Experience Project?



Is anyone a member of the Literotica group over there?
Very cute.

I read a few of the posts regarding Literotica and was wondering if anybody that is posting at Experience Project is active at Literotica, too.

I did not recognize any names, but one poster mentioned two people from here in a story they posted at Experience Project.
Same here...

But, I hardly ever go there. There's a group there called something like "people who want to shut down the Literotica site" that I commented on once, a long time ago. Experience Project is not as educated as Lit, in my opinion.
And, If you're a grammar nazi, or even have slightly, you might go nuts reading stuff on there. I have read some great things, also, however...

I am not a Lit member at EP.
What is their reasoning for their eagerness to shut down down lit.

As for being a grammar/spelling nazi, there are some sports forums I post on that have made me, reluctantly, deal with bad English
Likewise I am a member over on EP but haven't noticed too many links to Lit. Could just be where I browse. I think I mentioned Lit as a place to go to find stuff but certainly no names.
What is their reasoning for their eagerness to shut down down lit.

As for being a grammar/spelling nazi, there are some sports forums I post on that have made me, reluctantly, deal with bad English

It's "porn"... and the particular poster did not like the forums (mentioned a username, even)—but, to be fair, I think their venture into the Lit forums didn't make it past the GB. One needs a multifarious sense of humor and must appreciate smart-assed-ness to make any sense of the GB. (if you ask me, the GB is, almost, one big conceit, brilliantly executed at times). I seem to remember they took issue with the incest and fetish threads, maybe bdsm, too... I can't remember...
One positive thing about EP is they have a group for anything and everything. And, members create 'em., so the group list keeps growing.
Likewise I am a member over on EP but haven't noticed too many links to Lit. Could just be where I browse. I think I mentioned Lit as a place to go to find stuff but certainly no names.

The Literotica group at EP is not very active, and I found it quite strange if not eerie that the poster would post the usernames of other Literotica members.
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