ever have one of those weeks?

Emerald_eyed said:

Im sure someone wil want to flame me for whining.

*cuddles you close and offers you hugs and tea*

I don't want to flame you, I'll just hug.
cliche alert - When it rains it pours.

I hope that things pick up for you and turn around. :)
Yes, honestly, I'm having one of those myself. I feel like crawling in the bed and hiding under the covers for about a month.

Hope things get better for you soon.

btw, nice to meet you. :)
I am having one of those weeks....

Trying not to dwell....(yeah right)

Hopefully as soon as mercury moves out of retrograde things will get a little bit better.
Emerald_eyed said:
nice to meet you too.......

Ive got a comfy bed and some movies.

You got any ice crea??
We could vege together.

K scooch over.... Cookies n cream ok with you?
Emerald_eyed said:
Yep, xounmds great!

What movie ya wana see?

Some sappy "chick flick". I'm in the mood to cry.

If ya don't have that available, anything porn like should suffice.
Emerald_eyed said:
Thank you, me too.

I hope things are going well for you.

Actually I'm doing very friggin good at the moment.. but I do empathize with you, lord knows I've had more than my share of those type of weeks.

Maybe some hot young thang will try and pick you up and rock your world till Sunday. That sure as hell would perk me up. :D
Emerald_eyed said:
Oh I have lots of chick flicks.

How about "City of Angels"?

I have porn too.

lots of it!

oooo Yeah, thats a tear-jerker. We could have a nice long cry and THEN move on to the porn.

Emerald_eyed said:
starts with the reuck.......I still dont know the actual repair cost. Between 600 and 1350$

Work sucks. Im doing everything for 2 different shifts. I get to play catch up from the evening people every day.

I havent felt well

Its cold, my hands are hurting. Arthritis from a bone break.

Ive had a headache for 2 days, and my ex is falling farther and frther behind in supprt.

OK, enough venting........
Im sure someone wil want to flame me for whining.

A week? I'm having one of those YEARS so far. :(

hugs for you, hope things get better soon, it seems like when you thin k things cant get worse they do, hang in there!!!
Emerald_eyed said:
wanna join me and hillbilly in bed??

*climbs into bed with Hillbilly and Emerald, giving them both hugs* ... Parts of this week have been icky, many hugs and cuddles would is an awesome idea. I could also suggest "Sweet November" for a chick flick..... sappy, romantic, tear jerker.