Ever feel like you throw caution to the wind, forgetting that you shouldn't share as much as you have, perhaps even regretting your stupidity once you're no longer aroused? Do you like such women? Do you cherish tormenting a whore, toying with her like a cat would a mouse, because of the knowledge you've gained? Perhaps you like pushing her buttons to make, or keep, her horny and on edge?

I am such a person. I know I have shared far too much when online and know I have even sometimes forgotten what I've told to whom and have been left embarrassed when someone retells something very personal to me. Yet, I also cannot seem to get enough or stop myself! Is my subconscious trying to sabotage modesty in me no matter how minute?
I suppose I may be lucky that it seems no Lit man is local to me, too.
After all, I know with my dark and sinister tastes it could get me deeper into trouble.
I am such a person. I know I have shared far too much when online and know I have even sometimes forgotten what I've told to whom and have been left embarrassed when someone retells something very personal to me. Yet, I also cannot seem to get enough or stop myself! Is my subconscious trying to sabotage modesty in me no matter how minute?
I suppose I may be lucky that it seems no Lit man is local to me, too.