Fear Of Rejection (Closed)


Ghost Of Who I Was
Aug 7, 2006
For about a hundred years hunters have been hunting down shape shifters. Many shifters were very violent but there were also many who were not, they wanted to be left alone. To find a mate, have children and to have a peaceful life together. But hunters do not understand it, all they see are monsters and they do not know love. Which really upset other shifters. But now in the year 2012 in a small town in Virgina close to the beach, something was about to happen.

Eden was suppose to be the next hunter, she was trained to be lethal to never love. But her heart was never into it, she had been sent to kill a shifter once. But what she didn't know, was the shifter was a child about five years old. Eden at the time was thirteen, and trying to make the kill? she couldn't do it. Her parents disowned her because they were hunters as well, she was thrown out of the house at the age of sixteen. She had a hard life, but who hadn't.

She was homeless for a good year, doing odd jobs for food and she went to a shelter for showers. Saving up what she got, she managed to look nice to get a job being a waitress. She still managed to get through school, and graduated on time. Which was hard to do. But she managed to get a nice apartment, and to live like normal people did. But she met a guy named Grant, he was rather mysterious and they talked and soon became close friends.

She couldn't nail his age down and wouldn't ask, not that age mattered. She would guess no younger then eighteen and no older then twenty five. But knowing him for about a year, they really got close but she hadn't told him her secret. Thinking she was crazy, but one night she was home alone and heard a knock at the door. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top. Opening up the door she smiled, her grey eyes lighting up. "Grant?" She showed him inside and shut the door.
Grant wasn't a normal guy, he wasn't human either but he had fooled many people over the years, and Eden was no different, other then that he liked her. She had something about her he didn't see in the rest of the humans he passed. But it was close to time to take one of his trips and he thought he'd stop by and talk a bit with Eden before leaving.

He knocked, she answered and soon he was sitting on her couch chatting. Grant fond that he was a lot more open with Eden then anyone he had ever met before and they had become good friends quickly. He always lost track of time when he was with her and when he did look up it was a lot later then he thought it was. He had to leave soon, before he wouldn't be able to hold his human form any longer.

He smiled at her as he always does and as a human he felt everything a normal human would, and he was almost always fighting the boner he had for Eden, but she was special and he hadn't met anyone like her before. So he kept himself in check, which was already hard for him given the fact that often his kind would feed on the sexual energies of humans.And the reason he would go missing for about a month every 4 months or so, he'd have to sleep more with out the normal supply of women his kinda would consume.
As she spoke with him it was almost like something was wrong with him, he seemed different then normal and she noticed how he would go missing at a month at a time. Which was something that actually scared her a lot. She wanted to talk to him about it, wondering if he would ever tell her. She knew he had trouble trusting people, she could tell certain things about people. And that would be one of them. Right now she was just happy and couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen tonight.

"Grant I sense there is something wrong. You know you can tell me anything right?" She reached over stroking his cheek. She really cared for Grant, he was a rather unique guy and needed a special woman that she knew all to well. And she wanted to be that special woman, having no idea what he hid that was actually skin deep. Her grey eyes looking into his own eyes and silently sighed a bit, wanting to know what it was. She just wanted to lean over and kiss him, but she wasn't that brave. She knew nothing about guys really.
His brown eyes locked with her for but a moment and he couldn't not lean in and kiss her. He gave her a kiss with everything human in him. He knew it probably wasn't a good idea, but after so long, so many years with out feeding he hoped she might understand. But he took a risk here, if she didn't understand, turned away from him. He had only killed 3 others in his long life, he knew why the humans feared and hunted his kind. But he hoped, but would he have to kill her like the others?

As they kissed, he let his tongue taste her, it was only human, but he could taste her better if he wasn't in this form. But for now he enjoyed her taste and then a spike, his eyes turning deep black for but a moment. He could feel his body telling him it was time to change back, to rest. He made sure Eden was not looking as he removed his hand from her shoulder as they made out, watched as his hand turned black and then back to his normal human color. His right hand trembled slightly, and if she asked, he'd lie and say he hadn't ever gotten this far with a woman before. His plan of saying a short goodbye was quickly turning into a race against time and his own fears of what she might say if she saw his true self.
Everything in her was spinning as he kissed her, but she sensed a want within him and had no idea what it was. But the way he kissed her she had a feeling if he asked what was wrong he would lie to her, she could detect lies very easily. Kissing him deeply, she wanted to be with him she loved him so much. Right now all that mattered was the two of them, she ran her fingers against his cheek very lovingly. And looked up into his eyes, looking at him with the love she held for him. And saw his hands and took his hands in hers.

