Family Bonding


Dec 13, 2012
Gavin hadn't been home to his dad and step mom's house in how long had it been, five years maybe six? He honestly couldn't remember though he did remember how he had left with such enthusiasm and excitement.

He hadn't left out of anger or resentment but he was off to make a name for himself and become his own man. Having just graduated from college he had wanted to take a job out of town where he wouldn't be as likely to rely on his parents. He had taken a job with a virus software company and within a year had met a lovely girl named Laura and soon they were dating.

Everything was wonderful in his life money was good and he had a girlfriend that shared many of his same interests such as running every morning before work. In fact it was on the track that he met Laura one day and they began running together for over three weeks when he finally go up the nerve to ask her out.

It wasn't that he was scared of women he just hated rejection so he preferred to be quite certain that he would hear her say "yes" before asking. Fast forward a few years and he and Laura were living together and were engaged to be married though they had not set a specific date as of yet.

It was only then that things started to go south for Gavin. The economy had hit everyone hard including his employer and they were downsizing and it was only through his hard work and dedication to his job that he wasn't laid off. However he was forced to take a job for lesser pay and decreased benefits. It was then he noticed a change in Laura as she became more and more irritable and soon they were at one another's throats on a daily basis. They would fight and have wonderful make up sex but the fights became more and more frequent and the make up sex less and less.

Then one day he walked into the apartment after becoming ill at work and when he opened the door he could hear the sounds of passion coming from the bedroom. He froze in place trying to digest what he was hearing and took a few tentative steps towards the bedroom door which was closed. He took a firm grip on the door knob but didn't open it and just listened. What he heard from inside the room turned his stomach. "Oh god yes Tom you feel so good inside of me that's it baby." Then a male voice, "Yes baby I want you to feel know how a real man makes love to a woman."

His mind reeled as the voice sounded familiar to him and the name. Fuck it couldn't be but it was. Tom was his boss at work in fact he was the one that had taken made the final decision to cut his former job. His first instinct was to throw open the door jerk the guy to his feet and beat the shit out of him.

Gavin was not a huge guy but was a tall six foot two inches with an athletic body from all the running and he was quick and had gotten in more than his share of fights over the years. Tom on the other hand was ten years his senior and had not taken care of himself with a beer gut and he wheezed if the elevator was out and he had to take the stairs at work.

What could Laura possibly see in this guy he wondered? Then it hit him like a ton of bricks it was about the money and climbing the ladder. He knew that Laura had always been a bit superficial but had never suspected she would sleep with someone to get ahead in the world but what else could be the answer. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it must be a duck his Dad had always said.

Gavin's mind instantly decided he would not give her the satisfaction of seeing him angry or hurt and especially didn't want his boss or soon to be former boss to see him hurt. He had a big plan to make his exit and get a little nasty though legal revenge.

The taxi stopped in front of the house and he heard a slightly middle eastern accented voice say, "Here we go Mr. that will 72.58." He looked out the window to his parents upper class two story home with the perfectly manicured lawn, hedges and pain strikingly arranged flowers. His step mom had always been the gardening queen seemed nothing had changed over the last few years.

Gavin got out his wallet and handed the cab driver a hundred dollar bill and said, "Keep the change." He grabbed his suit cases and began the walk up the side walk.

Memories flooded his mind as he walked up towards the house. He remembered when they first moved here right after his dad and step mom had gotten married. He remembered all the nights sneaking in late with his high school football buddies drunk as shit and hoping like hell no one would wake up and catch them. He remembered playing football with his step sister in the front yard and how cute she was in her little cheer JV cheer leading out fit.

Wow he hadn't thought about his step sister since much this past year or so. They used to keep in fairly regular contact through emails and the occasional phone call but that was all before. He wondered how she was doing in her own adventures in college and hoped she was behaving herself. He knew she was always so cute and would grow up to be a serious heart breaker. Even before he had left boys had been pestering her non stop and he had felt sorry for his Dad and Step Mom and their attempts at holding them at bay.

