well that is a hard question to answer... I'd say my favourite Chyoo character is Sarah Banks. I am not sure where I'd heard that name before! *Laughing* Check out my story A College Girl To Be... if you've never heard of her.
To be serious, here's a list of my favourite characters.
Characters Story Editor
Roybn and Emma - Summer Down Under- Daciasdesire
Fiona- The Choices We Make- Daciasdesire
Julie- Good Girl Forced Bad- Jakelyon
Destiny- The Spider Club- Jakelyon
Angela- Sappho's Amulet- Gystex
Ashley- A Bet Leads to Domination in the Office- Switch76
Skorpion- Hell Inc.- Android1966
Olivia- Deffender of Terraco- Wolk
There are more, but basically they are the main characters in the immersive text stories, so they have no names.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, PAT SMITH! What a shapeshifter! WOW!