Fat and lazy people


Literotica's Anti-Hero
Jan 5, 2006
We all know one, how many of them do you know?

My stepfather is 60 years old, weighs 300lbs, smokes 5 packs of cigarettes every single day, gouges himself with junk food and lays on the couch and watches television day in and day out.

He is the most disrespectful person I have ever known. I will not pity him when he dies.

I absolutely despise people like him who allow their vices and extremely poor lifestyle decisions to get the best of them. I guess some people are just completely subdued by the euphoria of sloth and gluttony.

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I am a towering 6'4 and a sleek 190lbs.

I care about my health and appearance, obviously others do not.
We all know one, how many of them do you know?

My stepfather is 60 years old, weighs 300lbs, smokes 5 packs of cigarettes every single day, gouges himself with junk food and lays on the couch and watches television day in and day out.

He is the most disrespectful person I have ever known. I will not pity him when he dies.

I absolutely despise people like him who allow their vices and extremely poor lifestyle decisions to get the best of them. I guess some people are just completely subdued by the euphoria of sloth and gluttony.

If he is that 20something in the pic w/a very large beer belly, then I would say 60 is not so bad.
I think very low of people, especially parents of children, who do nothing all day but smoke one cigarette after another.

People who are exposed to second-hand smoke are of significantly higher risk of developing lung cancer, emphysema, and other chronic respiratory illnesses.

To some people, their addiction is more important than their family.
Fat, but not lazy. Glandular issues, coupled with poor genetics, are to blame.

Some obese people are genetically predisposed to it, while others are obese as a result of their lifestyle.

I believe the people I know fall into the poor lifestyle category.

Disgusting and sad....

I feel NO PITY for these weak and feeble individuals. They brought it entirely upon themselves.
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You are so full of yourself and know how everyone should live. I'm 6'1" and 170. You are running for the King of All Douchebaggery. Not only on this thread but on most you post. I am no longer even looking at any of your threads.