Fashion leads to extinction in England!


Literotica Guru
Sep 21, 2008
Study: ‘Brazilian’ bikini waxing contributing to extinction of pubic lice


As Bloomberg News reported on Sunday, an increased emphasis on pubic maintenance has diminished infestations of the crab-footed bugs.

“We put the flag out, so to speak, if we see a case of pubic lice nowadays,” said Janet Wilson, a sexual health consultant based out of Leeds, England. “The ‘habitat destruction’ of the pubic lice is increasing and they are becoming an endangered species.”

Even Australia is seeing declining crab populations. :eek:
Habitat destruction? Eradication of a species? Are PETA, WWF, Greenpeace and the IUCN aware of this?

Good luck making the mechanized dandruff cuddly poster subjects like pandas. :D
I doubt the eradication of the species as long as mankind is around. I do applaud the effort at hygiene.

The most aggravating thing in the world is crabs. DDT works but it's violent. Shaving completely and hot baths were the classical remedy.
I doubt the eradication of the species as long as mankind is around. I do applaud the effort at hygiene.

The most aggravating thing in the world is crabs. DDT works but it's violent. Shaving completely and hot baths were the classical remedy.

A song from many moons ago had this verse:

Put on that old blue ointment, to the crab's disappointment
And we'll kill them bastards where they lay;
Though it burns and it itches, it will kill them sons of bitches
And then you can go out and play.
As Bloomberg News reported on Sunday, an increased emphasis on pubic maintenance has diminished infestations of the crab-footed bugs.

“We put the flag out, so to speak, if we see a case of pubic lice nowadays,” said Janet Wilson, a sexual health consultant based out of Leeds, England. “The ‘habitat destruction’ of the pubic lice is increasing and they are becoming an endangered species.”

Pubic lice becoming an endangered species is good, but the aim should be becoming an extinct species.