Father-In-Law Stands In For Son


Really Experienced
Jan 6, 2003
How about a new story in which the father-in-law "pinch-hits" for his sterile son? It could be a clandestine relationship or the son/husband could give his blessing (and even be there to watch his father make love to his bride). The family resemblance in the child's appearance would fool anyone.
I like this scenario because, thought unlikely, it is plausible (it is most often explained by the fact that the couple can't afford artifical insemination and the wife wants a child of her own). Perhaps the husband objects to artificial insemination with a stranger's sperm, and thus the couple (or the wife secretly) turns to the family member they care about most.
On the other hand, it could also be a brother who does the honors. It seems to enhance the story when the husband's curiosity/jealousy gets the better of him and he goes to the bedroom to watch the lovemaking taking place. He ends up being incredibly aroused by the sight of his own brother fucking his wife.
Is this too "vanilla" for most here?
there are a number of brother "stand in" stories around. I don't remember a fatherinlaw story. Might be interesting. The wife/dil pov would also be a nice variation- her emotions , going from resistance to embarassment, to arousal, to guilt...then how does she handle it after? Does she secretly compare them in her mind? Does she want more of Dad?
Sounds like a very good story. I would pick the brother. They tend to be the one who would stick up for one another no matter what.

A lot of background would have tobe lost in order to get to the action. The way I think is that the brother would be a frequent visitor to the home. The wife get along well with the brother. The brother wouldn't be a loser, like live read in many stories. Needing help and all.

I think that the couple should talk over the idea with the brother together. Of course, the brother would think that they are joking at first. Add in some antics, like the brother grabbing hold of his sister-in-law and pretending to dry hump her. When he realizes that they are serious, he backs off and listens to what they have to say. The seriousness compells the brother to agree.

At first, it would be strange for the brother, but the sister-in-law giving him head gets things started. Add in other foreplay.

The brother begins to enjoy trying to get his sister-in-law pregnant. She in really great in bed.

The husband, at first is out of the house while they are doing this, but in curisoity compells him to investigate. He is so turned on by watching the brother he make sure that he is able to watch every time after that. When the brother leaves without knowing that the husband was there, the husband goes in and has sex with his wife.

When they find out that the wife/sister-in-law is pregnant. The brother misses having sex with her. The husband misses watching his brother have sex with his wife, and the wife also misses having sex with the brother.

They agree to continue having sex, and the result being more children.
One thing I really like about this forum is that everyone can start with a simple idea and then give their own "take" on it. It's fun to see what new wrinkles we can add to a scenario, using our own preferences and backgrounds. This is great stress relief (no, not THAT kind!) from a demanding job. Maybe we could start a new thread in which each person tells his or her main reasons for visiting this site and posting. Meanwhile, thanks for the fantasies and all the story threads. I usually read all of them and enjoy most of them thoroughly.
Not exactly the same, but I remember a true (?) story that I once saw in a porn mag.

It was the wedding day of Paul and Maria. During the wedding party, Paul had to much alcohol - so in the end he was totally drunk.
So of course, there was no real "wedding night", because Paul was sleeping like a stone.

Maria was sitting in the kitchen - she was sobbing. Pauls father also spent the night in their house and he heard her sobbing. So he came to her and Maria told him, that Paul was totally drunk - she expected that her wedding night would be totally different.

So I guess, it is obvious what happens next. I can't remember any details, but for this one night (remember it's the wedding night) the father-in-law stands in for his son ....
thjere are several similar wedding night stories. what makes the idea fresh is the complicity of the husband, and the goal of impregnation. These factors introduce extra psychological tension if a writer wants to go beyond a common stroker.
sirhugs said:
thjere are several similar wedding night stories. what makes the idea fresh is the complicity of the husband, and the goal of impregnation. These factors introduce extra psychological tension if a writer wants to go beyond a common stroker.

The goal of impregnation .... well, I guess, the daughter doesn't tell her father-in-law that she wants to get pregnant. She lies to him, that he uses the pill, and since they have no condoms, they do it without one.

9 months later the woman gives birth to a kid. Everyone says, that the kid looks like his father - because the husband of the bride and his own father look very similar .... so no one besides the bride will know that the haby is from her father-in-law.

And who knows .... maybe the next day, her new husband wakes up and fucks her, so maybe he is the father of the baby ....
Instead of creating a new thread, I'll just suggest that the idea could be "tweaked" by having a sister stand in for her barren sister. I have read several stories built around this idea, and the outcome nearly always is arousing. The complicity of both sisters' husbands is an added treat and opens up these possiblilites: the sex can be only between the husband & surrogate sister; or both husbands can participate; or all four can participate. Or the process can start off between the donor husband and surrogate sister and then escalate on successive "sessions" to include more partners. Any multiple pairings would begin with both husbands since both would have had sex with the surrogate sister by the 2nd session. The barren sister might be more reluctant, never having been with anyone other than her husband and being embarrassed to have sex in front of her sister. The coaxing element might be fun, too, as she is persuaded to watch in order to diminish her jealousy (being assured that everything is being handled clinically; of course, the others have every intention of getting her hot and bothered and in the sack). It might be nice to keep the lesbian contact incidental or small, such as holding hands while having sex with her sister's husband, or brief caresses or kisses during the lovemaking. This would add a touch of incest without pulling out all the stops. Further lesbian incest might have to be explored at a later date with the encouragement of both husbands.