Fast paced roleplaying.


Many of One
Mar 22, 2002
I have a strange idea. I want to make a story and see how far it can get in one week, a page? 3 pages? 7pages? I have no clue but thats what makes it new and exciteing. There is only one rule I wish to enforce. You can't post twice in a row.

Other then that anything gose. Kill the main chara, bring back the guy killed in the last post. Cast spells that turn people into three eyed chikens. Blow up the world get invaded by aleins. Don't like where the story, well start a second one in the same thread. Only you must do it one post at a time. Your posts can be long or short, I don't care.

So any one seem to think this could be a good idea? Any one think I need therapy? Any one think at all?
I would enjoy any type of feedback on this idea. So if you read this please state your opion on the idea.
Well, it would be interesting to spaz out... but the problem as I see it is that the most enjoyable part of roleplaying is character development.

As it is, if we can do whatever the hell we want, it would be fun as a "create-your-own-multi-author-story" things, kind of like where everyone adds a word, buuut...

I don't know if I'd be interested.
Well one person replied out of 12, thats a start right?

The main goal her is to goof off and have fun. I've often felt drained after a long day of serious posts, this is a nice place to go if you just want to goof off. Also I want to see how many posts the thread gets before it dies out.
I like the idea, quite frankly. Always did love these types of things, there was an old SRP thread similiar to this that went on for pages and pages.
Give a scenario and let us create.
Personally though, I would advise against making too serious of changes, like blowing up the earth or something. I mean ig changes are cool, but after that, it seems like the next person has to make something bigger and better.
Honestly, after blowing up the earth... Tammy's pregnancy problem doesn't seem all that important, if you know what I mean.
All in perspective. Can't wait to see it.
Dang looks like some one beat me to it. Well as far as this survey isconcerned 50% say it's a good idea 50% say it has a big hole in the plot. When I come up with a title to catch interest I'll start it up, some time today I swear.