Experimentation (Closed: Miss_Shy_Newcastle)


Literotica Guru
Jun 16, 2011
Dr. Wunderlich leaned back in his black leather chair. It was an early Monday morning, and he was about to start work on a new project. Even two years ago, before the coming of the New Order, he would never even have dreamed of applying for it, let alone actually getting a grant. Ethics boards had been known to decapitate people for less. However, all that had changed. Ethics boards were a memory of the distant past, and he had received his grant - together with a visit from some rather sinister men who had warned him about the top secret nature of his work - right away. For all the complaints about the curfew, the phone tapping and the "suspended" elections, he had to admit that this new regime was working out quite well for a sadist like him...

Dr. Wunderlich was in his mid-thirties, tall, thin and wore glasses. Clean-shaven and still blessed with a full head of short, dark hair, he did not look bad, he had to admit. People who did not know about his work in the War - and that was most people, due to the secretive nature of his work - found him pleasant and non-threatening. People who did know about it were either dead or trying to keep far away from him.

He switched on his computer to retrieve some information on the first test subject. Young and with a low pain threshold. Ideal for establishing a baseline. Science aside, she also looked quite cute. She was not quite dumb, according to her profile, but had not been smart enough to decline an offer to participate in a "study" of a purpose unknown to her. Well, she would find out soon; then, of course, it would be too late.

While waiting for her, he paced around his office, trying to suppress his slight nervousness - and anticipation - by tidying up the papers on the desk and looking out of the window. Beyond two large, lushly green trees, was an unassuming grey one-story building. It looked harmless and even inviting from here... A knock at the door prompted him to return to his chair, sit down and shout "Enter, please!" in a cheerful voice. It was not even an act. It would be a good day - for him.
The advert had seemed to seek Helen Marshall out. It jumped out of the page almost amongst the dismal normality of too few jobs for too many people.

WANTED: Young unemployed females to take part in some Government funded research. Are you aged between 20 and 30? Are you free for the next 6 weeks? If so you may be what we are looking for. Accommodation and salary provided. Interested? Contact our Research Centre on 0123 456 789.

I look at the calendar. I have nothing on for the next few weeks, so I figure I have nothing to lose.

Picking up the phone, I dial the number.

"Hello? Yes, I'm calling about your ad in the paper..."

The woman had been helpful and friendly, inviting me in for an initial assessment. I was told in no uncertain terms that while the advert had been in the paper, it was top secret research. I couldn't tell my family what was going on, which was no trouble as we weren't exactly close.

A car had picked me up the following morning. I'd gone through some initial assessments, was I able to read, write and use a computer to an acceptable standard. I then filled out a form about me, that I was Helen Marshall, I was 5ft 9, brown hair, green eyes and overweight. Some drawing of some bloods and a urine sample, signed the "Official Secrets Act", and then I was whisked home by car again.

Within a few hours I got the call. Monday morning the car would collect me again. I was to pack a small bag and I was going to effectively disappear for a few weeks. I'd sign the contract once I met with the scientist assigned to me.

I knocked on the door and stepped through the door.

"Hi. Helen Marshall" I smiled, extending my hand,
Dr. Wunderlich stood up and gave her a firm handshake. "Good morning!", he said to her, sitting down and offering her the chair opposite him. "I am glad you have decided to help us with our research. I trust you have been informed of the details of this study? Due to the special nature of our study, you will stay with us for the next six weeks. Room and board will be provided by us, of course. We ask you to participate in all parts of the study, and provide all the information we ask for. I must remind you that this is a secret project, and once you sign on, you will be required to stay for its full duration, as well as not disclosing any information about it. Well, I think that should cover most of it... now, we just need your signatures here - that's the non-disclosure agreement - and here - that's the consent form. Then we are all set, and I will show you to the accomodation building. It is right across the yard."

