Faculty Lounge OOC ((INVITE ONLY))

Yeah, I just copied the address into a new window, I think it's a hotlinking thing.

let's try...

Didn't show up there, either.
Hope this works, Lit. If not, fire me a message.

Faculty Member: Dale Sharp
Degrees: M.A. in Philosophy and Sociology
Classification: cis heterosexual male
Preferred Default Honorific: Professor Sharp to his students. Mister Sharp from the TAs.
Expertise: control, forced exhibitionism, light bondage, punishment
Position: Professor
Age: 41
Teaching Assistant: TBD
Courses Offered: The Philosophy of Behavior Modification
Thanks Scuttle. The troubles of linking from Google image search. *chuckle*
Never fear - Campus slut is here!

Name: Bianca Riesling

Double degree in Psychology (Minor in Sexual Therapy) & Business (Minor in Economics)

Female, Submissive, Masochist, Bisexual, Polyamorous (aka community property - cheers Sharky!...(I ran out of words for this shit)

Preferred Title:
....BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Students call her Miss Riesling to keep professionalism and awareness of their status, everyone else is free to call her...and call on her whenever they please. ;)

Position: Campus Nurse (Has her First Aid qualifications and is doing her third degree in Nursing, she's an overachiever educationally but has no real aspirations to use them for financial gain, she only wants to be useful basically), Administration - Bianca is extremely efficient and organized, she can basically run the monotonous campus paperwork herself and do up all the timetables to save the University money. She's also the Campus Cock/Cunt tease and shakes it whenever she can :eek::D She's greedy.

Age: 26


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Update that motherfucking title page Sharky ;) I'm in this shit.

It makes me hot when you swear needlessly like that. *shivers*

Alright beautiful, wonderful faculty. Now is the time when you should be filling out your syllabi for your classes so that by the time we have a full roster of students they can have a completed course catalog to choose their classes from.

I'll try to piece together a schedule for the classes we have. Also, Tess, if you have an opportunity to get a profile together, we could have our full faculty all in place.

The Students are arriving, time to step our game up again everyone! Thanks so much for your contributions to this point.

Enrollment Cap: Do we want to cap the number of students we'll admit? To me 10 seems like a reasonable max, especially considering the size of our faculty (group threads get unmanageable easily), but I invite other opinions on this. Do we want to stop accepting applications once we reach 10, or do we want to accept as many applications as we can get and make selections based on merit?

Thanks in advance for your help and patience,
--From the Desk of Dr. George Helms, DFA
It makes me hot when you swear needlessly like that. *shivers*

Alright beautiful, wonderful faculty. Now is the time when you should be filling out your syllabi for your classes so that by the time we have a full roster of students they can have a completed course catalog to choose their classes from.

I'll try to piece together a schedule for the classes we have. Also, Tess, if you have an opportunity to get a profile together, we could have our full faculty all in place.

The Students are arriving, time to step our game up again everyone! Thanks so much for your contributions to this point.

Enrollment Cap: Do we want to cap the number of students we'll admit? To me 10 seems like a reasonable max, especially considering the size of our faculty (group threads get unmanageable easily), but I invite other opinions on this. Do we want to stop accepting applications once we reach 10, or do we want to accept as many applications as we can get and make selections based on merit?

Thanks in advance for your help and patience,
--From the Desk of Dr. George Helms, DFA
You know it ;)

Seems to me that ritzy private schools can afford to be picky with their enrollments, otherwise places won't be nearly as coveted, correct?

I say we get to choose, why rush? Any students who don't respond to acceptance letter probably won't be a good choice anyway, we want people in for the long haul.
I've been thinking...

I don't know what you have planned as far as organizing this whole thing goes, but I think it might be easiest to have separate threads for each class. People post at different speeds and at different times, and someone falling behind in a big group thread is probably the quickest way to start shedding people. If we have separate threads that might be a little easier to prevent.

So, for example, if Alice and I have a student in class, Apollo for the sake of the example, then the three of us would be almost self-contained there. If one or two of us are slow getting posts up, it's not going to hold up 15 other people, because they're free in other threads/classes to continue on at whatever speed they're going.

And then, we could have a 'common' thread or two, maybe a teacher's lounge and a student lounge or something to that effect.

Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, having a thread per teacher instead of per class would be a better way to go. It's not like one person can teach three classes at once, right?
I've been thinking...

I don't know what you have planned as far as organizing this whole thing goes, but I think it might be easiest to have separate threads for each class. People post at different speeds and at different times, and someone falling behind in a big group thread is probably the quickest way to start shedding people. If we have separate threads that might be a little easier to prevent.

So, for example, if Alice and I have a student in class, Apollo for the sake of the example, then the three of us would be almost self-contained there. If one or two of us are slow getting posts up, it's not going to hold up 15 other people, because they're free in other threads/classes to continue on at whatever speed they're going.

And then, we could have a 'common' thread or two, maybe a teacher's lounge and a student lounge or something to that effect.

Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, having a thread per teacher instead of per class would be a better way to go. It's not like one person can teach three classes at once, right?

Yeah, I like this idea. My initial thought was to have different threads for different classrooms so that several classes could be going at once in different areas, but faculty could still float between areas. Example: Monday 8AM in the "Workshop" thread I could be hosting Art Bondage while fr33k was teaching Interm. exhibitionism in the "Main Hall." But on a Tuesday, you might be in the "Workshop" with your AP Maso class while I'm teaching Adv. Hum in the main hall--this would also force selective participation from students who would have to decide where they were going to be and when (we still need to iron out those conflicts when we start scheduling).

Time: I absolutely realize that time and timing are going to be critical elements of this project. I invite all opinions, but this was my idea. Prof and TA collaborate over PM on an introduction to the class, as a larger, collaborated post to which the students are given a period of time to respond (I think this should be set) let's say for argument's sake 4-6 days. In that time, students would each write a reaction post which will be responded to in the next Prof. TA collab post, which would comprise the main lecture/demonstration, after this piece is posted, students are given another response/question period of the same. By this schedule, each class period would last for roughly a month, but when the time allotted for responses is over, a student would have missed their chance to participate in lecture (participation points may be adjusted). If a student wants, they can sit in on a class and respond to nothing until it comes time to leave, without holding anything up. This allows active players to be as active as they desire and passive players to be as passive as they desire.

This scheduling model also has the advantage of allowing for "down time," where students can study, see professors for office hours or have pillow fights in the dorms (whatever strikes the fancies). Also, it allows for narrative drama to develop in the form of romantic attachments, competition, jealousy, etc. Narrative, in other words.

Scheduling is the next step after I get Course Descriptions from everyone. Does this make sense? Would you prefer to have individual threads for teachers? All input is welcome.
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I think that separate teacher threads is the way to go. With all the will in the world? People can't always post when they want to and there's nothing like the pressure knowing there are people waiting to go after you to make people drop out. Room/area based threads with a timetable will create that pressure straight away.

Teacher based threads would mean people can post without pressure and more realistic narrative will spring up.

Just my take on it :D
*puts hand up*

I like the idea and would go with it but where does administration fit in? Where would I go? I don't know how much time i would actually spend in classrooms etc :confused:
*puts hand up*

I like the idea and would go with it but where does administration fit in? Where would I go? I don't know how much time i would actually spend in classrooms etc :confused:

You could have an office maybe? If you're the Nurse you'd have a room for that part of your duties anyway, wouldn't you?

And then you visit the threads of other staff members when you need/want to interact with them - plus there'd be the common areas.

Something like that perhaps? :D
You could have an office maybe? If you're the Nurse you'd have a room for that part of your duties anyway, wouldn't you?

And then you visit the threads of other staff members when you need/want to interact with them - plus there'd be the common areas.

Something like that perhaps? :D

Well that's what i thought but i would hate to be in there by myself all the time lol!
Well that's what i thought but i would hate to be in there by myself all the time lol!

I can understand that.

But perhaps it's a campus rule that all students have a physical at the start of the year. We want to make sure everyone's healthy and fit to take part in everything.

Students could have to register and make appointments with you so you'd have a steady stream of people to interact with, as well as sitting in on lectures in between your appointments when you think a nurse might be needed on hand or for professional assessment duties - observing staff or TAs or whatever.

Just suggestions, obviously. :D
See, this is why I think location threads are the best bet. How the time works can still be tinkered with regardless of how the separate threads are spread out, with consideration to people's posting schedule. I still think it's preferable to have the different areas spread into threads, as opposed to individual facility having their own threads... it just seems like a recipe for chaos if one prof is starting their second week while other faculty are still trying to complete day one.

