
I'm sitting right now.

But I can stand pretty much anywhere there's enough overhead clearance.
I think Sennheisers do well for the price, but they just don't have the clear warmth of a Shure Beta 87.
Lamarck was ridiculed forever till someone discovered that he wasn't totally stewpid thinking that environment affects your genes. It does. It can.



Shitstains keep struggling.
Is that the theory where KyleW was originally a cat?:cattail:
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Only morons in denial and bat shit religious folks deny the plainly observable.
I'm going with the Aliens mixed there DNA with primates so we could mine gold for them And for all you Darwinists out there you are racists because Darwin was racist
The VIII was not quite as fast as the VII but the handling was improved.

The VIII was not quite as fast as the VII but the handling was improved.


LMFAO Tell me how much faster did the 5 hp and -4 ft.lbs make in the exact same chassis with the exact same gear box from the exact same 4G63 engine make for the 7??

The only diff in the two cars was better brakes/shocks, twin scroll turbo (thus the slight power discrepancy but more potential power) and some revised aesthetics which are....rather tiny....the 8/9 were just evo 7 Version 2.0 and 2.5....oh and the 8/9 had an available 6 speed option...which fucking sucks b/c it's made of glass.

You could do a full 7 -> 8 conversion right down to the bare chassis and it will all bolt right the fuck up.....same damn car, one is just a little uglier.

I'll give you the handling, but the the speed....you're full of shit.
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