Fallout 4

He's gotten philosophical after trying to polish rust for 200 years.


On that spoilery note, I've got something.

After you get Dogmeat, take him back to the Vault and go to the Master unpickable lock. You can do this immediately on getting him as a companion.

Ask him to "fetch" "item" and it may take a few tries, but he'll go grab the gun for you, and have the ammo in his inventory.


On the building, people are making a ton of unreasonable homes in the sky because physics.


I took him to the vault but he doesn't come down the elevator with me. Is there another way down that I can take the dog with me?
I took him to the vault but he doesn't come down the elevator with me. Is there another way down that I can take the dog with me?

Other than retrying I don't know. Took me about 20 tries to get him to fetch...maybe use the code to summon him?
Other than retrying I don't know. Took me about 20 tries to get him to fetch...maybe use the code to summon him?

I commanded dogmeat to stay in the center of the vault platform & then stood next to him but he is not there when I reach the bottom.

Also, I found out that there is a limit to how much you can build your settlement. It got to the point where a message popped up saying that I could no longer create any more objects to build with.
You are a demented cunt. No wonder your kid was born retarded, god is punishing you for molesting children. He also gave you a spineless faggot as a spouuse.

Says the spineless douche-nozzle that needs an alt account to spew nonsense. :rolleyes:

Crawl back into whatever shithole you came from, grow a pair, and post your idiocy under your main login, fucking coward.
Deathclaw to the knee!

I wonder if someone took someone else's sweet roll...

Next year I will be building a new PC with the Skylake-E, 16GB of DDR4 RAM, and 2-way SLI of the flagship Nvidia Pascal graphics cards.
Yeah, well, your instincts suck.

Happy people tend to not obsess over everything wrong with the world and make up more when real wrong isn't enough.

You know, for instance.

You seem stressed, man. Maybe a different hobby?