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The story behind the story
On 2/25/2020, TM wrote me:
Shortly thereafter, he added:
The next day, I replied:
TM replied:
Shortly thereafter, TM added:
TM added again:
I replied:
On 2/25/2020, TM wrote me:
I feel like "My Sister & The Bikini Contest" would make for a great story.
Now, what's the hook? A college student goes to a bikini contest at a local town bar and discovers that his 18-year-old sister unexpectedly shows up to compete in the bar's bikini contest....she ends up having a couple too many drinks and he has to take her home, barely conscious, still wearing her bikini, get her cleaned up and ready for sleep.
Shortly thereafter, he added:
I mean, this particular concept would require a sister with a very hefty set of ta-tas.
I think appropriate research would be in order, don't you? It would be a real tragedy if due diligence was not fully enforced on this matter.
The next day, I replied:
Maybe start the story with the sister catching the brother watching a bikini try on video on youtube in the living room? He's all embarrassed and flees to his bedroom. The next day when they are alone together, the sister insists that they watch a bikini try on video together. She's watched a few bikini try on videos herself to help her buy the right bikini for her, and she wants to get a guy's opinion on some bikinis. And then she does a bikini try on for her brother. The reason she does so is she's planning on entering the bikini contest at the local town bar. So our hero goes to the local town bar to check out the hot babes in bikinis and is shocked to see his sister there. She wins, people buy her drinks, and he's feeling protective and stays in the background out of sight. When some guy tries to force the wasted sister to leave with him, the brother gets between them and tells the guy to get lost. He takes his barely conscious sister home still wearing her bikini. When they get to her bedroom, she wants help getting cleaned up and ready for sleep.
TM replied:
I LOVE your story kernel. This is a story that I definitely want to read--Yes!!
I'll propose Tessa Fowler as a model for the younger sister:
[pictures of Tessa Fowler]
and it will be pretty obvious why she'd win her very first bikini contest.
Maybe the parents are conservative and strictly religious, and haven't let their daughter go on any dates.....and she's itching to rebel.
I _love_ the idea of the sister trying a multitude of outfits at home for her older brother to judge. Bikinis, lingerie, crop tops, short shorts, the Victoria's Secret catalog, etc.
Shortly thereafter, TM added:
For--you know--necessary due diligence and completeness of research, let's include a few more bikini shots of Miss Tessa Fowler:
[more pictures of Tessa Fowler]
Maybe the sister is near-sighted and wears nerdy librarian-style horn-rimmed glasses? And the brother has always found this unattractive until she starts up on the sexy librarian look?
TM added again:
Also, YouTube has a few clips of Miss Fowler running her web site out of her bedroom:
[Three YouTube videos now removed]
So here's my idea for Step 2: after waking up with a splitting hangover from the bikini contest, the sister decides to start a web channel posing in bikini and lingerie outfits (she's under some pressure from their parents to get a job and pay for her college expenses). Our sister decides to do a PG version of Tessa Fowler (and others), but she needs a camera man who can also help edit her clips. Enter our brother. Then she needs help with building her web site. She and the brother argue over what's appropriate to post, and just how much trouble she could into with their parents if they discover what she's doing. So the brother suggests that they build a prototype web site first with sufficient content, but not open it up to the public just yet, so that once they do open it up they have enough content to keep any new customers happy for the near future.
The brother spends a couple of months helping her build the prototype web site. Whenever the sister thinks they're close to completion, the brother adds more content and pushes the opening date out.
Eventually the brother confesses that he's fallen in love with her and can't possibly bear to open the web site to the public: he wants her all to himself and doesn't want to to share her with a webcam-watching public. The sister has, by this time, figured out her brother's jealousy and is charmed by his interest. She starts dropping hints that if he actually cares that much about her, that maybe they should get engaged....and then she'd have to make an honest woman of herself (again, the web site isn't actually public yet and no one but the brother has seen her in all of the various bikinis). Step 3: The brother buys a ring and proposes.
I replied:
Her parents are very conservative. They don't let her have any money and they buy everything for her - but only things they approve of. The clothes she has are unsexy and the glasses she wears are unflattering. She doesn't have a car and they only let her use their car when they know where she's going. A female friend bought her two bikinis to try, and the sister entered the contest to earn the money to pay the friend back.
When the brother takes her home after the bikini contest and gets her to her bedroom, she asks him to help her change into a nightshirt. He puts the nightshirt over her, and then removes the bikini through the nightshirt. While he's doing that, she becomes super affection with him. She kisses him constantly, starting on the cheeks and then giving him pecks on the lips. She calls him "Her knight in shining armor". She lightly rubs her body against him. She talks about how much fun she had flirting with all the guys at the bar, and how much she enjoyed having them check out her body. She mixes in "I'm so drunk" and "I'm so wasted". As he's pulling her panties up, she tells him, "I'm so horny. I would have liked to have gotten fucked tonight. But not by that asshole. Thanks so much for saving me from him." She follows that up with lots of kisses and firmly rubbing her body against her brother. When the brother tucks her into bed and starts to leave, she insists that he sleep with her in case she throws up. The brother is enormously tempted to feel her up once she's asleep, but he resists.
After the bikini contest, she suddenly sees her big brother as the solution to a lot of her problems. She wants to use what's left of the prize money to buy contacts. She pressures the big brother to take her to the Walmart Vision Center, and he does. She wears glasses when her parents are home, but when they're gone she wears contacts and she's a lot more attractive with them on. She continues to call him "her knight in shining armor" and to give him kisses on the cheek while hugging him. He loves it, though he hates that he loves it.
She wants to buy sexy clothes. She pressures the big brother to buy them for her, and in return she models them for him. She dreams about starting a youtube try on channel once she goes off to college, and she has her brother help her do practice videos. She convinces her brother to take her to Planned Parenthood, and to pay for her birth control pills.
Things keep ramping up between them. Once she's taken the birth control pills long enough to be safe, she gives her big brother a special lingerie try on session.
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