Exploring Science Together


Literotica Guru
Aug 22, 2008
ooc: Send me a sample PM if interested!

Erika Miller was a sophomore in college and for the most part she really enjoyed it. She had always been a good student; she was a rather quiet girl who kept to herself. She rarely missed class, asked good questions..every professor enjoyed having her in class. But this semester was probably her hardest. She was forced to take a science class that she thought would be the death of her. But in fact, it wasn't that bad. The professor was clear, his lectures were interesting and his test format was not super ridiculous or super easy....it was somewhere in the middle.

Every semester she managed to pull a mixture of A's or B's but this class may give her, her first C, which she was not looking forward to. She managed to pull a 78 her last exam and hoped to do better this time. There were a couple of assignments and two exams left for the semester. She had completed the study guide for the exam but had a few questions. After her classes were done for the day, she decided to stop by her professor's office.

She pushed up her black rimmed glasses, tugged on her sweatshirt a bit. She was a shy girl, even though she was almost 21. She knocked on the door gently.

"Hi Professor. Do you have a few minutes?" She asked softly.
Mr. Tabbert was a recently tenured professor, his newly aquired status brought about added pressure from the university, and much scrutiny from his peers. As a TA and an assistant professor he was a student favorite. Always going the extra mile to ensure his class understood all the concepts, putting extra hours after lectures to help the struggling students. But now, he had extra faculty meetings, and was put on this committee or that one. It ate up his time and took away from the students, the reason he loved teaching. Still though he always tried his best to make time for students when he could and kept his office hours as open as possible. On top of everything, teaching, board meetings, he was the universities Rugby coach, one extracurricular he refused to give up, and one reason he was able to maintain some of his former physique well into his mid thirties. It was another reason he had always been a favorite amongst the female student body.

When he heard the knock on the door, he looked up from the minutes of the previous weeks board meeting he had been pouring over. Then looked at the clock. Shit, he thought. Hopefully this will be quick, only thirty minutes until the meeting. He stood up leaving the paper on his desk, catching up on the meetings proceedings could wait, students first he thought. Opening the door he saw Ms. Erika Miller, a young student in his class, average grades, but heard she scored high in her other classes. Putting on his best professor face he started off with the usual question,

"What can I do for you Ms.Miller?"