Exploration: Earth (Open to you!)


Literotica Guru
Nov 16, 2012
Join! This is open so dont be mean to others. Dont go crazy either. You can so just about anything futurery...


Planet From:
Cock/Breast Size:
Clothing(for begining):
Body Build:

Year: July 7th, 2723
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Name: Reya D'Quand Darren
Age: 19
Planet From: Mars
Intellegence: Really smart and cunning
Breast Size: 32D
Weapon(s): Laser Pistol and nano-dagger
Clothing(for begining): a skin tight, red and black, laser proof full body armor
Apperiance: Black hair, baby blue eyes, tan skin, shoulder length hair
Body Build: Athletic
Occupation: Feild researcher(also called Squints)

I land my Omega 12, mock 39, on planet Earth. I remeber us humans started here. Then built the iss. Then a few went into space. Later we went to mars. Then aliens attacked. We had fled. I was sent to search and report.
I walk down tge old road in New York, New York. I see the Empire State Building. Half impailed in the ground. I imagine this place looking nicer and being more crowded. I hear human like noises. I remeber that some humans refused to stay and another feild reseacher saw a oack of half human half wolf creatures woking for the bad aliens.
I take out a porta-bed as i enter a mostly intact building. I activate it tgen lay down. My weapons drawn.
I activate the sleep mode and it injects me so i can sleep better. I fall asleep almost instently
Shadow wolf

name: David Longwolf /Call sign: Shadow
age: 26
planet: space station sigma 5 (heavy g planet nearist pulls 2.25g)
Inteligence: high with signs of adhd
cock: thick 7.75 in. long
weapons: glassner antiarmor blaster (plasma) pistole 4 mags, 4 toxic war darts 18 in. , 4 glue grenades, sholder mod rail rifle. 6 mags, 2 hipersonic durasteal combat blades 18in. combat medic bag.
clothing: stage 3 tac battle armor(bulit for recon units)
apperiance: black hair, black eyes ruggedly hansome
body build: 6'2" 215 lbs. med to heavy build. not ripped. "being from a heavy g planet sys i can run faster longer and harder than most creatures on this planet. whats it called earf?"
occupation: soilder, recon spc. rank: WO3 mission: tail other teams or persons scouting earth. split information 50/50 provide aid as needed
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log entry: 17 after twelve days of tracking the dogmen iv discovered nothing usefull. how ever i did spot that human girl again not sure who or how but shes dressed like the holopic of cavemen. i think that the hides may even help her hide better in the park. i just picked up some thing on the biosencer. thats if thee damb things working right to day.

fallowing the bio I find a sleeping human female. she apears to be a scout form mars or near there by the outfit and weapon. i post a gaurd form the doorway. till she comes round.
good morning. coffie? i have a spair cup.
staying in the doorway i pull a canteen and cup from my belt and slide it your way never takeing my eyes off the hall
"What the fuck?!" I say surprised as i draw my gun at you my visor appearing over my head. "Who are you?"
the army says my name is shadow. You have a nice kit. is that an omin corp mark 7 alarm or the 8? ether way you may want to find a second system. the shock will only slow down the better suites like mine. unless youve had it "upgraded" and not every thing down here is breathing. I have reason to think that our enemys have some kind of smartbots. thay dont show on a bioscan, but thay do on a camra.

you might wana try a gluegrenade and string in the doorway. thatll give you a little more time to sleep befor you have to get up and deal with an intruder.

you from mars? the gear.

Ok. your name? I could go around calling , hay you. But there are to many of "them" here already.
"Im Reya but acording to MRFTK im Dr.WolfGirl. I was sent here from mars to collect data also sorry about aiming my gun at you..."
Dr.wolfgirl. nice ring to it. Def-corps opened earth for exploration and hunting so hunters and labcoats can help find a better way to win back earth. My misson is to help groops that I come across and share intel as it comes in. so far your the only labcoat to live long enough for me to get to you.

so coffie? its the real thing got it from some hunters on there way home.
"No thanks... Anyways you want intel? Here..." I throw you a file called WolfPeople. Inside is facts that show that humans miggt have done this.
"In fact u believe them to have been created to become the soldiers. But they went heywire
So we may have done this to our selves. I shake my head muttering stupid humans stupid humans. I look up at you for the first time letting my recon taining take in the hole picture and store it forreview.
a slight rase of the eyebrow. thinking to my self not bad not bad at all. I could get use to her being around? I look back at you pulling my inclosed combat helm. Im... Im veary sorry if i say any thing to offend. I realy dont get out of my cage mutch when people are around. When it... well I spend weeks and month on the edge of space or some planet in the middle of no.... am I rambleing? outloud? sorry.
I activate my visir to reflect mode so the glass looks like mirror from the out side
So how can "the army" help you dr. ? and do you mind if we talk more while we go down the hall I need to check one of my recon kits. I hook my helm on my back and make sure the rifle is free
"No you cant help me..." I stutter"...be-because..." I lie "...it could have been anyone..." I say following you
Any one? Any one that did what? ignoreing the lie.

You smell that? my hand reaching for the pistol, flashing out to the ready at a speed that blurs the hand cannon in to a close combat stance. Moveing in to one of the empty rooms with no glass in the window. slowly creeping to the edge to look out, I hold up my hand for you to stay back. Your screen is shinny not good, if your trying to not get spoted. I wisper. Try a blackout or gray if it can.I slowly put my helm back on. and start recording
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half for the record and half for Raya. I anounce there is a burning apc down that road. it has to be less than three hours old. thats the road i came in on. It looks like a hunters rig. way to advanced to be army and tomany gunmounts to be labvech. looking back at you I say better not head that way today. I might check it out tonight. I slide away from the window. nice trick by the way. my sute blends well but not full stelth mode. Even the bioscaner has issues pinpointing you. Good thing thay dont have that tech. I start moveing back to the roof to check on my gear.

So you were saying, it could have been any one?
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"Yes..." I say as i reappear. Also im the only one who has this. I made it and havent comepleted it. Plus i said the idea and they said it was Bullshit and what if the enemy got it."
I like it. and in my job being unseen is a matter of life and death. But im not sure thay steal tech the way we do. From my few trips behind the lines thay dont seam to know what to make of our tech. But i understand what you meen about the higher ups not wanting to make new ech that could fall in to the wrong hands..... Thats why if some bad happens to me you run as fast as you can. Hq built a self destruct in to my sute.