*Extreme pic warning*---witness Zmey's birth


Lit Class of '02
Apr 17, 2002
Someone please tell me wtf that is. Thanks.
:eek::eek: ooo.. wait ,,, I thought that pic is your mouth's pic..

hehehee.. :confused::confused:

hmmm.. ya ya is your mouth. :D:D
Give it up BOB. I wouldn't piss on you if you ware light pole in a desert
Zmey said:
Give it up BOB. I wouldn't piss on you if you ware light pole in a desert


So why exactly are you in this country? If you enjoy the freedoms, don't you think you should be speaking out for them and the protection of those rights and the people who put themselves on the line for them? It seems a bit hypocritical to me that you slam the very government and military that has given you the freedoms you seem to cherish. Our forefathers died for your rights, and you were just given a piece of paper saying you could use them.

Un-fuck your brain.
Oh wait, there was a warning.

I should read the thread title a little better.

Barring that, somebody should spank me.
Rubyfruit said:
Oh wait, there was a warning.

I should read the thread title a little better.

Barring that, somebody should spank me.

Is there a time limit on the spanking?
That is so gross......

Who would be proud enough of those to want a picture of them in the family album?
Rubyfruit said:

Barring that, somebody should spank me.

Ruby, you're my type of girl. I bet you would constantly do naughty things just to get spanked wouldn't you?

Bad is definitely good.