Ethical porn


Literotica Guru
May 23, 2020
Many moons ago I had an idea for a story that I now accept I will never write: Man (or woman - no reason why not) wins/inherits a life-changing amount of money and decides to try to make truly ethical porn. However, this is when he/she runs up against problem after problem:

How to guarantee the talent is genuinely willing and is not being manipulated into it
How to ensure that the talent is genuinely interested and not only in it for the money
How to ensure that seemingly willing talent isn't still being exploited due to mental issues/previous trauma/addiction issues, etc.
How to ensure that the technical staff aren't being traumatised
How to ensure that everyone in the production process is being fair to everyone else
How to ensure that the viewer isn't being negatively affected by the product

As I thought through the issues (and there were more than the few listed above) I gradually found it less and less fun as an idea, but I still feel there's a possibility in there, so if someone wants to pick it up and run with it, feel free.
It's an interesting idea, but yes, it's not much fun. Ethical porn isn't hard to find. Simply find yourself a group of swingers that likes to record their parties.

Perhaps set his in the 1970's and you might get more into the day of the seedy type of porn. Then he'd have a reason to create something more ethical.
What would happen if you flipped this story idea completely around? Instead of someone trying to make ethical porn, you have ethical people making porn that becomes completely unethical and depraved!

Lets say some people from a particular church get together at a restaurant to celebrate a recent church video production that the congregation was raving about. “It just looked so professional”, came the comments. And as they dine, someone jokes about making a porn video, and as the outlandish what-if-video was discussed in comic terms, someone says, “well if we sell it, we could take the money from it and buy better video equipment and props to do even better videos for church”. From that, the ball gets rolling on what they could do, and what they could do with the money later… for the good of the church of course.

Jane is the only one that is single, and cute, and logically the only one that can be the female star, and yet she has always had a huge crush on Gary, but who is married. Still, Gary’s wife has secreted always wondered what it would be like to be with another woman, and specifically Jane! Gary’s wife had no idea that Gary wanted to see her with another woman, and Jane has no issue with being tasted by Gary’s wife… just as long as she has permission to have sex with him from his wife. Mike is younger, but surprisingly likes older women… especially Gary’s wife…

The sexual situations can be anything granted, but in the end, what was supposed to be a soft core porn video is actually hard core porn, with each participant revealing a long held fetish or fantasy about themselves. With this video production, they are allowed to act upon those fantasies and so they all do so, it being okay because as wild as their fantasy is, they realize the next person is just as kinky. And that is both the character and story arc: despite seeming prim and proper, each has wildly erotic fantasies and fetishes that no one in the group ever realized the other had.

I would make the video a huge financial success only because it might allow for a follow up story or series. Could you imagine if someone outside the group in the congregation saw the video and recognized the “actors”?
What would happen if you flipped this story idea completely around? Instead of someone trying to make ethical porn, you have ethical people making porn that becomes completely unethical and depraved!

Lets say some people from a particular church get together at a restaurant to celebrate a recent church video production that the congregation was raving about. “It just looked so professional”, came the comments. And as they dine, someone jokes about making a porn video, and as the outlandish what-if-video was discussed in comic terms, someone says, “well if we sell it, we could take the money from it and buy better video equipment and props to do even better videos for church”. From that, the ball gets rolling on what they could do, and what they could do with the money later… for the good of the church of course.

Jane is the only one that is single, and cute, and logically the only one that can be the female star, and yet she has always had a huge crush on Gary, but who is married. Still, Gary’s wife has secreted always wondered what it would be like to be with another woman, and specifically Jane! Gary’s wife had no idea that Gary wanted to see her with another woman, and Jane has no issue with being tasted by Gary’s wife… just as long as she has permission to have sex with him from his wife. Mike is younger, but surprisingly likes older women… especially Gary’s wife…

The sexual situations can be anything granted, but in the end, what was supposed to be a soft core porn video is actually hard core porn, with each participant revealing a long held fetish or fantasy about themselves. With this video production, they are allowed to act upon those fantasies and so they all do so, it being okay because as wild as their fantasy is, they realize the next person is just as kinky. And that is both the character and story arc: despite seeming prim and proper, each has wildly erotic fantasies and fetishes that no one in the group ever realized the other had.

I would make the video a huge financial success only because it might allow for a follow up story or series. Could you imagine if someone outside the group in the congregation saw the video and recognized the “actors”?
"How the Church Got a New Roof"
I think of Only Fans and other porn created by that person and that person only is mostly ethical. That and the couples filming themselves who make up a large part of porn hub. As far as the actual industry goes, its not as bad as it was, but there will always be exploitation and abuse, at least if men are in control of it.
What would happen if you flipped this story idea completely around? Instead of someone trying to make ethical porn, you have ethical people making porn that becomes completely unethical and depraved!

So... a story about regular porn production, then?

I'm pretty sure that's exactly how it goes for porn production firms, as they try to venture into more and more taboo topics while the shoots get more and more risky, to somehow stand out from the millions of porn videos being released every year.
See, I would read the picaresque novel you've outlined with absolute delight.

The heroine loves porn, but hates the toxic culture that is the source so much. She is finally in a position to do what she has wanted to for so long - make ethical porn. She is a bit narrow-minded and/or over-eager, so she doesn't think it all through as carefully as you have.

In each chapter, she tries, and tries again, solving each ethical problem as it arises (how?... well, someone smarter than me needs to figure that out) and then discovering that sleaze in porn is like a hydra. You cut off one avenue of degradation, and another opens up.

After each amazing sexcapade, she discovers the ethical fly in the ointment, and is forced to go back to the drawing board. For bonus points, each chapter should telegraph the ethical twist at the end so we know what's wrong with this scenario, while she is written as naive and idealistic enough to believably not see it coming.
These are all issues that unions face, ensuring workers aren't exploited. I note there is such a union, APAG.

Maybe the heir funds the union to the hilt and elevates the whole business to a new level, eclipsing other entertainment formats? Attitudes (especially the rather puritanical American ones) about human sexuality change wholesale.

The whole point of art is to hold a mirror up to humanity. No reason why porn couldn't, too.