Gavin paused wondering if he should just go on in or ring the bell. He finally decided on ringing the doorbell and it was only a second before an attractive woman in her late 40's opened the door.

"Gavin" she exclaimed with excitement pulling him into her arms for a big hug and welcome kiss on the cheek. "Come in and let me look at you." Gavin picked his suit case and travel bag up as he had placed the rest of his stuff in storage until he could figure out what he was going to do with the rest of his life.

His Step Mom looked him up and down taking in his six foot frame. He glanced over at himself staring back in the large mirror hanging in the foyer. His short but thick wavy light brown hair, light blue eyes, and firm jawline. "You look as handsome as ever" his step mom beamed then added, "Maybe you have lost weight been missing my cooking i bet." He laughed knowing he had not lost weight in fact had gained a few pounds of muscle over the years but he would not bust her bubble.

"Your dad will be home soon and we have a surprise for you but it will come later. Now go put your things in your old room and take a shower if you like."

Gavin trotted up the stairs to his old bed room and opened the door. Not much had changed over the years though his step mom had taken down all of the old swimsuit model posters and football posters. He looked around the room once again memories taking over thinking of how he had kissed Donna Wilson for the first time when he was 15 years old in this room. How he and Thomas, his best friend from high school had spent the night here on many a weekend talking about girls and other adventures they would have one day.

The thought of Thomas gave him much sadness as Thomas had died two days before graduation in a car wreck. Thomas had been alone heading home from Gavin's house and it had been raining and the fog was thick. The road leading to Thomas's house was narrow and one was never ending mass of S curves. Thomas had lost control and ran head on into a tree. When EMS arrived he was already dead and the coroner said that he had probably died on impact. There was no trace of drugs or alcohol in his system and it was simply a tragic accident.

It took Gavin sometime to get over Thomas's death and he had even forgone his senior trip and stayed home to attend the funeral. He served as a pall bearer and it was only after a long talk by Thomas's parents that he was able to move on. He had blamed himself for his death cause Thomas had been driving home from his house but Thomas's parents convinced him that it was a stupid accident that no one could have prevented and they did not hold him responsible in any way at all.

His eyes opened from the memory and he shook his head deciding he would take his Step Mom up on the offer of a shower. He grabbed his clothes and headed for the shower. He turned it on and allowed it to heat till the point of steaming and stepped inside letting the water cascade down his body and golden tanned skin.
Jamie sighed as she pulled onto the street that led her parents house. It had been a long drive but she was finally almost home. She had just finished the finals and now she was home for the summer. Even though she had just been home fore Christmas a few years ago it felt like it had been forever. Jamie was excited for another reason too, as she was heading this way her mom had called and informed her in hushed tones that Gavin was home.

She rembered back before Gavin had left how close they had been and they had stayed close for awhile even after he had left through emails and phone calls. She didn’t know how he never figured out that she had had a made crush on him before he left but he never had or he had just ignored it she wasn’t sure which. She and Gavin were four years apart age wise so she was pretty sure he had only ever seen her as a little sister and nothing more. She had no idea how he looked now and she knew he didn’t know what she looked like either. After high school she had become very camera shy, well that wasn’t the truth she had become shy all around.

Right after Jamie had graduated high school and before she left for college she had been assulted and had narrowly missed being raped. After that she hadn’t been as out going or energetic as she was before. The incident had really mellowed her out. Gavin of course never knew about what had happened as she had pleaed with her mom and step dad not to tell him.

Jamie stopped a block from her parents house and got out of the car streching her 5’8” slender frame. Even though she had stopped cheerleading she still worked out and stayed in shape. Since Gavin had last seen her her curves had filled out more and she was the proud owner of a drawer full of 36 D bras. Her long straight strawberry blonde hair was pulled back in a neat bun hiding it’s length. She straightened out her black pencil skirt and red silk blouse before climbing back in the car.