He indicated the grey building outside with a quick turn of his head and took an appraising gaze at the young woman. A little on the heavy side, but not unattractive. Not unattractive at all. From her clothing and manner, she had to be from a good family, and her bright green eyes gave the impression that she was not dumb, either. Good! Given the people his research would end up being used on, someone with some breeding was quite close to the target population.
I looked over the forms, but not particularly carefully. The non-disclosure was just another version of the original - after all, not everyone would have got this far. The consent also requested info so all my bills could be paid for while I was in their care - nothing out of the ordinary.

I quickly signed them both and he left them in a folder on his desk for admin to collect. Carrying my small bag I followed him across to the accommodation block.

"So, now you know I'm signed on, can you tell me anything about the programme? How many people you've taken on? What exactly we're agreeing to?" I laughed nervously.

It was a beautiful morning, the sun was blazing and the birds were singing. I was really looking forward to getting started.
As they walked over to the grey building, he talked to Helen in a reassuring manner: "Basic neurological and biomechanical research. You will understand that, when it comes to something as complex as the nervous system, animal testing can only go so far. Last confirmation of our results can only come from brave volunteers such as yourself."

They had reached the door of the accomodation building. He rang a bell and showed his identification to the security camera which came whirring out from behind a metal flap in the wall. The metal door slid open, and the security guards inside greeted the doctor and his company. The place looked and smelled like a hospital, with a lift in the middle leading to the basement levels, and glass doors to either side leading to the rooms. They turned left and soon reached a wooden door which looked very ordinary. Behind it was a small, but comfortable room: A low bed with white bedsheets, a small desk, a chair a toilet, shower and washbasin in a separate room, and a wardrobe. Everything looked sterile and clean. Nothing hinted at some small details: The sheet of armour steel in the door, making it practically bulletproof. The fact that the furniture was bolted to the ground. The window knob being a fake (the window could not be opened). The bulletproof glass. The fact that the trees visible from behind the window hid a wall, effectively shielding the building from view. All those little details... to a casual observer, it looked like a hospital room, relaxing and calm to the point of being boring.

"I will give you about ten minutes or so to put your things away. Then, please report to the front desk. I will be waiting for you there to take you to the experimental area."
I watched him leave, and then sat on the bed, testing the mattress. Soft, but not too soft, just the way I liked it.

I stood back up again to start unpacking. I tried the window, but it wouldn't open. Not the end of the world, I would report it when I returned to the front desk. Just with it being such a nice sunny day I thought it would be good to get it inside the room.

I took the book I was reading and set it on the desk, along with a photograph of my family, then took my washroom items through to the washroom. My clothes were quickly put away, and my bag stowed under the bed.

Taking a last look around, I locked the door and headed to the front desk.

"Excuse me - I just wanted to let you know - I tried to open the window for some fresh air, but it wouldn't budge" I smiled at the security on the desk.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that Miss, I'll get someone to have a look for you while you're out for the day" he replied, as Dr Wunderlich reappeared.
"I heard you have some trouble with the window? I am sure it will be taken care of. Today's experiment will take some time anyway... a long-term study on neurological responses to certain stimuli"

He led her to the lift, which he called with a key. The small cabin - large enough for only about four people - came up and they stepped inside, the doctor pushing the button for the first underground level; there were two more. The level they arrived at looked remarkably similar to aboveground, except of course for the absence of any windows, light being provided by strong fluorescent lamps on the high ceiling. Like above, the hallway branched off in two directions, ending at large metal doors with small windows. He unlocked the right door and led Helen down a white-painted corridor with grey floors, lined with nondescript wooden doors of the same construction as above. Behind one door was a small room with a metal chair as its only furniture.

"A bit bare, isn't it? I am afraid it is required for our testing protocol to have a room with as few distractions as possible. Still, I want you to make yourself as comfortable as possible in this chair. Take these pills" - he handed her two white pills without any inscriptions or markings - "and prepare to stay in there for some time. Your task is simple: Report on how you feel regularly and when you are prompted to. We will record you both visually and auditively, for research purposes."

