Everyone thinks I'm a raging nymphomaniac

fond of facials

hold me tight
Dec 27, 2002
I know, it's totally my own fault. I get pretty raunchy on this board (to put it mildly). I actually am not some sex crazed whore in real life. I'm a normal woman who raises her children, loves her husband with complete loyalty and runs her business. I do get pretty dirty when I'm alone with my husband, but that's it. Lit is just a place where I can express my fantasies and have a little dirty fun. Sorry if I get carried away with the sex talk, I'm just playing. ;)
fond of facials said:
I know, it's totally my own fault. I get pretty raunchy on this board (to put it mildly). I actually am not some sex crazed whore in real life. I'm a normal woman who raises her children, loves her husband with complete loyalty and runs her business. I do get pretty dirty when I'm alone with my husband, but that's it. Lit is just a place where I can express my fantasies and have a little dirty fun. Sorry if I get carried away with the sex talk, I'm just playing. ;)

That's nice....(.btw, there are a lot of people on lit like that. )

Hope you enjoy lit. :)
Dont feel alone! I'm the same way. I am a sex crazed nympho according to my boyfriend, but overall I think I'm pretty much a normal woman..I just think about sex a lot its all. What I can say, its a pretty fun little hobby!
fond of facials said:
I know, it's totally my own fault. I get pretty raunchy on this board (to put it mildly). I actually am not some sex crazed whore in real life. I'm a normal woman who raises her children, loves her husband with complete loyalty and runs her business. I do get pretty dirty when I'm alone with my husband, but that's it. Lit is just a place where I can express my fantasies and have a little dirty fun. Sorry if I get carried away with the sex talk, I'm just playing. ;)

i'm the same way... ~*smiles*~ i think that's why lit is so addictive! :devil:
honey, none of us really thought you were a raging nympho. We all (well, most of us) have 'normal' lives outside of Lit. I'm a full-time student and a secretary. I love my bf, and am faithful to him.

We each use Lit for various reasons, whether it be to spew fluff everywhere, to discuss politics, or to get a little nasty on the boards. I flirt, tease, etc on here, but I can be the model of chastity (snicker.. not really) in real life.
Thanks guys. :) I'm really PMSing bad right now and I'm feeling very emotional. :p Girls you can relate. Anyway, I was really worried that I had taken it to far. Sometimes I get carried away. Damn I need a Midol. lol
fond of facials said:
I know, it's totally my own fault. I get pretty raunchy on this board (to put it mildly). I actually am not some sex crazed whore in real life. I'm a normal woman who raises her children, loves her husband with complete loyalty and runs her business. I do get pretty dirty when I'm alone with my husband, but that's it. Lit is just a place where I can express my fantasies and have a little dirty fun. Sorry if I get carried away with the sex talk, I'm just playing. ;)

Aren't most of us that way?
Why do you give a shit what anyone thinks...its not like they are the ones sitting across your dinner table each night. Don't ya fret none, little missy
*passes the bottle of midol and some chocolate* ;-)

I can only confirm what others have already said. Coming from the flirty fluffy poster type, I realize t hat people are deeper and more than what they post about sometimes. Just continue having fun and enjoying yourself doll.. as we are enjoying you. :)
Although : thanks for the REAL answer
putting you on my IGNORE int LIST ...bye:mad:
fond of facials said:
I know, it's totally my own fault. I get pretty raunchy on this board (to put it mildly). I actually am not some sex crazed whore in real life. I'm a normal woman who raises her children, loves her husband with complete loyalty and runs her business. I do get pretty dirty when I'm alone with my husband, but that's it. Lit is just a place where I can express my fantasies and have a little dirty fun. Sorry if I get carried away with the sex talk, I'm just playing. ;)

You really speak for many more here than you realize. ;)
You really speak for many more here than you realize

Sad but true. What is even more sad is that people are made to feel that they can't be as open with their partners or SO in real life, the people they are supposed to 'be themselves' with, because of fear of judgement or retaliation.

I don't share much on here, as far as fantasies and sex goes, but I do get a sense of 'you aren't a lone freak'...so that's what keeps me coming back...and if all hell breaks loose when people find out that I come here, so be it. Freeeeeeeedom!!!!!
fond of facials said:
I know, it's totally my own fault. I get pretty raunchy on this board (to put it mildly). I actually am not some sex crazed whore in real life. I'm a normal woman who raises her children, loves her husband with complete loyalty and runs her business. I do get pretty dirty when I'm alone with my husband, but that's it. Lit is just a place where I can express my fantasies and have a little dirty fun. Sorry if I get carried away with the sex talk, I'm just playing. ;)

Hey hun...just role (yup) with it! :D

No need for apologies...Hell you'll never even see one from someone who should on this board...but if you do...it is rarely more than superficial bs...so ENJOY! Who gives a flying fuck? Really who gives one...I'm curious.
What's wrong with being a raging nymphomaniac? ;)

It's your womanly right to love sex as much as you wanna, hon.
*holds burning bra in air*
I never thought so. You've always mentioned your husband, so I figured you're monogamous. Liking sex with your husband? That sounds like a good thing.
You’re not?!?!?!?

well shit.

:kiss:Kidding. have fun here. try to ignore the major freaks. The rest of us are ok. Freaks non the less