FAWC You, Two!


Really Really Experienced
May 12, 2013
FAWC You, Two!​

Yep, it's time to FAWC again. For those who are not familiar with this, FAWC stands for Friendly Anonymous Writing Challenge, and is open to any and all participants. This is a chance to show off your skills and push your writing abilities in directions you may not have considered before.

FAWCking Baskets!

Here's how it works. Each author will be given a "basket" of mystery ingredients, randomly selected from the four lists below. These ingredients must be used in the story the author writes. If you will notice, the random ingredients do not indicate what kind of story to write; they only indicate traits or themes that must be used throughout the story. How these traits and themes affect the tale is entirely up to you.

Simple mention of each the mystery ingredients is not enough; they must be used artfully to add something to the story; for instance, if one of your ingredients is "arrogance," then one of your main characters must display that trait (up to you as to whether the character is the protagonist, antagonist, or a supporting character).

Mystery Ingredients

List One

Arrogant: One of the characters portrays a strong sense of arrogance.
Envy: One of the characters is envious of another.
Humility: One of the characters portrays an obvious sense of humility.
Ambition: One of the characters is patently ambitious.
Sarcasm: One of the characters is an obvious smart-alec.
Recklessness: One of the characters has an obvious careless streak.

List Two
Location: A certain specific location is repeatedly used throughout the story.
Music/Rhyme: A certain song, melody or rhyme is repeatedly featured through the story.
Phrase: A certain distinctive phrase is used throughout the story.
Vehicle: A particular kind of vehicle is repeatedly used through the story.
Time of Day/Year: A specific time of the day or year is referenced repeatedly throughout the story.
Food: A certain type of food is repeatedly used throughout the story.

List Three
Ignorance: One of the characters is utterly ignorant of some important factor.
Obnoxious: One of the characters is obviously obnoxious.
Energetic: One of the characters is noticeably very energetic.
Fascination/Fetish: One of the characters possesses a fascination or fetish for a particular thing.
Affectation: One of the characters has a nervous tick, lucky charm, or some other affectation that is repeatedly used.
Intellectual: One of the characters is very smart.

List Four
Beverage: The same specific beverage is repeatedly used throughout the story.
Animal: The same specific animal is used throughout the story.
Color: The same specific color is utilized throughout the story.
Art: The same specific piece or style of art is used or referenced throughout the story.
Sport: The same specific sport is referenced to or used throughout the story.
Game/Toy: The same specific game or toy is used repeatedly throughout the story.

Your mystery ingredients have been left open-ended to allow for as many variations as possible. Be creative. Be daring. Just don't be dull. ;)

Important Rules:

1. You will not know what ingredients your mystery basket will contain until you post in this thread "I'm ready for my basket." Only once you post that exact phrase (or close enough), will I randomly determine (via an online random number generator) which four items you will have to work with, and PM them to you.

Please keep in mind that I am a human being and I will not be on Lit 24 hours a day. Be patient once you post that you are ready for your basket and understand that I may not reply until several hours later. I will make it a point to check this thread several times a day, but please do not get impatient.

2. You can only work on one story at a time. You have from the time your mystery basket is posted until the end of the challenge to finish your story. If you finish early, you may post that you would like another mystery basket. But you will only receive the second (or third, or fourth) basket once your previous story has been emailed to this account.

3. Use this thread for discussion, but please do not reveal any details about your story either here or anywhere else. This is an anonymous challenge; no one will know for certain who wrote which story until the end of the challenge. You may solicit the help of outside beta readers, proofreaders, and editors; but not if they also are committed to submitting a story to the challenge.

4. Once your story has been finished, email it to FAWCker. If you do not have the email, PM me and I will send it to you. Please do not email anything not related to the FAWC; I will not respond through that email.

5. Once the deadline for submissions has been reached, I will submit all stories under this account name. Nowhere in the story will it be revealed who the true author is. At the end of the challenge, I will post, on this thread and in the comments section for each story, who the true author is.

Important Things to Include in Your Submission

When you email your story to FAWCker, include the following things at the very beginning, in order:

1. Your title. It should read FAWC 2: My Title Here.

2. The following disclaimer:

"This story is a submission to the second Friendly Anonymous Writing Challenge (FAWC). The true author of this story is kept anonymous, but will be revealed on August 16th, 2013, in the comments section following this story. Each story in this challenge is centered around a random determination of four "mystery ingredients." There are no prizes given in this challenge; this is simply a friendly competition."

3. Then the following:

"The mystery ingredients for this story were (list your four ingredients)."

4. Description: Please write out the description for this story as it will appear next to the title in the story list.

5. Tags: Please include up to ten tags for the story. Two of them will automatically be "FAWC" and "mystery basket," so that leaves a total of eight for you to come up with.

6. Scene Breaks: Please delineate transitions between scenes by a series of four asterisks separated by spaces ( * * * * ). This will make it easier for me to format and will make all the stories appear the same as regarding scene breaks (and thus harder for anyone to tell who the author is).

