Fascist UK Pigs Arrest Kid Over Twitter Feed

What are the charges?

"Being a douchebag on Twitter"?

Do you get a sharp note from your guidance counselor?
What are the charges?

"Being a douchebag on Twitter"?

Do you get a sharp note from your guidance counselor?

It's unfortunate but, the UK has a tendency to toss those punters in jail who speak ill of other people in a non-PC way. They call it hate speech. So much for freedom of speech across the pond.
It's unfortunate but, the UK has a tendency to toss those punters in jail who speak ill of other people in a non-PC way. They call it hate speech. So much for freedom of speech across the pond.

Yeah, they're doing something wrong.

This is thought crime territory.
And you laugh at the US citizens for having guns, well look what you get? Absolute bureaucratic insane tyranny. Not saying guns are the answer, just the last resort against tyranny. But that's not allowed for you, you get to take it or wait for conditions so desperate you get 1792.

No, guns aren't the answer. Standing up to that bullshit is. Needs a new law.

Might help to hold a gun on them while they write it.

I have a gun, I've never shot anybody, but I might if they tried to arrest my kid for being mean on Twitter. At least in the foot.
Yeah, they're doing something wrong.

This is thought crime territory.

Yep. With CCTV camera's on every street corner, it's only a matter of time before they have microphones there as well. The freedoms they have let slip through their fingers over there is appalling. The UK has become a country of sissified...well I don't want the thought police knocking at my door.
Yep. With CCTV camera's on every street corner, it's only a matter of time before they have microphones there as well. The freedoms they have let slip through their fingers over there is appalling. The UK has become a country of sissified...well I don't want the thought police knocking at my door.

I'd have been tried and executed already.
Fascism no longer marches in black trenchcoats when it invades a country. It is not thrust unto the populace at the barrel of a gun. There are no sweeping, grandeurous, goosestepping military rallies. No, fascism is a creeping menace, a parasite that worms its way into the laws of a nation. It masquerades as a small power grab, fully necessary to insure the safety of the populace. This menace is not obviously frightening, it is not blitzkrieg. But it just as dangerous, and it will ultimately sap our freedoms, as it has done in the past.
Malicious ...

You said the magic word dummy, malicious!. Malicious speech is not free speech, it indicates an intent to harm or disparage. If you malign me with statements that you make then the order of business is simple. The first lawsuit is against Literotica which would be glad to give me your real name and address; after this you with learn the price of maligning someone.

So don't be so quick to judge what you consider the ineptitude of British Law.


ЯIᄂΣY JЦПIӨЯ @Rileyy_69 -TomDaley1994 you let your dad down i hope you know that

ЯIᄂΣY JЦПIӨЯ @Rileyy_69 -TomDaley1994 I'm sorry mate i just wanted you to win cause its the olympics I'm just annoyed we didn't win I'm sorry tom accept my apology

ЯIᄂΣY JЦПIӨЯ @Rileyy_69 - TomDaley1994 please i don't want to be hated I'm just sorry you didn't win i was rooting for you pal to do britain all proud just so upset

ЯIᄂΣY JЦПIӨЯ @Rileyy_69
Tomdaley1994 i’m going to find you and i’m going to drown you in the pool you cocky t*** your a nobody people like you make me sick”

ЯIᄂΣY JЦПIӨЯ @Rileyy_69

@SkyNews you fucking report me on the news again i'll have you done for harrassment and a lawsuit you get me final chance you cunts

Oll @_OllyRiley 30 Jul 12
@Rileyy_69 @TomDaley1994 how dare you try and threaten someone who is diving for our country you little scum bag

ЯIᄂΣY JЦПIӨЯ @Rileyy_69

@_OllyRiley i dont give a shit bruv i'm gonna drown him and i'm gonna shoot you he failed why you suporting him you cunt

Oll @_OllyRiley 30 Jul 12

"@Rileyy_69: @_OllyRiley gotta be the biggest cunt on twitter" rich coming from you

ЯIᄂΣY JЦПIӨЯ @Rileyy_69

@_OllyRiley come on then you cunt i'll stick a knife down your fuckin throat now comeback and stop hiding from me

And more!

David Speed™ ‏@DaveySpeed - That Riley deserves nothing more than the fierce anal rape he’s gonna get in prison. Jumped up little cunt. @Rileyy_69
Jonathan McCall ‏@JonnyMcNarwhal - If anyone happens to know someone who will anally rape for money, I would like to rent them for @rileyy_69
DAYUM AFRICA ‏@chloe_woodhead - Hope @Rileyy_69 even only gets like a week in prison just for someone to bum rape the crap out of him #skank

Shaed m ‏@ShaedM - I’d knock your mum out for giving birth to you.

Who, on LIT, would post something, like this ?

J.WELL∆RD ‏@JackWellard aha @Rileyy_69 has been arrested! hope some black bloke with a 14 inch cock ruins you arse!

http://www.anorak.co.uk/328783/keyp...t-teenage-boy-raped-for-tom-daly-tweets.html/ (This might be an obnoxious link. I dunno if it is safe or not.)
You said the magic word dummy, malicious!. Malicious speech is not free speech, it indicates an intent to harm or disparage. If you malign me with statements that you make then the order of business is simple. The first lawsuit is against Literotica which would be glad to give me your real name and address; after this you with learn the price of maligning someone.

So don't be so quick to judge what you consider the ineptitude of British Law.


I consider this a deep ineptitude.

There is a distinct difference between thought and action. The first is something to watch or oppose, the second is entirely different.
You said the magic word dummy, malicious!. Malicious speech is not free speech, it indicates an intent to harm or disparage. If you malign me with statements that you make then the order of business is simple. The first lawsuit is against Literotica which would be glad to give me your real name and address; after this you with learn the price of maligning someone.

So don't be so quick to judge what you consider the ineptitude of British Law.


Does the UK recognise "fighting words"? These are words so offensive a person is compelled to violence after hearing them?
I don't live in the UK. Go ahead and try to extradite me for insulting them on the Internet, that will be cute. Please do.

I don't live in the UK, either. Why are you so wound up over what happens there?
night everyone and im genuinely sorry for what's happened today just know that im actually a really nice person and i regret what I've said

Following this tweet, the Twitter account was "protected" or set to private, although the tweets were still visible on services like Topsy that archive tweets.

The four most recent tweets on the account are spam messages, suggested that it has been hacked.

Police in the county of Dorset tweeted about Rileyy_69's arrest later in the day.

Tyranny is not averse to transatlantic travel.

I have kids. I have verbally...inadvisable...kids. One with Asperger's syndrome, which is the ultimate in social faux pas.

But if someone tried to take him away because of his Twitter feed?

Sure, come to my house and tell me that I have something to be concerned about, but cart him away to an institution?

Noooooo...I don't think so. Not without a fight.
I have kids. I have verbally...inadvisable...kids. One with Asperger's syndrome, which is the ultimate in social faux pas.

But if someone tried to take him away because of his Twitter feed?

Sure, come to my house and tell me that I have something to be concerned about, but cart him away to an institution?

Noooooo...I don't think so. Not without a fight.

I'm sure that boy's parents would have said the same thing. If your state should enact a hate crime law, there would be little you could do to fight the punishment. Sure, you could get an ACLU lawyer and go after them on the first amendment, but your son would be out before that went anywhere. It's only a matter of time before we get Alien and Sedition Acts Version 2.0.