Feedback Problems - PSA


Literotica Guru
Feb 8, 2003
Recently I discovered that some of the feedback I've sent to other Lit writers was never received, and that (in at least one case) I didn't receive feedback myself from another Lit writer. Since I sent a copy of the feedback to myself in each case, I know that I actually did send it.

I still think it's possible that the problem is on my end (no pun intended), but I thought I would send out this message anyway: If anyone does happen to send me feedback and I don't respond, it means that I didn't receive it.

Oh -- and if I send you feedback and you don't receive it, please let me know right away.

thanks! :)

p.s. I'm aware of the flaw in the last paragraph.
openthighs_sarah, where is all the praise you were going to give me for my wonderful stories?

Considering that I have rather many of them, I'm expecting atleast a few MB's of praise.:)
Svenskaflicka said:
openthighs_sarah, where is all the praise you were going to give me for my wonderful stories?

Considering that I have rather many of them, I'm expecting atleast a few MB's of praise.:)

According to a recent post in another thread I started, praise is generally worthless. Or so I gather. Who wants a whole bunch of worthless, breathless praise from someone like me? That won't help anyone's literary development, I'm sure...

And I know you're joking, but now you'd better not complain if I bring down your email server with a dissertation on your prose. :)
openthighs_sarah said:
And I know you're joking, but now you'd better not complain if I bring down your email server with a dissertation on your prose. :)

You're very welcome.:)