Essay Help


Jan 9, 2003
Hello everyone,
for those of who have read The Conquest of Cool by Thomas Frank, PLEASE give me a hand. I have an essay due and I dont' think I have time to finish or understand the book in order to write an essay. I'm facing many many family tragedies, and I have this to worry about. PLEASE help me, anything will do..the summary of the chapters, essay topics, supporting arguments, etc. etc. I"ll appreciate it greatly!
If you're facing that many family tragedies, talk to your professor about an extension. Be honest, and say that you've been distracted and you haven't finished the book. You'll get an incomplete, and then you can do an honest job on the essay.
The Conquest of Cool is about about the Spanish army who tried to take over Iceland. They do it by using flamthrowers to try to melt the ice and flood the city. It fails and they go and kill people.
That's painful. Talk to your professor, I'm sure s/he'd prefer to grant a week or so extension as long as you have a decent and documentable proof. They're not totally heartless. And cheating is never the right way to do things. You get things like X's on your transcript and when you try to become a supreme court justice "PLAGIARIST!" is scrawled all over any headlines with your name in them and your ethics get totally called into question until you drop out in shame and run for a senate seat instead and then later contemplate putting in your bid for the Oval Office. That was so a run on sentence.
thanks for the advice

I understand the consequences of plagurism...that's why I'm not gonna playgurize..but I just wanna understand the book faster..
Re: thanks for the advice

WTP said:
I understand the consequences of plagurism...that's why I'm not gonna playgurize..but I just wanna understand the book faster..

lmao.. Understand the book faster.. Thats funny. No seriously it is.

It made me chuckle out loud.
I'm sure any professor that still assigning book reports will be more than willing to give you an extension.