Experimental Pill Puts Menstruation on Hold


romantic, in a dirty way
Sep 23, 2002
New birth control pill puts period on hold

I find this idea really creepy... Instead of taking 21 pills, and 7 placebos, so you get a period every month - you take about 3 or 4 months of pills, and then 7 days of placebos. So, you only get your period once every few months. If you think you might be pregnant, you have to take home pregnancy test in order to find out.

The above is a link to the article from today's Washington Post. It's called Seasonale, and it might get FDA approval soon... what do you think?

Since I bought the keeper (thank you, Cheyenne!) I really don't mind having my period, at all. If I was dating someone who had a hang up about fucking me while I was bleeding, I might consider going in for this. But I'd be more likely to try to talk sense into him, or smack him around, or dump him.

Science is wack. The article says that women haven't always had periods every month - in some countries, women spend most of their time being pregnant, or nursing, and when they stop, it's because they've hit menopause. Also, that not having periods puts you at lower risk for ovarian cancer, and such... I'm a skeptic.

Would you buy this pill? The article says some women already do this with their normal birth control pills - like, I don't want to be on the rag for my honeymoon, I'll just skip the placebo pills, or whatever. I wouldn't know. Tried the pill a few years back, I was a mood-swinging miserable bitch from hell, and often tired and faint and dizzy besides.... the Dr. told me that the pill tricks a woman's body into believing it is pregnant, and therefore, these are the side effects you risk - eww! So I'm anti-pill to start with, for myself.

watergirl said:
Science is wack. The article says that women haven't always had periods every month - in some countries, women spend most of their time being pregnant, or nursing, and when they stop, it's because they've hit menopause. Also, that not having periods puts you at lower risk for ovarian cancer, and such... I'm a skeptic.

This is basically what I was taught in bio-anthropology. That, naturally, a woman may only have maybe 20 periods in her entire lifetime, because the rest of the time she is pregnant or nursing. Having a period every month means that you are flooded with a cycle of different hormones, and some scientists theorize that this is the cause of high rates of breast and reproductive cancers in Western women.

I would do it. I'm already on the pill, which basically cured me of PMS. Once in a while I have purposefully skipped the placebos, and the only side effect was a heavier period when it came around.
Olivianna said:
How do you mean it cured you of PMS?

Before I was on the pill, I used to get really really bad pre-menstrual symptoms. Fainting, vomiting, cramps that didn't let me move for days, stuff like that. I started on the pill and after a few months, everything cleared up. I don't even get mood swings or light cramps anymore.
I used to take the pill constantly just to keep from having a period. Then I went off completely and had horrible, horrible periods. To the point of not being able to function for a day or two. Plus the PMS was a bitch.

I had a procedure done recently called endometrial ablation. No more period.
You mean, you used to get cramps during your period, but you don't anymore??

(I have killer menstrual cramps - I kill them with overdoses of Aleve.)
Olivianna said:
You mean, you used to get cramps during your period, but you don't anymore??

(I have killer menstrual cramps - I kill them with overdoses of Aleve.)

Before and during. We're talking the cramps to end all cramps. Even serious amounts of aleve or ibuprofen didn't put a dent in these suckers. Birth control eliminated them completely, although it took a few months to kick in.
Hmm..maybe I'll look into that. Haven't been on bc pills since college - and then only for a short period of time because I didn't really like them. I understand that they've come out with better "cocktails" and dosages since then.
Hmmm... so this period you get 4 times a year could be really pretty killer painful, is what you think?

Just fascinated, in a sick way, with the idea.
I read a similar article last week about the new pill. I suspect it is really the same as the current low dose pills, only packaged to be for a 3 month period instead of one.

I haven't cut out my period completely with bcp the way some women do, but I have on occasion "moved" my period to a more convenient week. If you start another pack instead of the "fake" pills, you can move your period one, two, or three weeks later, depending on how many pills you take from the new pack before you take the "fake" pills. I wouldn't expect the period to be any different than any other period I've had while on the pill.
I'd do it in a heatbeat. I hate the hormone fluctuations my body goes through each month. I'd much rather stay on an even keel for a while.
Do you guys know of any type of pill that will postpone your period for about a week? I just want to make it through this next weekend and I am not on any pill as I had my tubes tied.

I don't want to have to go on a BCP...just postpone it with something overe-the-counter. :confused:
I wonder if it is related to the pills they give female cadets at the military academies.

Not sure if they still do this but they used to give them pills that stopped their period for the entire time they were at the academy.
Mia62 said:
Do you guys know of any type of pill that will postpone your period for about a week? I just want to make it through this next weekend and I am not on any pill as I had my tubes tied.

I don't want to have to go on a BCP...just postpone it with something overe-the-counter. :confused:

Nope. And even starting the pill right now wouldn't work as you start it the first time on the first Sunday after your period begins (if I remember correctly, it's been awhile.)
Azwed said:
I wonder if it is related to the pills they give female cadets at the military academies.

Not sure if they still do this but they used to give them pills that stopped their period for the entire time they were at the academy.

Why would they do that? :confused:
Yikes...okkk...where is that anal sex magic thread?? I need all the help I can get right now.
Cheyenne said:
Why would they do that? :confused:

My guess would be so that the hormonal urge to procreate would be temporarily stopped. Every woman gets that urge around ovulation.
I think they should invent a surgical answer to birth control.

Make men cum out of their asshole. It is just a little re-routing of the seminal vesicle.

I think.
If all this means the Menstrual Hut threads will close...please start taking those new pills now.

Mia....is your cooter doing a stint at a community theatre this weekend?
Lancecastor said:

Mia....is your cooter doing a stint at a community theatre this weekend?

Mia.. sorry, nothing against you..

But that made me chuckle.