Of course, that was only half the truth. The pills were a diuretic - they would cause her to lose water very quickly (by peeing herself, in layman's terms). The camera was equipped with a breathing sensor rigged to sound a loud horn when it detected the telltale signs of sleep. And the heating was set to slowly, unnoticeably, heat up the room. From comfortable twenty degrees celsius to unberable 100 degrees. Just four degrees an hour. It would take her hours to find out what a bad situation she was in.

"Good luck!", he said as he led her in and closed the door.
I stared in shock at the small room. It looked more like a prison cell than a testing room. Although not exactly, I reasoned. A prison cell wouldn't be this clean and hygienic, there would be bars on the door and it would be locked. And I wouldn't be in the room for days on end.

I took the tablets and washed them down with a few sips of water. This was a pretty straight forward task. Stepping into the room, I sat down. The Dr closed the door and departed.

After about half an hour, I began to feel the need to pee.

"Umm - can anyone hear me?" I asked nervously. "Anyone?" I asked louder when there was no response. "Look, I need to go. Quite badly".

Still no response. I stood up and tried the door handle. Locked. What the hell were they playing at?!
Dr. Wunderlich watched with a smirk as Helen was starting to suspect something was amiss. "29 minutes and 25 seconds. Diuretic pills take effect. Subject distressed about lack of toilet. Breathing and pulse normal. Subject's temperature 36.6 degrees, room temperature 22 degrees."

Of course, all of this and more would also be recorded electronically... but he was old-fashioned when it came to records, and trusted his good old notebook more than some computer. How long until she would decide to just relieve herself on the floor? This humiliating experience was, of course, a part of the protocol, and, some preliminary studies suggested, much more useful than physical pain. Given how confused and scared she looked, he could very well believe it.

He decided against intervening for now. It would probably scare her more if she slowly realized what was happening to her, instead of being hit on the nose with it.
I fanned myself. The room was starting to get hotter. I began dancing from one foot to the other, trying to distract myself from the need to go, which seemed to intensify minute by minute.

"Please? Is there anyone there? I'm desperate! I'm gonna pee myself!" I tried again.

Getting no response, I looked up at the cameras. There appeared to be a blind spot in one of the corners. Dancing over, I looked furtively around. I certainly didn't want to be caught doing this.

I took some tissues out of my pocket, and slipped my pants down. Squatting down, I peed on the floor, moaning in relief. I dried myself off and returned to the chair, trying to look normal.
From the look of relief on her face, which was getting redder and sweatier by the minute, it was quite clear what she had done: "55 minutes 34 seconds. Subject relieves herself in a corner. Reddening of skin and mild perspiration. Pulse and breathing slightly elevated. Subject's temperature 36.8 degrees celsius, room temperature 23 degrees."

The sweat had to be mostly from fear and the pressure on her bladder at this point - but as she sat on that chair, she did start to try and cool herself off. He was looking forward to when this would not be enough to keep cool anymore. It was clear what measure she would take then, and it would all be caught on video. Her breasts were already silhouetted suggestively under her top, which was starting to cling to her sweaty skin.

He decided to increase her embarassment by directly adressing what she had done. With an evil smile, he activated the speaker: "Please report what you are feeling. How did you come to the decision to relieve yourself on the ground?"

This question was not strictly necessary and was not included in the experimental protocol, but he just liked to see her squirm uncomfortably trying to answer. Besides, such humiliation techniques could prove quite useful when added to the finished method.
I jumped as I heard Dr. Wunderlich's voice. The bastard had been watching the whole time! Still, at least he hadn't had the pleasure of watching me pee on the floor, that much was clear.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about" I lied. "But I do need to go. Could you let me out to use the bathroom please?"

When he said nothing, I continued.