"Tell me what is wrong Grant and if you love me you wont lie to me, I love you and that will never change. I love you more then life itself and what ever is wrong you can tell me, no matter how difficult" She squeezed his hand even tighter, and really not giving him a chance she kissed him back even more passionately as she showed him everything would be okay no matter what. Her heart was racing with how good he made her feel, and right now everything was just so perfect.
Grant different but couldn't help himself. He picked Eden up and walked her to her bedroom, dropped her on the bed and stripped naked in front of her. He was running on something else, his mind yelling at him but his body kept going on auto pilot. He quickly removed Eden's tank top and shorts and panties before he pushed her down on the bed and kissed her with everything he had, both human and shape shifter.

He didn't waste time and his human cock quickly found Eden's pussy and he drove into her with all he had, the animal in him, the raw lust that he had trapped away so long, the hunger, the need to feed on her drove him on. He was losing control though, his legs starting to melt into the blackness that he was when he was not human, or animal or hiding from the outside world. As his body slowly melted and his cock started to melt, it also grew, his mass or rather volume was much bigger and so what was once a big cock was now slowly melting and expanding in side as Grant drove himself into Eden.
She felt something in that kiss and before she knew it that he picked her up and put her on her bed, and watched as he quickly got undressed. And before she could ask a question or even take her own clothing off he removed them himself. And getting between her legs she looked into his eyes seeing something a big need that she didn't understand just yet. And then when they were both naked she felt him kissing her, and moaned happily feeling him getting between her legs, she ran her fingers in his hair moaning happily.

But she felt how rough he was getting and moaned when he took her quickly, she wrapped her arms around him as they kissed deeply and roughly it was a nice feeling actually. But as he took her she noticed his skin and the way his cock. When she opened up her eyes she saw him and her eyes went a little wide seeing what was happening to him. "Grant....what is happening to you?" She said not understanding, but she didn't struggle to get away her body and mind accepted what was going on.
"Hungry..." Was the last human words that escaped his mouth before Eden was hugging a black mass, sticky and hot, pulsing with life. He was pushing more of his mass into Eden's pussy. Hot pulsing mass that wasn't human and seemed to drink in her very essence, but was starting to push her to her body's limits. His head raised up and his jaw fell to her chest as he melted, making his mouth big enough to swallow her whole. A gurgling sound escaped him as his body started to stick to hers. Her breasts were soon being sucked and kneaded under the mass, her nipples felt a sharp pain as it felt like he was trying to suck them clean off her body for a moment. The skin under and around the mass felt hot and felt line tiny tongues licking her all over her at once.

But before anything else could happen a woman, with a heavy broadsword ran into the room, and wielding the sword like it was a toy, cut Grant's huge melting head in half, sending the top half splattering on the fall wall of her room. Grant's body jerked causing a shock wave of pleasure and pain to pulse through Eden. Grant wasn't dead as the splatter started to slowly move back towards the rest of the mass, but the other woman grabbed Eden by the arm and started to try to pull her from the black mass.

"Come on now, get up before that thing regenerates and eats you!" She shouted at Eden, pulling her with one hand and ready to take another swing with her sword if need be.
Her eyes went wide and realized all to well what he was, but the pleasure he gave her was incredible. She realized what he was feeding off of her sexual energy. And he was extremely hungry and realized this was why he would vanish for a whole month every so often, her head was spinning frankly and her breasts were a bit tender as he sucked on them rather hard, and pretty soon felt him consuming her and felt his slimy body all over her, she didn't even see the hunter at all when he did it.

But soon whens he opened up her eyes she noticed his head was removed from the body, and before she could even breath she noticed a woman grabbing her. Hearing that she had to go before he ate her, rage was seen in her eyes as she looked at the huntress. And yanked her arm away from the hunter and slapped her hard in the face. Eden was beyond pissed right now, to her Grant was no monster. But when she tried to take a step on her own she collapsed onto her knees hard.

