Family with Benefits/Sex with Sister


Literotica Guru
Mar 7, 2023
I like the idea of a family paradigm that starts in adulthood as “Family with Benefits” which includes regular sex between a brother and sister. Some of their family and friends suspect they are having sex, but they don’t confront them. Nothing more is planned.

However, one day by accident the sister gets pregnant from sex with her bother and she wants to keep the child. Her brother agrees. The pregnancy they’ve accepted leads to both of them wanting to feel purified or cleansed by being completely honest and telling all family members and friends that as brother and sister they love having sex with each other and they are proud it is leading to a child.

Part of the story would be the interesting and wide ranging reactions of everyone they know. Some of course feeling disgusted while others get sexually aroused thinking about it because it’s so taboo, liberating, and perverted to be addicted to sex with your sibling and for it to result in pregnancy. Also arousing is the very odd choice by brother and sister to tell everyone, to embrace that total humiliation of people knowing they love incest and are having a baby from it.
The idea of casual sex between siblings reminds me of a few stories I've read, namely "Incest Birthday" by Kevin_88, "Broken Circle" (The premise of it, not the story itself) by Tangoperu, and a bunch of other stories by either Silkstockinslover, Bigmadstork, or "Creation of Incest Island" by Mr3x49. Most of those stories have more meaningful romantic variations of incest, and very few have impregnations, but I've had lasting impressions of good storytelling and very arousing content.

Other stories out there are centred around impregnating family members either by accident or on purpose. The Martin Family Sire series for example has an accidental pregnancy in the first chapter leading to intentional pregnancies (The son accidentally impregnates his mother, then goes on to intentionally impregnate his sisters), as is "Charlie's Naked Proposal" by scouries.

Bottom line, if you wrote that story, I'd definitely read it, and more than likely enjoy reading it.
I like the idea of a family paradigm that starts in adulthood as “Family with Benefits” which includes regular sex between a brother and sister. Some of their family and friends suspect they are having sex, but they don’t confront them. Nothing more is planned.

However, one day by accident the sister gets pregnant from sex with her bother and she wants to keep the child. Her brother agrees. The pregnancy they’ve accepted leads to both of them wanting to feel purified or cleansed by being completely honest and telling all family members and friends that as brother and sister they love having sex with each other and they are proud it is leading to a child.

Part of the story would be the interesting and wide ranging reactions of everyone they know. Some of course feeling disgusted while others get sexually aroused thinking about it because it’s so taboo, liberating, and perverted to be addicted to sex with your sibling and for it to result in pregnancy. Also arousing is the very odd choice by brother and sister to tell everyone, to embrace that total humiliation of people knowing they love incest and are having a baby from it.
I love this and it's the heart of most of my fantasies.

I would imagine an older brother, successful, strong, handsome, say 25.
Younger sister, 23, also successful, pretty, cute, and loving.

They are close to each other, to their parents, and aunts/uncles, cousins. They even worked together to pay off their parents' mortgage completely out of love. ALL their aunts and uncles keep asking their parents for parenting advice because they really feel they did everything right in raising such healthy, well-adjusted, educated, successful, kind, well-mannered children who saved to take care of their parents' mortgage!

They share a downtown apartment since both are "single" and downtown rents are expensive. But what's really happening is that brother is absolutely reaming out little sister's pussy sometimes multiple times a day, leaving her with a constant drip of his cum into her panties.

They've fully bonded, and their incestuous/taboo mating makes their sexuality even more on fire, and they yearn for each other.

Telling everyone at Christmas when they are all staying over at one of the relatives' homes with the entire family during a white Christmas seems like a wonderful idea. When she's 4 months pregnant.
The other fun thing to imagine @CurtGiles46 is the eventual situations where maybe the family has to celebrate the birth of the new baby. Giving gifts, saying congratulations on the birth of this beautiful healthy child....while struggling with the taboo of the bro-sis thing and how to deal with it.
One way to write would make it easier to write if less artistic literature-wise...
Label each persons thoughts....
"Millie Smith: Aunt
'They were always close...' ".

Doing that would allow clear who thinks what. An easy way to do it without constantly shifting between characters.
On the debit side: if not handled deftly, it would come across as a Child Protection Services dossier or case file. As Joe Friday used to say....." Just the facts, ma'am ".
Okay, that was before my time.

And it allows people to be very frank, giving their honest impressions without the need of going through the narator. And in something this taboo, allow people to say what they really think.
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I love the idea of them being brazen about it during future family events after coming out. They show up as a couple on the next Thanksgiving, they act as a couple, they check-in with each other, they call each other honey. They eat each other's leftovers because the other one couldn't finish. They're clearly in love and in lust and everyone's initial shock gives way to a feeling of how they are actually sweet.

Some of the older family members, like uncles and aunts remember how they used to fight as siblings.

And of course, when bedtime comes, and everyone is going to bed in the huge family house, bro and sis go to bed together.
I like the idea of a family paradigm that starts in adulthood as “Family with Benefits” which includes regular sex between a brother and sister. Some of their family and friends suspect they are having sex, but they don’t confront them. Nothing more is planned.

However, one day by accident the sister gets pregnant from sex with her bother and she wants to keep the child. Her brother agrees. The pregnancy they’ve accepted leads to both of them wanting to feel purified or cleansed by being completely honest and telling all family members and friends that as brother and sister they love having sex with each other and they are proud it is leading to a child.

Part of the story would be the interesting and wide ranging reactions of everyone they know. Some of course feeling disgusted while others get sexually aroused thinking about it because it’s so taboo, liberating, and perverted to be addicted to sex with your sibling and for it to result in pregnancy. Also arousing is the very odd choice by brother and sister to tell everyone, to embrace that total humiliation of people knowing they love incest and are having a baby from it.
I was also thinking about how cool it would be when the baby is actually born and everyone is both slightly weirded out but cannot help but be happy at the birth of their literal grandchild, great-grandchild, grand-niece/nephew, etc.

These are two of the most successful well-liked kids in the family so its hard for people to really hate on them. They buy gifts, have a party and there's an awkwardness combined with a joy when they see how absolutely gorgeously cute the baby is.