"Apart from really needing the bathroom, I'm also getting very hot. I'd be grateful for some air con or something. And some water" I smiled sweetly at the cameras.
That smile was endearing, but, of course, her request would break the protocol. Instead of replying, he left to attend to other duties. The camera and microphones would keep recording all the important data, and the breathing sensor would keep her from sleeping - and send him a message when she finally collapsed. It would take a few hours until then, though. He had no idea what she would do, locked in a bare room while an uncaring computer raised the temperature and woke her up every time she tried to sleep. Would she go insane? Probably not, but it could not be too good for her mental state.

He left the control room and took the lift to the aboveground levels. He had more "job interviews" planned for ten that morning, and he had to freshen up a little before then. With any luck, they could start the second, or breeding, phase of the experiment in two weeks or so, when he had found enough male and female subjects. There had been no scarcity of applicants, but they had been forced to reject most. Intelligent specimens in good health were needed to approximate the tougher political prisoners.
No response, again. Maybe it wasn't him, just his voice recorded, I reasoned. I got up and walked around again. The room was getting even hotter. This didn't seem right, somehow. I tried the door again. Nope, still locked.

I wandered around and around the room, for what felt like hours. It could have been minutes. I'd lost completely any form of knowledge of time passing. Sweat was now pouring down my back and I was soaked right through. I could feel my bladder filling up.

"Anyone there?" I asked weakly.

No response. I sat down on the ground. I was too hot. Reluctantly, I pulled my t-shirt and pants off, exposing my large chest and hairy privates, but it didn't help. I laid down on the ground to try and sleep, but I was no sooner nodding off then a horn sounded loudly. I tried to stand, but dizziness overcame me. I couldn't move anywhere, so the peeing came naturally.

"Help - please" I mumbled, drifting into unconsciousness.
He had not expected the computer to call him back to the room so quickly. Either this method was much more dangerous than he had imagined, or he had chosen an extremely weak subject. He checked his watch: The room was barely over 40 degrees, and it had finished her off already?

Anyway, he had to attend to her, to make sure she was preserved for more experiments. As he opened the door, a gust of desert air greeted him. She was lying on the floor, her clothes in an untidy pile next to her. Sweat was covering all of her skin, making it shine brightly under the strong lamp. A smell coming out from under her also told him that she had peed herself again. She was curled up and semi-conscious as he grabbed her wrists and pulled her out of the chamber. He lifted her onto a wheeled table and pushed it to one of the holding cells, a bare room with nothing but two blankets on the ground.

Lying naked on her back, she showed her whole body for the first time. She was tall and strong, with broad hips and some, but not too much, extra fat. Especially in her breasts, which hung down now, sweaty and shiny.

Also on the table was the next instrument - it took a little time to put on her, and he wanted to use the opportunity when she was barely conscious and could not really fight back. It was a metal corset; an eccentric torture instrument, admittedly, but they had worked out an interesting use for it. One she would be privileged to try out first. He slid it on and tightened it, deliberately a bit more strongly than would be needed. Her already ample breasts were forced up and out by it, until they seemed to be near bursting, and despite her state, he could hear her moan as the corset cut into her chest, making her breathing that much harder.

Finally, he opened her mouth with some difficulty and inserted a bottle of rehydrating fluid, to allow her to recover from the horrors of the heat room. Just six hours. He had expected her to last much longer than that...
I felt the cool breeze as I heard the door swing open. I was too exhausted to open my eyes as I felt myself being pulled, then hoisted onto a cool metal table. I faded out again.

I came to gagging as something pressed against my lips. I quickly realised it was water or something and swallowed gladly. I was still having trouble breathing, but I put that down to what had happened in that room.

On and on the cycle seemed to go, dazed and confused I'd wake enough to take a few sips, then slip out of consciousness again.

I don't know how long I was out for, it could have been minutes or hours, but even when I came to enough for me to be able to open my eyes and look around, I still couldn't sit up.

The bottle of fluids was gone and I peered down at myself. I was naked except for this metal thing that held me in place.