She saw Grant pulling himself together, but she was so dizzy she was having a hell of a time at the moment. "Only monster I see in this room is you hunter, I will not let you hurt the man I love and yes I see him as a man where only you are a monster..." Looking over to him, she crawled over to him a bit. "Grant..." She ran her fingers over him hoping he was alright it really scared her a lot how he had been hurt.
The Huntress was taken aback for a moment before she watched Eden crawl over to the recovering mass on the bed.

"Oh great another one of you freak fanatics..." The woman said, and put her sword in it's holder on her back. she stepped over to Eden and with both hands pulled her away from the mass, and threw her over her shoulder like a sack of patatos. She dragged Eden kicking and screaming out to the couch and flopped her down.

"Listen you monster loving freak, I don't care what he told you, what he promised you.. Or even what you think of him or me... He is nothing but a monster who will stop at nothing to eat every last human it can before us Hunters stop them..." She said, and returned the slap with a back hand across Eden's cheek.

Grant had moved to the door in top to see the slap and with a ear piecing roar lept at the Huntress, she sensed it and was able to draw her sword just enough to use it to split the mass that was Grant in half, but Grant's rage was powering him and he quickly pulled himself together and started to transform.

"See... If I hadn't stopped that thing you'd be nothing but one of those spent sluts from some cheap B-movie!" The woman said then put her boot on the couch and pushed off, sending it and Eden across the room and out of the way as Grant finished transforming into something akin to a werewolf.

With new found raze sharp claws Grant was on top of the huntress and her blade clashed with his claws as he roared and used his other claw to make a swipe at her, which she ducked under and hopped back.

"Ok time to dance you worthless monster scum!" She yelled and charged into the fight.
She heard the roar when the woman hit her, she had never been hit before so she grunted a bit. The woman finally let her go and Grant had taken another form, she had to do something. She knew if she did this that she would be exposed she was just afraid of him being afraid of her. She put on a bath robe and tied it, grabbing the sword on the wall that was to be hers. It was the blade of a hunter, and she did what she had to do.

Eden wasn't going to let Grant get hurt, and right before she was about to do the finishing blow on Grant. She got into the way and guarded him with her sword, narrowing her eyes. "No one fucks with the man I love you bitch!" She punched the hunter in the nose and batted with her, showing a grace that she had never shown anyone. Circling the woman and knew she had to help him, but she wasn't exactly fully there.

Her heart was beating quickly as she pushed the woman off of her, she spun around on her foot and growled as she hit her pretty hard. She tackled the woman quickly using her weight and grabbed her by the throat, her anger made her stronger since she had one hell of an adrenaline boost and began to punch her. She growled a bit as she threw the woman against the wall and cut the back of her legs so she couldn't walk or run.

Panting some she didn't like doing this but she had no choice, her sword was at the side of her. Her black hair hung over her shoulders, and looking at Grant she walked a couple steps and collapsed onto her knees and knew she had a lot to explain. She had a bruise already starting on her face, and her nose was bloody though she didn't even notice it. "Do what you will with her, I made her useless she can't fight.."
The Huntress lay and turned over to watch Grant melt back to his base form and simply cover Eden's body with it's own. She turned away as she heard the sounds of Grant feasting on Eden, the sound of sex with something that had no shape, nothing solid, a gel or goo. She reached into a zipped pocket and pulled out a pill before she quickly swallowed it and passed out.

Eden was going through something between heavy and hell. Grant feasted on her young body, yet her body hardly moved from where she dropped to her knees for the whole night. Eden would be the first of the three to awake, Grant still clung to her body, making Eden look like a shadow. She found she could move, see, smell, taste things around her. Grant loved Eden and had stopped just short of taking her life, but the battle had taken a toll on him and for the moment he was a part of Eden, she wasn't even sure how but she could feel him, feel his mind with hers, feel his thoughts as he slept, and the felt his hunger. She stood and winced as her pussy told her Grant had fucked her raw by the feel of it, but something else caught her attention. The Huntress laying on the floor, she wasn't sure of it was Grant waking or her heightened senses but she could smell the other woman and it made her mouth water, like smelling a wonderfully cooked stake being served to her.

