Famous Black Trash People

Equal opportunity.......

Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson
Calypso Louie
Congess person Waters
Problem Child said:
What is your problem with "Aretha" Franklin?

She's a bum.....I used to spray the lawn at her home in Bloomfield Hills Michigan when I ran my own business and she stiffed me for 75 dollars.....shes constantly in tax court and recently (although it hasnt been proven) she burnt her house to the ground to collect the insurance money. Plus they called it a mansion on the news....Ive been there and there was crap cars all over and the place was a run down mess.

Blackbich said:
Bobby Brown.

Right on....and Whitney too

Touche' eve...Touche'

I heard that at a concert in Japan last year Jackos prosthetic nose fell off on stage.....seriously
Dennis Rodman and Al Sharpton is two clicks from being included on this list for me.

Oh, Don King!!!
Mona's AV wins the "Who's AV will you use as your desktop wallpaper this week " Award....

Damn what a hottie:eek: