Facts Or False?


The Usual.
Feb 25, 2010
The fact is: did you know that 95% of women shave their privates and only 16% of men do? what do you prefer?

ooooo hell fucking NO! haha

I'd much rather have a shaved partner.

Nobody likes pubes in their teeth.

Plus, it's easier to keep clean if you're not rockin a bush.
I want to know where everyone is licking that gets hair in their teeth. If you're licking where I want you to be licking...THERE IS NO HAIR THERE.
I want to know where everyone is licking that gets hair in their teeth. If you're licking where I want you to be licking...THERE IS NO HAIR THERE.

Some chicks have it all the way up to the outter labia- and if you're trying to suck clit and it's a bad bush you CAN'T FUCKING BREATH because your head is, you know, right in her crotch and your nose is buried in a bush. So you try to move to get a goddamn breath and BOOM HAIR IN THE MOUTH- PLUS it traps heat from your breathing better then bare skin, so it's hot as hell down there-

I'm not saying I won't do it or that it's not an enjoyable experience- but I shave and/or wax, and if you're not doing it because you're anti-beauty standard or whatever, I get that- but if you're not doing it because you're to lazy to give a shit about my sexual experience, that's really a deeper relationship issue that speaks to selfishness that will probably apply on a larger scale.
I do it and then I don't. It doesn't matter husband doesn't notice. The thing with shaving it - mine must really grow fast. I mean I have to do it every day or the stubble kills me. If I let it go more than one day it sticks into my underwear. Just in case you were wondering I trim and as I have aged I have very little bush left.
I do it and then I don't. It doesn't matter husband doesn't notice. The thing with shaving it - mine must really grow fast. I mean I have to do it every day or the stubble kills me. If I let it go more than one day it sticks into my underwear. Just in case you were wondering I trim and as I have aged I have very little bush left.

I used to wax but it got too expensive so now I shave. I honestly got lucky inthat I don't have a whole lot of body hair- or even facial hair. I shave some places every couple days, but I can generally go about a week before having to shave downstairs. I honestly don't do it for a lover, though I do think that it's probably better for them, I do it because I fucking hate body hair. I like feeling smooth. I also feel like it's hard to clean- I know that it's not, but ugh- I actually started shaving my armpits when I was like 12- like as soon as it got long enough to actually bother me, just because I couldn't stand it.
I know just what you mean? LOL:D

I'd honestly rather wax, because it lasts for like... a month. I just don't trust MYSELF to do it on areas that I can't see. Or that are really sensitive- I have to get someone else to do it. And I don't have anyone.
I'd honestly rather wax, because it lasts for like... a month. I just don't trust MYSELF to do it on areas that I can't see. Or that are really sensitive- I have to get someone else to do it. And I don't have anyone.

I'd volunteer to help but I have a feeling you don't live in ILLINOIS.
I'd volunteer to help but I have a feeling you don't live in ILLINOIS.

That sounds like I should know where it is. I'm in Ky. I really feel like that's close, but I am the world's biggest dumbass about Geography. There are fucking goldfish who know more about Geo then I do.
Maybe close enough that we could handle it if we could keep it to once a month. LOL