Kneeling next to the sleeping huntress she reached out with her shadow like hand and one of her fingers touched the other woman's skin, she tasted what Grant tasted of her, she felt the energies flowing through the other woman. With out much thought she stripped the Huntress and looked at her. Grant stirred in the back of her mind, like the smell of pancakes in the morning pulling one out of bed. But he was still resting, she wondered if he could sense her mind but the smell of the warm meal and the woman laying in front of her feeling cold she knew whatever was going to happened needed to happen soon.
For the moment everything went black as he made love to her or what ever a shifter would call what he did to her. She didn't even remembering falling asleep or passing out, it was startling when she woke up seeing like a suite on her. Slowly standing up she felt so strange. And looking down at herself it was almost like she had on a body suite, looking at her hands she was surrounded in Grant? But her senses were going crazy as she felt and smelt what she did.

Right now she sensed Grants hunger it was actually her own hunger now, when she locked down she had a cock. Though it was made out of Grant, and knelt down seeing the huntress and knew what she had to do, she stripped her from the waist down and spread her legs. Grabbing the cock she thrusted into the huntress which made her scream, Eden cried out she actually felt it. And drove into her body rather hard, she could feel what Grant fed on.

It helped the hunger and it was amazing she threw her head back as she bucked her hips into the woman quickly. The huntress was screaming until she placed her hand over her mouth so she wouldn't wake Grant up. "You bitch for what you have done! Grant needs your body so I am feeding you to him. If you are lucky I will let you out of her alive!" She hissed and drove into her so quickly. The lust and how hungry they were she cried out.

Grunting a bit as she bit the woman very hard causing blood to spill and everything around her was hard. Tasting the blood which cause the huntress to cry out, but giving up an erotic feel she took the huntress as hard as it was possible and right now it was beyond perfect right now. And finally pulled out as the cum came out onto the huntress and groaned. Growling at the woman "You tell the other hunters that there is a hunter guarding Grant. You wont ever hurt him again!"

Standing up she grabbed the huntress by the neck and threw her out her front door with her clothing. She wanted to kill her, or to knock her up but knew the baby would be killed so she wouldn't do it, she shut and locked the door feeling a bit better but he was still hungry, she wanted to give Grant everything that he wanted. Even bare his child if he wanted it but she would continue to feed him as much as he could take before he had to stop.
Grant woke, feeling Eden and he let out a roar as his lust and hungry that had been tucked away for all those years coming to the surface as he once again attacked Eden's body. His mass pushed into Eden's soft pussy, pulsing and driving deep into her body, forcing her to orgasm over and over, feeding off of her lust, but her cries stuck Grant every time, the taste of blood she could taste as he fed on her, her pussy sore and pushed to it's limits. Grant feed for at least another few hours before he finally stopped. He knew he needed rest not to take in all the energies from taking Eden twice and and the shared taking of the Hunter.

"Eden... I know this is hard on you, but... I need more, more food.."His voice softly spoken in the back of her mind, she could feel as then Grant was there with her. Pressed close to her hold her. "Please find me more food Eden... If I keep feeding off you in this way... I... I don't.. want to... I love you Eden... I won't kill you but... The hungry over the years... Feeding on you..." She could feel his lust, feel what made shifter feared, what started the whole hunt to kill them all so so long ago. Eden knew that if Grant was the one to feed the women might die, if she fed she could help control him, but was she willing to fuck for Grant, or would she simply find some lovely ladies that might not be missed?
When he took her again it was so hard and it was amazing how he felt within her, made her body rather warm and not once did she scream out in fear, though she did scream out in pleasure. But she could tell what he was taking from her, she could feel the essence going into him the whole time. But she wanted him to use her as much as he could because she knew he would have to feed some more. Sighing a bit and when it stopped she still felt the lust that he had in him and the hunger it was toxic.

Hearing what he said in her head and realized the hunters truly were wrong about them, true it was hard to control it but they had good hearts. At least Grant did, she heard the love in his voice and how he would sacrifice himself to protect her. Running her fingers against her arm since it was him she was touching, trying to sooth him the best that she could. Looking at her reflection she knew she could go out like this, and knew that she had to do something. Taking a deep breath she spoke.

