Europeans Coming to America

Jean Val Jean

Literotica Guru
Nov 19, 2001
I swear to fawking gawd they must ALL be visiting Queens because the ones who claim they've been here say the most aggregious things about our society and peoples which they must be getting from somewhere 'cause it ain't happinin' here!


Any guesses?
My dear Jean,
Nobody buys that story about "I only stole a bit of bread to feed my daughter" story.

You are and will always be only 24601. A number. A criminal. And I will hunt you down and return to the dungeons.
Go sell your hair.
<and what are doing up at this hour? isn't it 0500 in Danish Wind Turbine Park West?>
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Ahhh, The Almanack

Jean Val Jean said:
When you go to bed at 9:00 you tend to rise at 4AM. Go read your Ben Franklin!


wherein also spake Poor Richard. ;)

Flatlander, I enjoy your new choice of persona - and agree - Normal, IL and its ilk can be perfectly hospitable places to lay one's head at night. :cool:
I'm surprised you haven't added the huge fake snoze (sp?) schnoz? Nose...

I better stop drinking the Canadian wiskey!

Danish Wind... Powering the Future! But won't it warm the air? That'll kill some rain forest who boy...
Yes, yes I am. What a glorious never-ending Indian summer! We had our second frost last night. Longest Fall I can remember...

We did have a hunting accident...

Boys, .22's, and the squirrels that outwit them.

No deaths were reported from either party :D !