She flipped her visor down and opened the mirror freshening up her lip gloss and making sure her eyeshadow that made her forest green eyes sparkle wasn’t smudge. Sure she looked the best she could she restarted the car and finished driving to her parents house. She pulled up in the driveway behind her mom’s car and killed the engine. As quitely as she could she got her suit case out of the back of her car and tried to slow her pulse at the thought of seeing Gavin.

Silently she opened the front door and hearing all the voices in the back of the house she quitely slipped down the hall toward the den. She stood in the door way covertly watching her family enteract putting a smile on her face. After a few minutes she finally spoke up.

“So what the prodigal son comes to visit and I become chopped liver?” She asked with a laugh and wide smile on her face as everyone turned to look at her. She held out her arms waiting to see who would come forward to give her a hug knowing her mom had wanted her arrival today to be a surprise for Gavin.

Gavin finished his shower and toweled off before slipping into boxer briefs after which he began to comb his hair. Looking at himself in the mirror he decided that shaving could wait another day or so. He grabbed a pair of jeans slipping them on and the jeans eased over his hips as they were not baggy but fit him well. He put on deodorant and brushed his teeth before slipping on a athletic cut tee shirt which was loose but cut to show off his athletic build. He wasn't dressed to impress by any means but since he was now single one never knew when he might see some ex girlfriend or other attractive lady and he might want to catch her eye. He then realized that he would need to re-comb his hair since the shirt had just messed it up and did so then finished off by applying what Laura had claimed was the newest and hippest cologne for men. "Laura" he thought that bitch! "OK no more thinking of her", he told himself aloud.

He crossed the hallway to his room and sat down on the bed slipping on a worn pair of runners. Heading down the hallway he heard his Dad's booming voice wafting up to the second floor. He made his way to the den to find his Dad talking to his Step Mother. "Dad" he called loudly and his father made his way to him taking the outstretched hand in a manly grip before giving him a manly hug as well.

"How are you son did the trip go well?" "It was fine Dad", came his reply. They released each others hands and his Dad asked, "Why don't we have a little snort of Scotch to welcome you home?" Gavin was a bit surprised at first not that his Dad drank as his Dad had always enjoyed a good glass of Scotch though never to excess. It was offering him a glass that surprised him but why not he was a man now not a teenager.

"Sure Dad" he said unable to hide his surprise. "Don't act so surprised son your a man now and can partake in manly things. I'm sure you have partaken in numerous manly things since you have been gone", his Dad said with a wink and heavy innuendo. This innuendo caused Gavin to laugh loudly and his Step Mom rounded the corner into the den, "What are my two favorite men laughing about?" Gavin looked up at his Step Mom almost blushing, "Nothing Mom". His Dad spoke up, "Just man talk stuff woman folk can't understand." She harrumphed and joined in their laughter though it was more due to them thinking she wold not understand the "man talk".

It was then he heard familiar voice that he hadn't heard in several years. “So what the prodigal son comes to visit and I become chopped liver?”

He turned his head towards the voice and there standing in the entry way to the Den with a big smile on her face was his step sister. The voice was the same though slightly older sounding but not that much since their last conversation on the phone. It was her physical characteristics that had changed dramatically.

She looked amazing and dare he think sexy standing there in a black pencil skirt and red silk blouse that clung to a pair of large breasts. She held out her arms and he crossed the room to give her a big hug. Their arms wrapped around one another as he pulled her close lifting her off her feet. Her breasts pressed against his hard chest and he couldn't believe he was noticing this as he would with a unrelated woman that he was interested in romantically. She smelled wonderful and as they partially released each other from the hug though hands still clutched one another's he appraised her face. Gone was the little girl face he remembered and in its place was a face of a beautiful young woman. His little sister had somewhere along the way grown up.

"Oh my god Jamie you look great I had no idea you were going to be home. It's so great to see you."
“Yeah, yeah look who’s talking Mister Buff and Sexy. The only reason I look semi decent is because Mom gave me the heads up so I freshened up before I got here.” Jamie laughed in reply to Gavin’s comment.

