Favorite Horror Movies


a boombox is not a toy.
Mar 9, 2002
The Blair Witch Project really scared me.

I'm in a halloween kind of mood. What scary movies do you like?
Jeepers Creepers, Nightmare on Elm Street 1, Haloween 1, Friday the 13th 1 & 2, Blair Witch Project, The Exorcist, and Carrie.
I love horror movies! Even the cheesy Freddy flicks! Muuuhahaha~

The Haunting, The Others, Carrie...
I also vote for The Blair Witch Project. As a kid, I thought the scariest movie was Willy Wonka. *shiver* Those Oompaa-loompas are creepy!
The Crying Game.

Scared the living hell out of me when she turned out to be a man.
I'm having a memory moment.....

The movie with "Pinhead" and the follow ups.....dammit, it's right on the tip of my dick.....

*Watch me click "submit" and remember it's name! :D
The Exorcist.

That show really creeped the fuck out of me.

Rabid was bad too.
Re: I'm having a memory moment.....

Lost Cause said:
The movie with "Pinhead" and the follow ups.....dammit, it's right on the tip of my dick.....

*Watch me click "submit" and remember it's name! :D

Helllraiser II was the best of them all.
Wasn't that from Hellraiser?

Edited to add: Dammit, Bob! You have to get to EVERYTHING first, don't you?? :D
Re: I'm having a memory moment.....

**no..i didn't say hellraisers!
The Joy Luck Club.


Dead Again.......well, this one might be considered suspense rather than horror.
"When a stranger calls." I couldn't babysit again for a while after seeing that one.

"Halloween 1" ..that was a scary movie when it first came out.

"Pet Cemetary" ... The part where the little boy got killed got to me though.
I can't watch the first Alien movie ... too scary for me ... but I like the 2nd one.
Dead Again

islandman said:
The Joy Luck Club.


Dead Again.......well, this one might be considered suspense rather than horror.

Dead Again - suspense but scared me... (and cool soundtrack)

The Joy Luck Club shower scene scared me.

The People Under the Stairs.


Man, why do I watch these things?