February 2024 Poetry Challenge B: Write An Acrostic Poem


Poet Chick
Mar 11, 2002
Welcome to February and Challenge B where we'll write Acrostic Poetry.

What's an acrostic? As Tzara's Thread of Forms notes, it's a poem where the initial letter of each line, when read vertically down the lines, spells out a message. It might be a name or really anything you choose. Here is a short acrostic poem I wrote in 2009:

Let not
Our errant cries,
Vain moments in this night,
Erase tomorrow’s clarity

As you can see reading down the first letter of each line reveals the word "Lover."

The acrostic poetry form has been around forever. It appears in ancient Greek and Latin literature, in the Bible, it shows up pretty much throughout human history. Edgar Allen Poe, William Blake, and John Keats are just a few of the many poets who've written acrostics. The idea of slipping a message (often a secret one) into a poem can be irresistible.

The acrostic form is flexible. You can write a free-verse acrostic poem, one that rhymes or not. You can write an acrostic sonnet, villanelle, whatever strikes your fancy. You can even go wild and write a double acrostic with both the first and last letter of each line spelling out messages. (Check out the amazing double acrostic by our talented and beloved friend GuiltyPleasure linked in the aforementioned Thread of Forms.) There are, in fact, acrostics that can reveal words using many different patterns: every second letter in a line; first letter, then second, then third and so on. But for this challenge you need to write at least one poem where each first letter spells at least one word. After that if you want to get fancy go for it!

Rather than post a lot more examples here I'll share this link to an acrostic "teach-in" thread from 2013, which contains many examples for you to peruse if you're interested.

And by the way, acrostic love poems make fine Valentine's Day gifts. Just sayin'. ♥️♥️♥️

So to recap in this challenge write at least one acrostic poem where the first letter of each line spells something. It can spell out one or more words, a name, whatever you and your muse can conjure! Your poems should be at least five lines long. Other than that the length, subject, choice of free verse or form, rhyme or not is all up to you.

Comments, questions and discussion are welcome right here in the thread. 🌹
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"Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

A hush descends, where laughter used to ring,
Blank canvas stares, where colours used to sing.
Silent symphony, a poignant refrain,
Echoes of what was, whispered in the rain.
No echo lingers, where footsteps used to tread,
Calming presence, now a memory instead.
Emptiness chills, a lesson learned.
Dare I say, my dear
It's been a good life so far
Sadness creeping in

Confusion takes me
One more day forever lost
My head is spinning

Be at peace, my dear
Once I'm gone, please, live again
Before you're gone, too

Unstable mood swings
Lost time, lost patience, lost you
Angry with myself

This is it, my dear
Everything will be okay
Death has come knocking
Keep your fingers linger
in between there where
shoulders and neck lack
social distance, a glance

Millimiles apart by heart
excites the fine red line

Midships your lips' tips
yet they don't say okay

Like this once long song
our madcap dance ends
villains in this loose truce
exes united in pain again
let me with whimsical design
inscribe this digital slate with words
that have no rhyme nor rhythm
excepting where my algorithm
risks a play on words absurd
or with a dash - not of ink -
teases with a poetical wink
indicating too much time spent
composing this acrostic crime
against all good sense… enough!

Realize that one can never
own every aspect of experience—
poetry is only a sliver, a
unique slice of lived
detail, made fancy or florid,
artificial or actual, in order to
earn a reader's attention. Now
risk something. Write it down.
cede to me your worries
lay down, lie still, love me
inside this home of ours
til You and I are We
outsiders won't accept this
raging zealots cannot see
it is true love between us
so fuck those cunts and kiss me
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an Acrostic is "a poem whose initial letters of each line, when read down, give the letters of the alphabet (in which case it is called an abecedarius)

Ascension of a young God

All that ever was, and all that will ever
Be, is nothing but stardust when
Compared to the eternity of time.
Does this make you small, or does
Everything suddenly make sense?
For what it's worth, your perception
Goes a long way when deciding on
How to interact with the world after
I've taught you all there is to know.
Just remember that after gaining such
Knowledge, it will be your duty to
Listen to the smaller voices all around,
Many of them bearing questions that
Nobody else in the universe can answer.
Omniscience is a heavy burden to bear so
Please use this gift wisely, because if you
Quell the people's thirst for more, then the
Ramifications and consequences are not
Something even you will be able to foresee.
Understand this, dear child, that if you
Violate these age old rules, then you
Will be hunted to the edge of the universe by
Xochipilli, Aztec god of.... fuck it, this is
Yust too damn hard. And I forgot T.
Ah, Xará
behold this
device that
excites the
febrile and
hack (that's me):
Idle and
lover of
Pah! Take thy
quill and pen
stories that
torment your
victims, aye.
Whistle che,
Xará, che?
Years, yet, my
zany self.

beyond the airlock

What are we left with,
here and now, as
ennui drugs indifferent bones?
now, when silence owns us?

Words, once wet and pliant newborns,
occluded by a sunless loss:

Colourless waves of sound
oils spattered on wet canvas
livid shades—all mute;
lateral spontaneity devolved
aesthetics on hold
purpose and prurience
slothful, in need of appeal—
every iota of art in limbo.
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Happy lovers are roaming.....
All the World is encouraging
Pretty young things.....
Preppy young men
Youthful and enthusiastic:

Verily 'tis wondrous......
America to Zanzibar
Love is in the air....
Elope with your love or to
Nudist beaches go
Today all is allowed
It's Cupid's Day today
No one will object.....
Effortlessly kiss each other

Date is 14th. Feb.
All is Forgiven
On the Endurance of Bad Relationships

Some sense sheer vanity in what I write,
Or possibly the clumsiness of love.
Not anything so competent I give
Nor lasting more than one too awkward night,
Entwined in arms less eager than my own
To consummate this long desired wish
For our two bodies joined. I'd hoped for bliss,
Or something like it, not this coupled clone
Resembling nothing more than loneliness—
Sex as some substitute for misery,
Unsatisfying and quite meaningless,
Still damned addictive in its slithery
And hyperphysical, near crazed, attraction.
No wonder poets dote on its abstraction.
Terms and Conditions, the Fine Print

Careful. You may yet find yourself
one of my many obsessions,
more than a mere casual correspondent
pleasant enough with whom to exchange
lettres poétiques that sometimes slip
into a more personally charged dialogue,
calling up forbidden feelings,
intimacies, confessions, desires.
This is how not a few infidelities
yield to one's better judgment. Beware.