"Shhh Grant I love you it will be okay, when we get you fully fed I will let you feed on me when you need it. So you don't have to go away for a full month, I will take care of you sweet heart I promise alright?" She said with much love in her voice.
Grant seemed to understand as he nodded off, but before her did he changed himself into a pair of thong style panties and a bra that just covered her up. He was able to sleep and retain his form now, as he had absorbed some energy now. Eden could feel him in the back of her mind now, resting, sleeping. She could feel him still inside her pussy and knew she could grow a cock or change Grant into what she wanted while he slept for now. He was still linked with her at the moment, and would be till he was fully fed.

It didn't take long for another Hunter or rather two, to beginning watching Eden and Grant. They watched from the Shadows and wouldn't make any moves just yet.
Eden knew she had to feed him and since it wasn't that cold out she decided to just wear a dress and quickly left the house, she decided to get some prostitutes and knew where they hung out. She would make sure not to kill the girls since she honestly meant no harm, so she went to the red light district and found two right off the bat. She approached both of them and showed she had money, so she followed the girls to the hotel room they had. She smiled a bit and decided to do something, she blind folded the girls and tied them up.

Since she was giving them each a thousand dollars they didn't seem to care, and then hiking up the dress the one woman had she thrusted the cock that formed and groaned hoping that this would help Grant in the process. The woman was surprised but began to fuck her rather hard, and reaching her hand out as a tentacle formed and went into the other woman's body and thrusting her hips as there lust went into her body and transferred to Grant. She pounded into both of them harder and harder. Until both of the girls came to an orgasm and everyone groaned.

Leaving the girls she untied them and left them two thousand and went into the alley and panted some, but she smelt something rather sweet and saw someone who looked close to her age. Grabbing the woman from behind and and a tentacle went into the girls panties and groaned tasting the difference, she thrusted the cock up into her and looked down seeing a bit of blood and knew it was a virgin. And unable to control herself thrusted into the girl putting her hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming.
Virgins tasted much better then others, the hint of virgin blood, the taste of a untouched body. The taste caused a burst of lust in both Eden and the poor girl, and the cock started to grow inside her. As Eden fucked the virgin girl she had awoken Grant and she saw a memory from long ago. A memory of a time not of her own, of Grant near the edge of a forest watching some humans, they stood over a dead woman, fucked to death on the dry dirt near a tree. She couldn't hear the voices clearly, but something, stood out, the crest of the Hunters was on one of the woman's arm bands. The waves of feelings washed over her, guilt, sorrow, fear. Images of other woman, other times flashed before her in the blink of a eye, each new place, new time that overwhelming hungry grew, and in each one a man or woman with the Hunter crest could be seen standing in the shadows. Eden would be able to piece together the story. Grant had made a mistake, had taken a Virgin girl too far, she had died. The echoes of her cries for more, to be pushed to her limits haunted Eden for a moment. Then the town's guard had spotted him, trying to save her, trying to give back the life energies he had taken, but was chased off before doing so. The town's crest that of the first Hunters. One mistake had started a war, no a culling of shifters with out reason for over 1000 years. Grant had not fed since that time. All of the images she saw was in but a moment between breaths as Eden fucked the virgin girl.

She didn't have time to think, or stop or anything, but her training told her to move, and she put both herself and the almost dead virgin on the floor of the ally in time to avoid being cut in two by a Hunter.

"Good reflexes you monster scum! Now hold still and let me you and what's left of your meal in the trash where you belong!" She screamed and brought her sword up for another swing. But Eden didn't have time to worry about that sword as another almost took her head off. The 2nd Hunter almost had got the jump on her and they didn't seem to care about the poor girl impaled on a cock that was slowly drilling into her core, a fight against two hunters and against Grant's overpowering lust to feed and become the monster that the Hunters feared would be a true test of Eden's skill and control. The cock spiked in side, and she felt a sharp pain shoot through her own pussy, Grant wasn't awake and in control, his lust and hungry were and unless she took time to control it she would be unable to remove the girl from the black dick with out causing her great harm or killing her.
As he thrusted into the girl she just didn't care any more his pain was hers, his lust was hers. Everything that he was she was now. His power his mind his everything as she drilled into the woman, normally hunters sensed each other. But Grant made it so she couldn't sense anything and they couldn't sense her. She didn't know they were ganging up on her and knew that everything was going so fast. Nothing seemed to matter to her any more, her heart beating and her breath nothing but a pant.

