exotic pets for Xmas



what should I get, a python, tarantula or ferret? Each one is cute and cuddly in their own special way. :)
If you get a ferret, buy a baby, or one that you know is well-trained and likes people.

I used to have one that was already an adult, and she wasn't real fond of people. There's nothing quite like having ferret teeth bite down on the soft part of your hand between your thumb and forefinger.
RawHumor said:
If you get a ferret, buy a baby, or one that you know is well-trained and likes people.

I used to have one that was already an adult, and she wasn't real fond of people. There's nothing quite like having ferret teeth bite down on the soft part of your hand between your thumb and forefinger.

Spot on advice about the ferrets, if you get em young they can be very loving pets. Pythons are cool but I'm biased as I love snakes.
Sad Man said:
Spot on advice about the ferrets, if you get em young they can be very loving pets.

We actually bought a baby after that one. It was quite loving at first, but I think the older one corrupted him, the bitch that she was.
RawHumor said:
We actually bought a baby after that one. It was quite loving at first, but I think the older one corrupted him, the bitch that she was.

A husky can rid you of this problem you know?
RawHumor said:
We actually bought a baby after that one. It was quite loving at first, but I think the older one corrupted him, the bitch that she was.

It can work like that, just like a nice kid can be corrupted by someone older.
huskie said:
They'll eat that bitch.

I get it. We actually used to have a miniature husky. She basically just tried to roll on them to squash them or else bat them with her paw like she was a cat or something. It was pretty funny to watch.
RawHumor said:
I get it. We actually used to have a miniature husky. She basically just tried to roll on them to squash them or else bat them with her paw like she was a cat or something. It was pretty funny to watch.

I have heard a little about these "Miniature Huskies"?? Do you have a link wear I can veiw them?? I'm real interested in them. How was the dog for you and your famiely as a pet in general??
huskie said:
I have heard a little about these "Miniature Huskies"?? Do you have a link wear I can veiw them?? I'm real interested in them. How was the dog for you and your famiely as a pet in general??

She was an AWESOME dog. We had her before we had our baby, and she quickly adapted to the baby and would let us know if the baby was crying and we didn't hear her. Any time we went out in public with her we'd get compliments on how beautiful she was.

The only negative is that she was a digger and we didn't own our own home.

Here's one link. Do a search on "miniature huskies" and you should find several more.

De Sade said:
what should I get, a python, tarantula or ferret? Each one is cute and cuddly in their own special way. :)

With all due respect you shouldn't get any of those pets or any pets in general. It seems like an impulse buy because you cruised through pets are us at the mall and fugured hey that looks cool.....forget it. Two months from now or maybe even 2 weeks or 2 days you will have changed your mind.
Take my advice and forget it and dont buy ......because when you realize that it was a mistake.....what are you going to do with the pet?

There are so many impulse buys of bunny rabbits the cute dog or whatever at holiday times.....99% of the time its a mistake buy...an impulse buy, and the animal suffers for it.....Not to mention the whole "Mill" activities in breeding all those pets.....

If you want a nice pet go adopt one at the local shelter....but dont do it on a whim....make sure you have thought it through
Thank you......