Eve's Problem Page


Very Experienced
Aug 13, 2007
Hello Boys,

Are you having trouble in the bedroom or perhaps your wife or girlfriend doesn't understand you?
Something else on your mind that you don't want to talk to your friends about - a nasty rash or something that itches?

Don't worry, Eve is here to listen and offer guidance.
You can write to me in complete confidentiality - I promise.

So tell Eve.
I'm here for you.
hi eve ....
perhaps i should ask your advice on a matter of lust.
a very attractive black woman has moved into town , she is adorable shy and just oozes sex appeal , even if she does not realise it.
any advice as to how i can seduce her ?.. shes african but western in style and manner
Hello anonymous, and thank you for writing to me.
You haven't described your own ethnicity but I must emphasise right away that wherever we're from and whoever we are, we see no difference between people, only attraction and pleasure.
So, to your dilemma.
The first thing to understand is that men don't seduce women. They can make themselves approachable and attractive but it is always the woman who makes the decisions in this area of life.
You haven't said where you've seen this adorable woman, in a bar, or in your neighbourhood or somewhere else?
Bars are always very convivial and chatting over the garden fence can be good for striking up an opening conversation but I would advise strongly about talking to her at the STD clinic. This can lead to all sorts of embarrassing exchanges for both of you and comparing prescriptions will likely expose yourself to difficult questions.
As a final point, do make sure to complete the course of antibiotics you were proscribed so that you can start over with a clean slate so to speak. :giggle::giggle::giggle:
Eve x