But then she got visions in her head seeing what she did and seeing how the war had started, the feelings flooded her big time as she slowed down and tried to move out of her but couldn't. Everything was running through her head and it was terrible, looking down she didn't know what to think any more. But the woman was breathing still so she wasn't dead but could sense she was near death. She felt big regret to just fuck her like a beast that neither of them were, but then it happened.

Hunters came one she saw right away and dodged the best she could, but the woman still stuck on her. She closed her eyes as she saw the visions Grant had given her again, and felt the cock in her relax and felt the woman sliding off her but she caught her and laid her on the ground. Both woman were going to pay for what they had done now. Growling as her anger formed tentacles on her and hit both woman with it, they both latched on and brought them to her. Using her skills her anger gave her.

She ripped there pants and thrusted the tentacles in each of them and began to fuck both woman, she didn't know how many more she had to feed on before Grant would be full. But she moaned from the double fined. Both girls tried to fight but there lust kicked in, she knew she got lucky and next time it would be a bigger fight. She could feel her hunger being more controlled now and not clouding her judgement to much as she took everything they had. And it was easy to tell she would take everything even if she killed them. When they stopped moving she threw them onto the ground.

"Grant...are you okay now? I don't know how many more I need to get you full"
Grant was a bit grumpy waking up and growled at Eden but soon took in what had happened.Listen I know how you feel about the Hunters, But leaving them like that won't do... You've seen how it started, seen why I am why I am... Hate only will lead to more hate..." A pair of black tentacles oozed out of the bra part covering her breast, looking as those her nipples had turned into Tentacles, Then moved to the dead hunters and covered slowly covered their bodies. Their clothes were ripped apart and slowly they returned to Eden's breast, Grant taking the bodies into him.

The Girl next to her watched in stunned horror as Eden's breasts had consumed the two other woman, she lay there unable to move, blood dripping out her broken pussy.

"And take the girl with us... She will need things explained." Grant told Eden, as even she was probably shocked that the two bodies seemed to be eaten by her breasts and only made her chest go up a cup size as the tentacles returned.

"By the way, might want to stop for some human food too, you've been feeding me, but I can sense your hungry as well. We'll talk when you get to your apartment."
She heard his growl and thought it was cute, amazing how he could be so grumpy but she dealt with it in stride and heard what he said watching and sighed a bit. Looking at the girl she helped her up and blind folded her since she didn't trust people she didn't know and helped her to her apartment, then removed the blind fold. She had forgotten her own hunger and sighed a little bit, everything around her seemed to close in on her. But she dealt with it best she could, and with a smile.

Soon before she knew it she began to explain what was going on to the girl, she seemed scared but calm at the same time. She took the girl into the bathroom and cleaned her up, apologizing for what had happened, but she didn't try and bolt out and that made her happy. She seemed to be shocked about everything but after a while things seemed to fall in place. Right now it was just so perfect. Once she was taken care of she made something to eat and sat down, not waking Grant again.
After eatting Eden went back into the bedroom and saw the girl curled up on her bed sleeping, though after a moment Eden had seen she had not giving the girl any new clothes so she was laying there half naked. She looked up at the corner of the room and saw a woman in a black skin tight catsuit holding her index finger to her lips.

"I'm not here to hurt you my dear.." She said and stepped into the light coming from the open door from the rest of the small apartment.

"You have been a very hard woman to track down till the other night." She said. Eden tried to move but found she could not, she tried to wake Grant but found her link seemed to have been cut off.

"Ah yes... Just making sure I have a chance to explain myself..." The short haired red head told her and held up a small palm sized round disc like item.

"A short range paralyzation device.. It will were off in a moment. My name is Sarah... I'm a Hunter... Though not like the others." She said and stepped forward, and with quick hands stripped Eden down to just Grant. She smiled and placed her hand over Eden's right breast and pulled her hand away and looked at the bare palm.

"Hmmm... " She looked at Eden leaned in and gave her a Kiss, and Eden felt a share pain on the back of her neck. The woman stepped back and pressed her hand against the same spot as she had just done a moment ago. She looked at Eden and smiled.

