EXPIRED - an error I didn't expect to see...


plays well with self
Apr 8, 2002
A new submission of mine was posted last night, and I clicked on it to get the link today. Instead of finding the poem, I found this:


Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/literot/literoticanet/literotica/showstory.php:9) in /home/literot/literoticanet/literotica/newclasses/classCacheFile.php on line 57

has anyone else encountered this? I'm probably over-reacting and my poem will probably be fine this afternoon, but right now I have a headache and a sad little kitty in my lap.

Chicklet said:
has anyone else encountered this? I'm probably over-reacting and my poem will probably be fine this afternoon, but right now I have a headache and a sad little kitty in my lap.


I've been getting strange messages and blank pages this morning. Not typical for Literotica. A cyber faus pas which will probably be resolved when the techno-weenies zip up and get back to work :)
Yeah I came back to say that none of the stories are working and I freaked out for no reason, but, DAMN, you were too fast!

Chicklet = )
I've also gotten blank pages when clicking on some of the new stories today. Sometimes it helps to just refresh.

Couple of *page cannot be displayed*, one *this programme has performed an illegal operation*, and eventually the submissions home page, clicked submissions, *page cannot be displayed*.

I gave up, don't let it worry you Chicklet just keep stroking you puss....Oh I mean cat. Lovely legs, Mmm must go take a cold bath.

Lit was acting up last night as the new posts were going online. Not sure what was going on. Have tried poking around a bit today, and all seems normal to me.