"Hello?" I croaked hopefully.
"Well, we seem to have saved you just in the nick of time, didn't we?", the doctor said with a genial smile. "You will have the opportunity to rest now. We need you properly restored before experimentation can continue."

He put two buckets in her cell - an empty one, and one full of water for drinking and cleaning. She was far too weakened to continue the study on the same day. For a moment, he considered getting something for himself off the record when he saw her hairy privates below that corset, but he decided against it. The way she looked, stress like that could kill her. She was here for six weeks, and was not going anywhere. He could take his time.

"By the way, the corset is locked, so do not bother taking it off. We will talk about your experiences today when you have slept. Please prepare to give a thorough and accurate report of the heat chamber's effects."

With these words, he closed the cell door and left her to her fate for the night.
I must have dozed off for several hours. When I woke again, the air was much cooler. I tried to sit up, but the corset made it very difficult. I finally slid off the table and stood, trying to look at myself.

I looked ridiculous. My breasts spilled over the top, and I was tucked in far tighter than was necessary. I took a drink out of the bucket, grabbed both blankets, and shivering lay beneath them. I soon dozed off again into a peaceful dreamless sleep.
He was back early the next morning, clearly more refreshed than his victim. He touched her shoulders to shake her awake, then stood over her: "Good morning! We will now talk about your experiences in the room. I am especially interested in when you could no longer stand, and if you experienced any hallucinations, voices or fixed ideas as the heat increased."

He was all business again, carrying a clipboard and wearing a lab coat. However, there was still this tempting hairy triangle he uncovered when he pulled the blanket off of her. Work first, though. After he had interviewed her, he would have more than enough opportunity to take advantage of that. Still, he could risk a touch. As he waited for her to wake up and answer, he "accidentally" pressed one finger through that hair, and felt the wetness inside while pulling away the blanket. He would have to wait before he became more active with her.
"MPH" I groaned as the lights came on brightly above me. I tried to hide under the blanket, but the Dr was having none of that. As he whisked the covers off me I was sure he tried to get a feel between my legs, which woke me up quite a bit.

"Can't I at least have a shower and answer your questions over breakfast?" I moaned, covering my eyes.

He didn't answer, so I took that as a no, so I continued.

"Alright. I hate my body, so it took til I could no longer stand for long periods to remove my clothes. I was convinced that the company was trying to kill me. I thought I could hear people laughing, getting a kick out of my discomfort. Just before someone pulled me out I was beginning to believe I was really in a desert. And the needing to pee wouldn't quit. Even though I knew I needed to conserve water, my bladder just kept on begging to be emptied. The voice was right - that first time I had gone in the corner".

I looked away, ashamed.

"Now, can I please get a shower and some clothes?"
She hated her body? He had to disagree with her there. Although she was hefty, he liked bigger women, and a week or so down here on a meagre diet would trim her down to near-ideal proportions. Heh. He had never considered the possible uses of his research in weight loss. She was lying on her back, the metal corset still forcing her breasts up until they stood out almost provocatively. Her arms and legs were strong and soft, and her face not as full as one would expect from such a heavy woman. It was round and friendly, an impression that was even stronger when she was asleep. Quite a pointy nose. A mouth with full lips which were used to smiling. Slightly tan skin. What a woman! In other circumstances, he would have been attempting to marry her.

He noted down all of her report with mild interest. The video recordings would also prove quite informative...especially the part where she had decided to rid herself of her clothes. Speaking of clothes, he had an idea on how to get what something in his pants so desperately demanded, while keeping up the illusion of a mere test. Hopefully, at least.

"A shower and your clothes? Well, I am not supposed to give you that; it would somewhat compromise the experiment. But... on the other hand... if you were to... only if you want, of course. I mean, you hate your body, apparently" - he checked his chart again, as if to make sure she had said that - "but I don't. I find it quite nice, and you would be doing me a big favour if you let me touch it. Then I could do you a favour. Strictly off the record, of course. But if you don't, that's fine too."