Jamie pulled him in again for a big hug trying to suppress the shot of desire that fired in her blood stream as she felt his hard chest pressed against her breast. She love that he was so big and strong she felt safe in his arms in a way she hadn’t since he left. Even in her heels she had to strech her arms over her head to wrap them around his neck. She still didn’t know what had brought him home to visit after all this time, last she had heard he was engaged to some Laura chick who whenever she answered when Jamie called hung up on her. Jamie really hated that bitch and she hadn’t even met her yet.

Jamie pulled back again and gave Gavin a loud smacking playful kiss. “So where is this chick your suppose to marry I guess you finally brought her home for the family to meet?” Jamie asked with a raised brow.

She had practically forgotten their parents were in the room until the came up behind Gavin. “Alright son stop hogging the girl and share her with the rest of us.” Dad said as he and mom waited for their hugs from her.

Before letting go of Jamie's hand she had pulled him close once more and this time her breasts pressed so hard against his chest that he was certain he could feel erect nipples beneath the thin material of her blouse. Then she kissed him playfully and it was slightly more than just the normal brother/sister kiss of greeting. Her luscious lips pressed against his for a second and then parted with a loud smack. He hoped like hell that his friend downstairs would not awake and make himself noticeable to his sister how embarrassing that would be. But damn it she was not just charming but a babe and she had to have a boyfriend he thought.

Her voice asked the question he was not eager to answer though he had already informed his dad of most of what had happened and why he was here. In turn he was certain that his Father had told his Step Mother as he had not asked him to keep it from her. But explaining it to Jamie might be a bit more difficult and she would ask more prodding questions he was certain. But for now he would give her the short version.

Before he could answer Jamie was being pulled away by his parents for their own hugs. He watched as she stood on tip toes to hug his Father and couldn't help but notice her firm and rather shapely hips through the dress. Shaking his head while walking to the couch in the den he averted his eyes as he knew he had to be blushing a bit but for what? Checking out his sister? No, that was impossible even though only a step sister he had known her all his life and she was as much a sister as any blood related sister could have been.

When their greetings were finished and he had Jamie's attention once more he cleared his throat to answer her question. "No Laura isn't with me and actually we are no longer a couple." He paused, taking a sip of the Scotch, "In fact for the moment I'm going to be living here I have some things to figure out. But we can talk more about that later. Tell me what is going on in your life."

He watched Jamie for a reaction to what he had revealed to her so far as he had always gotten the idea that she didn't care much for Laura. It wasn't like Laura had ever been nice to her on the phone and they had gotten into more than one fight over her calling and bothering them. In fact Laura had referred to her as the spoiled brat and even seemed a little jealous at times when it came to the closeness the two of them had shared.

His Step Mom, really the only Mother he had ever known, spoke,"Gavin Jamie is your big surprise she is here for summer vacation and I know the two of you were always close and have not seen one another in awhile. I thought it would be a great home coming if you were both back home together and able to catch up." Her gaze turned to Dad, "I need some help in the kitchen and these two I'm sure would like to chat alone without us hoovering over them like buzzards."

He watched as they left the room then turned to look at Jamie.
Jamie stared at Gavin trying to absorb what all he just told her. That was really some big life changing stuff. She absently nodded her head to whatever it was her mom was saying not that she was really paying attention. After their parents left the room and Gavin's gasze turned toward her she mad her way further into the room and closer to him. Silently she sat on the couch beside him her side pressed into his. She had always loved having any type of physical conduct with him.

Carelessly as if no time had passed since they had seen each other she laid her head on his toned shoulder and nibbled her lip as she thought. She knew how shge wanted to react to the news of no more Laura and her brother being home again but then she wasn't sure how he felt about it all and support him was more importanbt than her own reactions to the news. Finally Jamie lifted her head slightly so she could look at him but her face was still hovering over his shoulder.

