Feedback Requested: Closed Polyamory as a concept


Really Really Experienced
Jan 11, 2001
I was discussing this with the local poly group a while back, but I wanted to get the feedback of people outside that particular little clique...

What is your perception, experience, or other insights/feedback on the concept of a closed polyamorous relationship?

=-= M
could you give me a little more detail on what you mean by a "closed" polyamorous marriage...

are you using the term closed to indicate more than two people in a marriage?
First, let me clarify: I said relationship, nor marriage. :cool:

Polyamorous: the ability to love multiple people; term does not specify what gender attraction is involved (straight/bi/gay).

Closed relationship: a relationship that is defined as having a hard boundary at the concept of being open to having non-relationship members participate (either emotionally or sexually, or both).

So, by definition, a poly relationship would involve polyamorous people, possibly two, possibly more (usually more, or it's called a couple).

Can a poly-relationship, one made up of poly's, reasonably expect to be able to form a closed relationship at some point (e.g. - a sealed triad)? Is it an unreasonable expectation, given that they had to be open to the possibility of a multi-partner relationship to begin with? I just want to hear other's opinions (and please state if you are or have ever been in a poly relationship).
If a polyamouros relationship branches out to another plyamourous relationship and has full acceptance, wouldn't that also be a plyamouros relationship?
The term for such a relationship is polyfidelity.

Not my style. I much prefer that each of us can pursue a frienship to its natural form.
QUOTE: Closed relationship: a relationship that is defined as having a hard boundary at the concept of being open to having non-relationship members participate (either emotionally or sexually, or both).

So, by definition, a poly relationship would involve polyamorous people, possibly two, possibly more (usually more, or it's called a couple).

Can a poly-relationship, one made up of poly's, reasonably expect to be able to form a closed relationship at some point (e.g. - a sealed triad)? Is it an unreasonable expectation, given that they had to be open to the possibility of a multi-partner relationship to begin with? I just want to hear other's opinions (and please state if you are or have ever been in a poly relationship).

The answer lies in Algebraic Set Theory
Roy Kay said:
The term for such a relationship is polyfidelity.

That is the proper term. Personally, I have not been in any polyamorous relationship. However, among the subsets of polyamorous relationships, that is the most appealing to me. Therefore, obviously, I would hope that it is indeed a valid concept.

Just my thoughts ....
I would ask anyone who wants to have a poly relationship to ask themselves why. Is it because it seems more exciting and fun to be allowed sex with others? Is it because one feels it takes too much effort to keep a person happy by his/herself, perhaps, doesn't feel like only one person has the ability to keep him/herself happy? Or is it truly because the combination of the group maximizes and enriches the relationship for all involved? If its just for the fun of it, be a swinger--allow all parties to have their significant others so that everyone has the best emotional support available. Don't drag someone's emotional support base through the mud just to get your rocks off, and for God's sake, don't make promises that you can't possibly keep to set up a situation that you want on impulse.

Thank you for your feedback :)

I've been in a couple poly situations over the years, but want to see what others have to say. Your comments are intelligent, insightful and well thought-through. Please feel free to elaborate further if you desire too...