He hoped he had given quite a convincing act of a nervous young doctor who had been suddenly overcome by lust for her. In reality, he would take what he wanted later, without asking at all. Especially after the second phase of the experiment had started, and the breeding (which she had foolishly agreed to when she signed that form without reading it too closely) began. Keeping her in the dark for as long as possible was fun, though. Besides, it allowed him to convince himself that he was being strictly scientific...
I looked at him slightly confused.

"No clothes? But why not? I don't see how it would compromise the experiment - surely you aren't going to keep me naked for 6 weeks?"

I listened to his suggestion of allowing him to touch me.

"Well, I was expecting to have to be occasionally fully examined from time to time. I was hoping it would be done by female personnel. But I understand it's for the purposes of scientific research, and at the end of the day, you are a professional" I considered.

"All right. But if you are examining me I need you to know something. I'm still a virgin. I've never even had an examination down there" I shut my eyes, embarrassed.
Was she really this naive, or was she playing along? He had not expected the persuasion to be that easy. Not that he was complaining... he wasted no time in putting his left hand on the top of her left breast, which felt taut from being forced into the metal frame. His other hand started rubbing her right leg, moving up and down. After taking some time to build up courage, he grew bolder: Both his hands were now spreading her vagina wide open, allowing him to have a good, long look at what the black bush had been hiding from him. Then, tentatively at first, he slid two fingers of his right hand in, always mindful of her virginity; he wanted her hymen to remain as undamaged as possible for now. Meanwhile, his left hand searched for her clitoris and started gently rubbing it. Both the rubbing and the movement inside her got steadily more rapid as he gained confidence, and his excitement increased. He could feel her insides tighten and become wetter with time.

He kept up the conversation as he was doing so, but in a noticeably hoarser voice: "What do you have against your body, anyway? It feels more than adequate to me. I would be proud of it if I were you. That is my medical opinion on the matter..." - he grinned, then continued: "Are you ashamed of being heavy? Why? Do you really want to be one of those malnourished skeletons? Really?"

He was totally breaking "character" as a doctor now, of couse. No matter; if he kept talking as just a man, it would be easier to justify this to her later. Not a part of the testing protocol. Excuse my misstep. I promise no further violations of this kind. Given how naive she seemed to be, it would be ridiculously easy to keep up the facade for much longer. Who knew? Maybe she would actually leave here at the end of those six weeks, bruised, broken, but convinced she had contributed to medical science. Well, in a way, she had...
It didn't exactly feel like a medical examination - more like he was getting a good feel.

"I don't want to look like a malnourished skeleton, no. But I currently feel like I look pregnant. My breasts are too big. When men do look at me they aren't interested in me as a person, but me as a sexual object. And I hate that too" I moaned as his fingers reached the most excited I'd ever allowed myself to be.

"Is that enough? Can I shower now?" I asked hopefully, biting down on my lip.
He decided not to push his luck and get too overtly sexual, so he withdrew his hands and said: "Yes, I will arrange a shower for you, and you will get your clothes back. I think it is best if you rest for the day afterwards. We need you well-rested and in good shape for the next test."

He opened the door and led her to another room, this one equipped as a shower."Here. There's some shampoo in there, and I will get you a towel for afterward. The corset will stay on for now. Don't worry - it's made of stainless steel. It will not rust on you and get stuck, or something."

He closed the shower door and went to get a towel and her clothes. Without the key, she could not escape from here anyway, and it would look too suspicious if he locked her in the shower. The clothing was still in the same untidy pile she had thrown down when the heat had become too much. It smelled faintly of sweat, but it would do for now. Freshly showered and properly clothed, she would be much more inclined to believe that she was a subject in a very unusual medical test - after all, who knew what top secret things she was helping to discover. He knew, and the thought of it made him chuckle.

After a few minutes, he returned to the showering room and patiently waited in front of the door, clothing and towel in hand.