"Okay I give are we celebrating, pissed, or sad?" She asked him knowing she would conform to his answer.

She had always loved Gavin for most of her life he had been her best friend he knew everything about her except about the incident and the fact that she occassionally lusted after him.To be honest she was still trying to believe he was here now and would be for at least the rest of the summer or so she hopped.

While watching my parents leave I hadn't noticed that Jamie had moved closer until I felt someone sitting on the couch next to me. The sweet fragrance of perfume seeped into my olfactories and then I could feel the warmth of her body touching me. The side of her was pressing against me and why this was such a big deal at the moment I couldn't understand. It wasn't like we had never sat by one another or hugged or even held hands before today. But since those days she had grown up and blossomed into beautiful woman that would make men lust after her body and fight over her heart.

Her hand on my shoulder caused me to turn and face her and she was nibbling on her lip just as I remembered. I see a few things had not changed but I also knew that a question was probably about to be asked. The warmth from her side and hand spread through me almost to the point of relaxing me and it felt really good to be home.

Jamie finally finished deciding on whether or not to ask a question and spoke, "Okay I give are we celebrating, pissed, or sad?"

I didn't look away and my face much to my surprise did not cloud over with any hint of pain or remorse. The voice in my head reaffirmed the fact that Laura or the thought of her would not cause me remorse any longer. I tilted my head back looking Jamie directly in the eyes and hers locked on my own. "We my dear sister will celebrate though I can't say I'm not pissed about somethings especially after what happened but I did get a bit of revenge before leaving."

I knew she would want to know more and thought to save her the trouble asking, "Laura was two things a cheater and a user. I had been given a demotion at work which I should count as a blessing that's according to my former boss Tom. He said that the economy was hurting everybody an we had to downsize and lay off people. But since I was such a dedicated employee I was going to be moved to a position that would pay less and I mean a lot less but would at least keep my job."

Pausing only a second and turning on the couch so that I was looking at her more directly I continued.

"I took the job like an idiot and soon after Laura and I began to fight over small and stupid things. I came home early one day from work and caught her, no heard her, having sex with Tom. Tom is not her type as he has a large beer gut almost totally bald, saggy chin, and would not be considered a handsome older man. When I no longer seemed to be moving up on the cooperate ladder she found the next rung up and moved on past me. Tom was just easy pickings like a calf to the slaughter."

"I packed up without a word leaving Laura a little surprise which causes me to smile whenever I think about it. I then went to work and broadcast a little entertainment, in which Tom was the star, to the boardroom Then I gave them all a finger and happily told them I Quit."

It was out now and I was not sure what reaction she might have. But before I could find out Mom had walked back into the living room telling us dinner would be ready very soon. As she started to walk back to the kitchen she turned back to Jamie and myself, "Oh your father and I was talking and we want the four of us to go camping maybe leave in the morning. Your father thought we might drive up to state park it is so pretty this time a year. You two can go in Jamie's car if you like and will get you your own cabin. Alright ten minutes and dinner time."

A camping trip, I thought that sounded like fun as long as Jamie went along with it. "So what do you think Jamie want to go camping with me?"
Jamie listened as Gavin spoke. Well it seemed apparent the chick was every bit the bitch Jamie had thought her but she wasn’t sure her step brother wanted to hear that. She was about to comment when her mom came into the room, "Oh your father and I was talking and we want the four of us to go camping maybe leave in the morning. Your father thought we might drive up to state park it is so pretty this time a year. You two can go in Jamie's car if you like and will get you your own cabin. Alright ten minutes and dinner time."

Jamie nodded and waved to her as she left the room again. "So what do you think Jamie want to go camping with me?" Gavin asked.

She had already been thinking about how long it had been since they had been camping and how much fun it use to be when they went as a family but for some reason with the way Gavin asked sent chills down her spine. She looked at him and took her lush bottom lip between her straight white teeth while she thought trying to form a normal reply while her body was tingling. Slowly she let her lip slip from the grip on her teeth leaving it shiny with a bit of saliva.