"This might hurt a little Eden... But for the next 24 hours you and Grant won't have to worry about any more Hunters.." She said and pushed her hand into Grant, and into Eden's breast. The woman slowly pushed her hand in, like sinking into mud from the looks of it. Eden could feel her hand inside her in a odd way. She knew that it meant she was still linked with Grant, but still, it wasn't a pleasing feeling having the woman sticking her hand into her breast like this. Edens eyes went wide as the woman's hand seemed to be coming out between her legs.

"Hmmm... Oops.. Sorry, Where did your friend here put those bodies?" She asked, more to herself since Eden soon found she couldn't speak either. She looked at Eden as she pulled her hand out of her breast. She gave Eden a apologetic look Before she kneeled down in front of Eden and reached both hands up into Eden's pussy. Eden felt the woman digging around inside Grant, inside her and winced. after a few moments she herd a wet pop and one of the dead hunters lay on the ground between her legs. But the woman wasn't done and got the 2nd body before she stood up again. She moved the bodies and tapped one of her earrings and a moment later Eden heard her front door open and two men walked in, wearing black suits and sunglasses. They picked up the bodies and left. The woman stood there a moment and looked at Eden.

"I'm sorry about that... But anyway, I'll leave a card on the table, if you want to meet me some time tomorrow I'll be at the address on the card.." She said, gave Eden a kiss, and then leaned down and kissed her right breast and whispered something that made Grant shiver, before she stood and left Eden be, the effects of the device were weakening and Eden would soon be able to move again.
Thankfully the hunger all over her was relaxed once she ate, amazing how Grant could do what he did. How he knew what he did and liked the mental connection they had, she just hope that Grant didn't need any more, though if he did then she would gladly help him without trouble. She didn't even know what was coming to her, the girl was asleep but something was off about the moment, she didn't know exactly what was coming but right now it didn't seem to matter to her, she just relaxed.

But then she saw a woman and she tried to move but she did something to her and she couldn't move, hearing everything she did. She growled a bit and didn't like it when she was touching her, she wanted to rip her arms off. And then when what was left of the hunters, she felt a bit lighter and right now she had so many questions. She tried to talk to Grant but he was either fast asleep or she did something to her. And she could hardly move, once the woman left it took maybe ten minutes before she could move.

She didn't understand what the hell that was all about, walking over to the woman she covered her up and laid a pair of pants she didn't wear any more. And left it for her to change into once she woke up. She went back on the couch trying to figure out what the hell was going on, sitting down she sighed a bit thinking about Grant and was actually tired a bit. Running her fingers against his skin she smiled happily, amazing what she loved. Though to her Grant was everything to her.
Eden would wake up on the couch the next morning in a bit of a haze. The last day or so had been a lot and she had needed the rest. But she felt funny between her legs and looked down. She would see the a head and feel a tongue working her pussy over and it felt good, in her half awake state she'd lay back and enjoy it.

Grant watched from the small kitchen and smile. He was making himself something to eat in his human form once again. As he watched he thought about last night, and the last day or so. He looked while thinking at the human food and sighed, after last night it didn't taste the same. But he would always need to hide, always need to appear human. He shrugged to himself and continued to eat as the virgin girl from last night continued to eat Eden out.

It would take Eden a little bit as she woke up to take note of the link between them wasn't there for the moment. He would talk to her a bit later, and probably try to talk her into going to meet the woman from last night. But for now he let Eden be and finished his human meal.
She noticed a feel of licking and seeing someone between her legs, she just allowed the person to do what they wanted. But the more she started to wake up the more she didn't know who was eating her out, yawning a bit she noticed the girl and stopped her, giving her a kind smile and then got up, pulling a robe on and noticed Grant was eating normal food, well human food any way. Looking at him she placed her hand on his back. Looking into his eyes, it seemed good to see him awake and eating her own food.

"Grant how you feeling? I had no idea how many women you needed so I was hoping that I got you enough" She stroked his cheek lovingly and looked into his eyes. Showing how sweet he was it was beyond amazing right now. Sighing she hugged him just hoping everything was okay, she had some regrets but wouldn't talk about them ever again. Which was more then fine with her at the moment.