Even MORE Voter Fraud - Hello, Former Trump Staffer & Current Trump Apologist, Mark Meadows


Satan's Plaything
Oct 14, 2017

Former NC Congressman and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows facing accusations of voter fraud

A former North Carolina Congressman and White House Chief of Staff who claimed the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump is facing accusations of voter fraud himself.

Mark Meadows, a Republican Congressman represented North Carolina’s 11th District between 2013 and 2020 registered to vote at an address in Scaly Mountain, NC.

Scaly Mountain is an unincorporated community that sits near the Georgia state line. Voter records show Meadows registered 495 McConnell Road as his physical address to vote on the latest Macon County voter registration form. The home is a trailer tucked away in the trees of the mountains elevated 4000 feet.

Meadows perpetuated claims that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, but now he’s facing claims of fraud himself. Hasan Crockett, Dean of Liberal Arts and Humanities and Chair of Political Science at Livingstone College says the allegations against Meadows are serious.

“If these allegations are true, then that will consist of voter fraud,” Dr. Crockett said. “That means that he is trying to say that he is a resident in a particular address or at a particular address, and he’s not. That’s a form of voter fraud.”

Queen City News visited the trailer home where Meadows and his wife Debbie claim to reside. The front door of the trailer was not easily accessible, but we rang the dragon bell hanging from the porch. The dogs barked, but no one answered the door. A Macon County property records search revealed a deed on the property for Ken Abele from September of 2021.
Bonus Fraudster:

lol How ironic that it is in AZ?

Colorado clerk is indicted for election tampering and misconduct

A grand jury has indicted a Colorado county clerk, Tina Peters, and her deputy on a laundry list of charges related to an election security breach in her office last summer that was influenced by former President Donald Trump's false claims that he won the 2020 election.​
The charges against Peters come as election workers around the U.S. face death threats amid a national disinformation campaign that has falsely alleged wide-scale election tampering in 2020. Peters' case is particularly worrisome to many who run elections as a sign that insiders might act upon those conspiracy theories, further undermining confidence in the voting process.​
Mark Meadows has been removed from North Carolina's voter rolls, a move made as the State Bureau of Investigation continues a probe into allegations the former White House chief of staff committed election fraud.
Meadows, an ex-Asheville and Western North Carolina congressman – former top staffer for President Donald Trump and a leading proponent of the false claim that Trump lost the election due to widespread fraud – has not commented on the allegations since news broke in March that he registered to vote at a single-wide mobile home in Macon County where there is no evidence he ever lived. Meadows voted absentee using that address in the 2020 general election.
Thibault said Virginia records show that when Meadows registered in that state, he did not include information about his Macon County registration. Because of that, Virginia election officials did not notify N.C. officials about the double registration, she said.
this part, though, made me l.o.l for real:
More recently, Meadows, a top member of the Conservative Partnership Institute, has stopped speaking at CPI-sponsored statewide Election Integrity Summits. The summits show how to organize "citizen election integrity task forces" to check on people's voter records to ensure they live where they have registered.
team trump... all about projection. the moment they claim a democrat is doing something illegal, it should be by the book to check THEM out for the same crime
The irony of all of this is really not so shocking.

I know I've said this before, but I would not be surprised if the "widespread voter fraud" they are always arguing about actually did occur- on Trump's behalf!- in some of the states he won, that were NOT audited (let alone, audited multiple times.)
The irony of all of this is really not so shocking.

I know I've said this before, but I would not be surprised if the "widespread voter fraud" they are always arguing about actually did occur- on Trump's behalf!- in some of the states he won, that were NOT audited (let alone, audited multiple times.)
At this point, it would be a bigger surprise if the Republicans were ever NOT guilty of everything they accused the Democrats of.
meadows was actually registered in THREE states at one time... North and South Carolina as well as Virginia. as of now he's still registered in South Carolina and Virginia

*shakes head*

Chris Whitmire, a spokesperson for the South Carolina Elections Commission, told The Associated Press the former Republican congressman and his wife registered as voters in the state in March 2022.
Public records indicate Meadows had been registered to vote in Virginia and North Carolina, where he listed a mobile home that he never owned — and may never have visited — weeks before casting an absentee 2020 presidential election ballot in the state.
About a year after he registered in North Carolina, Meadows registered to vote in Alexandria, Virginia, just weeks before Virginia’s high-profile governor’s election last fall, the records indicate.