“As long as you promise to protect me from the bears I suppose I could go camping with you.” She answered teasingly.

Jamie slowly rose beside Gavin let her side brush against his as she did so. She looked back at him over her shoulder with her hair still secured in it’s bun. Reaching back for him with her left hand she said, “Come on you know how mom is if we are late to dinner.”

Something about the way Jamie asked him to protect her from bears though meant as a joke seemed odd. For the a brief second she seemed to have gotten some haunted look in her eye. "I will always protect you darling sister!"

That night Gavin dreamed of him and Jamie and when he woke drenched in sweat he was had to think really hard to assure himself it wasn't true. They were in a large forest alone and someone was after them but he did not know who or why. After several close calls they thought that they had eluded their unknown pursuer when he and Jamie had become separated. Gavin panicked but found Jamie near a cliff with a strange man on top of her. Grabbing the man he took out his fury on him. How dare he touch his sister it was only Jamie's cries for him to stop that prevented him from killing the man. They bound the man and hiked out of the woods finding a rangers station. After filing their report with directions as to where the man could be found they checked into a local hotel room. That night he made love to Jamie. It was wonderful though he kept telling himself it was so wrong.

He awoke with a start and his bed clothes were bathed in sweat from the dream and he was breathing hard. He shook his head looking around and for a second was unable to place his surroundings. He knew that he was not in his old apartment and finally was able to remember that he was at his parents home and Jamie was safe and sound in her bedroom or so he thought. Even though he knew it was a dream it was so vivid he crept down the hall to her door which was closed. He listened quietly and could hear her slow rhythmic breathing. Shaking his head Gavin returned to bed laying on top of the covers instead of trying to sleep in the sweat drenched sheets.

The thoughts of his sister's beautiful body intertwined with his kept popping in to his head and despite his mental protests of how wrong it was he felt himself getting erect. It was then he noticed he had not closed his door completely and wait was there a shadow or someone there. Peering into the darkness he decided it was imagination and rolled onto his side attempting to find elusive sleep.

Two days later found their parents SUV loaded down with camping gear. Jamie's little car didn't hold much more than sleeping bags and some clothes. Gavin stepped out of the house wearing a pair of knee length hiking shorts, one of his tight trade mark muscle tee's and hiking boats.

They let their parents lead the way and as they approached her car Gavin asked, "So are you driving or do you would you like big brother to drive." He eyed her in the early morning light with the sun glinting off her strawberry blonde hair. She looked so beautiful he thought an damn sexy.
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The past two days had seemed to pass in a whirl wind of activity getting ready for the camping trip. Jamie had caught herself staring at Gavin and mentally stripping him as she had before in the past but he seemed to always be making comments about how they were brother and sister. It drove her crazy that he was constantly reminding her that they were step-siblings with no real blood ties between them. She had always been attracked to him for as long as should could remember.

She had also been having trouble sleeping reliving the attack she had survived in her dreams along with having wet dreams about Gavin. She was constantly waking up in the middle of the night in a panic or a storm of lust. Both made it impossible for her to go back to sleep. Now it seemed it was finally time to head out and she had been paired with Gavin for the drive. She debated in her head about rather or not to have him drive. But as she thought about the dreams she had been having and he once again using the term brother she decided it was time to play dirty.

"You drive." She tossed him the keys before sashaying around the car to the passanger side.

Her long legs were left bare by the short tight blue jean shorts she had dawned and the dark green tank top streched tight against her unrestained breast. She smiled to herself as her plan formed and he started driving down the road. Jamie streched out her legs and then reached down touching her toes and trailing her hands up her bare legs before settling back comfortabling in the seat.

"So," she said looking over at him her right hand absently tracing up and down her cleveage, "what do you really think about this camping trip and mom putting us in our own cabin together seperate from them?"