I understand the desire to make accommodations for people's posting rate, but for the classes themselves, I think even 4 days ought to be enough, since students will have less to write, as they're responding/asking questions. If I student were to be used for a demonstration, that could be worked out via PM while the rest of the class wrote reactions to who was chosen, to not being chosen, etc. Also, it allows for students and TAs to return to the Dorms every night without Faculty around...

If Dorm activities run long, classes could still function as scheduled while things wrapped up in another part of the campus. Simultenaety isn't impossible, just discouraged by the steady progression of the story.

I appreciate the desire not to pressure people to post, but this is a school after all. Pressure is part and parcel.
I do like Brit's idea of mandatory physicals, the school is primarily based on physical abilities so if someone was unable to participate or put others at risk, they would be unsuitable for enrollment but i don't know that it would happen on campus, things like that generally occur in a private GP office with their personal doctor and the doctor has to issue a certificate to declare them fit for it.

I had to do that to enter a piloting program when i was a student pilot so i was cleared to fly.
But i like the separate threads and so forth and don't mind waiting as i have other threads *pause for effect...and possibly a wink!* to keep me busy in the interim, i just don't want to be perpetually waiting to interact or to get off the mark.

I can run the office so if staff need to print anything or pick up payslips and so forth, i would inevitably get a visitor. Plus the sick and injured come see me also.

Are we going to interact with the students in an OOC thread so we can nut the whole thing out and be on the same page?
Absolutely. Attendance would likely be an OOC consideration, ensuring availability of other writers prior to the beginning of lecture.

Administrative issues will likely be a pressing concern, for instance if there were a visit from a School Board official, our administration staff would be responsible for demonstrating the value of this "school" as a viable candidate for state funding.

The virtue of location threads is that a visitor could bounce from thread to thread by way of observation in *comparable* real time. Begin at the beginning of one class and finish at the end of a third class.

My concern is that individual threads might become... disparate in popularity, sewing unnecessary disent between faculty and students. Minx would likely handle the overall status of the central narrative arc, with regards to proving the model for the school as a lasting institution.

Ideally, the location threads could evolve to feature new faculty, more students, a wider curriculum and wider views of fetish in all its forms.

Perhaps we should have a vote.
It's also a boatload of reading so we can all keep up with the school as a whole which means subscribing to a dozen threads instead of one and spreading ourselves out. Almost doesn't maintain a singular story really, it means many subcategories (lack of better word).

We would definitely need to be on the same page to appropriately map this out. I'm patient, i don't mind waiting but I often make my co writers wait some time especially when Uni is in session. Others may be daily posters and not accustomed to my slower pace.

I also have chemistry concerns but hopefully we pick well versed people that i can smooth issues out with.


Sharky you owe me a reply PM mister! Just an FYI
You owe me an obedience post, mouthy britches. You can recruit for your own threesome fantasies as far as I'm concerned. How about that?

No, but I'm still figuring lots of stuff out, not to mention that I'm going abroad for the next two weeks and will be likely unreachable. If I'm on an island with this location idea we'll do what the majority suggests.

Edit: you've got mail, bitch.
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You owe me an obedience post, mouthy britches. You can recruit for your own threesome fantasies as far as I'm concerned. How about that?

No, but I'm still figuring lots of stuff out, not to mention that I'm going abroad for the next two weeks and will be likely unreachable. If I'm on an island with this location idea we'll do what the majority suggests.
Mem are such whiner babies when they don't get their fix.


Alright, fine. I intend to do posts tonight. I got about ten minutes til story time with the kids so half an hour til i start writing, i think you can wait that long :kiss:

I vote separate threads, a little less pressure on me is always a good thing in my books...at least the not great kinds of pressure ;)

I also vote for at least one main thread to combine faculty lounge and office which should be in the same building anyway, the student lounge/dorm could be another secondary thread which allows the students to play...while the faculty *coughs* discusses *coughs* stuff...ah someone just fuck me and beat me or something and i don't care what we do!

I was almost a serious voter :D
Hello Faculty,

I realize that I've been away and it could be said that I've been "nagging," but our student body is starting to get antsy and I'm worried about losing momentum. I need course descriptions from our faculty members for every class that we offer. Fr33k has submitted his via PM and I've updated the Course Catalogue accordingly, but I don't have any others.

These don't need to be complete lesson plans, broad strokes are acceptable, but I will need them ASAP to begin the placement process once we finish admission and begin enrollment.

Thanks again everyone.
Still here, dude. Brain's having trouble keeping it simple. Hoping to have something for you by later this week.