Challenge Begins: Friday, July 12, 2013. Do not ask for a mystery basket before then. ;)
Deadline for Submissions: 11:59:59 PST (GMT - 8), August 2nd, 2013.
Winner Announced: August 16th, 2013.

I think that pretty much covers the basics. Any questions or concerns will be happily addressed in this thread. Please keep all discussion amiable and constructive. Insults, personal attacks, and similar posts are not appreciated by the other contributors. Remember, this is a FRIENDLY Anonymous Writing Challenge. ;)

(Disclaimer: FAWC is not a contest sanctioned by Literotica, and as such, there will be no prizes awarded to the winner other than a shiny virtual trophy and lots of dancing bananas. )
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Maybe I'm missing something but if everyone knows what someone's mystery ingredients are and if those are posted right upfront when the story posts, then how will this be anonymous?
Maybe I'm missing something but if everyone knows what someone's mystery ingredients are and if those are posted right upfront when the story posts, then how will this be anonymous?


I got ahead of myself, obviously.

ETA: Just changed it. Now, the mystery ingredients will be sent via PM.
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"This story is a submission to the second Friendly Anonymous Writing Challenge (FAWC). The true author of this story is kept anonymous, but will be revealed on August 16th, 2013, in the comments section following this story. Each of the stories in this challenge are centered around a random determination of four "mystery ingredients." There are no prizes given in this challenge; this is simply a friendly competition."

My question - did you mean to use four ingredients out of the total from the basket, or the four baskets themselves?

Nice of you to give us a week to either talk ourselves into it, or OUT of it. ;)
Too much like weekend homework, I got shit I wanna write, no time for crap I don't wanna fool with.
My question - did you mean to use four ingredients out of the total from the basket, or the four baskets themselves?

I randomly determine one item from each list, then PM those four items as the ingredients in your "basket." Then you use those four things in your story.

Nice of you to give us a week to either talk ourselves into it, or OUT of it. ;)

As well as a week for everyone to point out whatever mistakes I've made in the OP. ;)
Example Basket

An author posts that he or she is ready for their basket. I randomly determine (between 1 and 6, like the roll of a die) the following ingredients:

List One: Humility, List Two: Recklessness, List Three: Color, List Four: Game/Toy.

So the resulting story would have to incorporate those four ingredients. The main character could be a reckless stunt car driver with a thing for the color green, who gets involved with a very humble fan who gets him to play a game of spin the bottle with her.

Clear as mud?
There's one thing in every list that I know I would have a problem with. Some more than others. I've used some of the problem elements before ( Last Chance had a dog that appeared throughout the story - #4, Double Dip uses "We all scream for ice cream" throughout the story - #2 ) but in a have to be there context, I know they'd just screw me up when there's a deadline looming.

Guess I'll be waiting for the third go-around. Good luck to everyone participating :)
There's one thing in every list that I know I would have a problem with. Some more than others. I've used some of the problem elements before ( Last Chance had a dog that appeared throughout the story - #4, Double Dip uses "We all scream for ice cream" throughout the story - #2 ) but in a have to be there context, I know they'd just screw me up when there's a deadline looming.

Guess I'll be waiting for the third go-around. Good luck to everyone participating :)

I wanted to keep all the "ingredients" as general as possible, to allow for open interpretation. And they don't have to be a main focus of the story. Think of these ingredients as Kojak and his lollipop, or Mike Hammer always seeing the same mysterious woman. It should add an interesting twist, but doesn't have to be an important part.
Sounds suspiciously like the FAWCker overdosed on both the Food Network's "Chopped" series and his alcoholic libation of choice while developing FAWC You, Two!. :eek:
An author posts that he or she is ready for their basket. I randomly determine (between 1 and 6, like the roll of a die) the following ingredients:

List One: Humility, List Two: Recklessness, List Three: Color, List Four: Game/Toy.

So the resulting story would have to incorporate those four ingredients. The main character could be a reckless stunt car driver with a thing for the color green, who gets involved with a very humble fan who gets him to play a game of spin the bottle with her.

Clear as mud?

I get it. Sorry. :) Makes good sense now.
You're looking to have an interesting Friday the 12th. You're going to have more people wanting a happy basket that at an Easter egg hunt at the Bunny ranch.

YOU can count me in... unless my computer dies between now and then. The way things have been going today it wouldn't surprise me. My car died at Home Depot this morning.

And my mechanics not working till Monday. Joy.
This looks interesting. :D

How is the winner determined?
Sounds suspiciously like the FAWCker overdosed on both the Food Network's "Chopped" series and his alcoholic libation of choice while developing FAWC You, Two!. :eek:

Naw, no alcohol was harmed in the making of this challenge. ;)

This looks interesting. :D

How is the winner determined?

Good old-fashioned voting, Tom. Highest score wins after the stories have been up for a week or so (probably close to 10 days).
There's one thing in every list that I know I would have a problem with. Some more than others. I've used some of the problem elements before ( Last Chance had a dog that appeared throughout the story - #4, Double Dip uses "We all scream for ice cream" throughout the story - #2 ) but in a have to be there context, I know they'd just screw me up when there's a deadline looming.

This. :eek:

I'm in two minds.