im there for her through thick and thin and still not worthy..

Im not looking for input or anyone to bad mouth her but would just like to know how woman look at this.. thank you
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Sorry to hear about your lady troubles.
You're more than welcome to PM me if you wish.
Sounds like she has her blinders on.

Thank you for the sentiment and thought sent you a pm . Lol you say blinders i say stupidness but im biased
Hmmmm... Right off the bat, the thing I can offer on a very general level is... well, a couple of things:
1. You are worthy... of yourself. Define your own worth, and/or, self-worth. No one else gets to tell you how worthy you may or may not be. If you know in your heart you were worthy—then you were, and you are, worthy. Be worthy of yourself.
2. It's awesome that you know you are angry, still. I'm sure you're hurting too. You actually sound as such in your post... and sad, you sound sad, as well. My heart goes out to you. That you can identify your feelings—that knack, if you will, shall serve you well in communicating with others.
When shit like this happens in my life I've found I just gotta feel it, feel all of it, thoroughly. It's not always fun, more of purging kinda thing... sometimes takes a loooong time, comes in waves and all that. I always get better and come thru it, tho.
Venting helps, too... until it prolongs and morphs into the "same-fucking-story-get-over-it" vent. But you don't seem that way... ;)
You can vent right here, if you need.
Best to you.