Hello everyone,
for those of who have read The Conquest of Cool by Thomas Frank, PLEASE give me a hand. I have an essay due and I dont' think I have time to finish or understand the book in order to write an essay. I'm facing many many family tragedies, and I have this to worry about. PLEASE help me, anything will do..the summary of the chapters, essay topics, supporting arguments, etc. etc. I"ll appreciate it greatly!
for those of who have read The Conquest of Cool by Thomas Frank, PLEASE give me a hand. I have an essay due and I dont' think I have time to finish or understand the book in order to write an essay. I'm facing many many family tragedies, and I have this to worry about. PLEASE help me, anything will do..the summary of the chapters, essay topics, supporting arguments, etc. etc. I"ll appreciate it greatly!