Escape To Solitude (closed)

Becky came into view and she came over laughing at the Ricky Ricardo joke and kissed him on the cheek. She assisted him with the bags though he kept the one with the flowers away from her.

He began unpacking all the items and spread them out for her approval.

"So I just got an assortment of things to eat that would be a bit lighter of a meal I hope that is alright."

He hide the bag of flowers inside an empty cabinet while she was not looking.

"So did you have a nice bath while I was out?"
Tricia smiled and said " I didn't get to take a bath yet just washed my hair" she said running her hands through her damp hair " They don't have a blow dryer here that's why it's still damp.. I can go now actually since you brought me dove which I'm grateful for" she smiled.

She pointed to where she set up so he could place the food there and said " I'm going to go start the bubble bath and get comfortable I won't take too long but... Your welcome to join" she teased jokingly before walking into the bathroom.

She grinned inwardly enjoying the flirtatious and playful banter she and David shared. She filled the tub with warm water appreciative of how squeaky clean the bathroom was. She stepped inside and off the tub and let tub bubbles surround her.
Dave placed the food down and arranged it where she had cleaned off a space. He wondered if she was teasing or serious about joining her and he was hesitate to do so.

He finally decided they had already been in the hot tub naked with one another and went skinny dipping so maybe she really didn't mind.

He stepped to the entrance of the bathroom and began to peel off his clothes just beside the door where she was unable to see him.

"So were you serious about me joining you?" He wanted to make completely sure before he did so.
Tricia relaxed against the tub enjoying the warm water and heard the door open and heard David ask if she was serious about him joining her. She grinned and said "Of course...your always welcome to join me David "

She smiled and made some room for him . She had remembered their night in they had in the hottie and smiled " bring the champagne along David" she said.
David went back and retrieved the champagne along with two glasses. He slipped the last bit of clothes off and reached a hand around the corner of the door searching for the bathroom light.

He wanted to slip into the tub under the cover of darkness though he would be lit up fairly well by the full moon streaming through the window. She would be able to see him much better than he would see her.

David moved to the tub and since it was basically an octagon shape he was able to slip in across from Becky. "Awwww, that feels so good", David settled on into the tube and grabbed the champagne. He removed the protective foil and then popped the top a bit of the bubbling, fizzing liquid spilling into the bathwater. He poured them both a glass and handed one to Becky.

"So what are we toasting to this most wonderful night?"
Tricia smiled seeing the light flicker off and chuckled Knowing David was still a bit shy about his body which she had seen only briefly but he respectfully kept himself somewhat censored.

He joined her in the far end of the tub and settled in pouring them both some champagne and handing her one " to our fake marriage and honeymoon, a beautiful day and night, friendship and the future and... To us" she smiled softly clinking the glasses together.

She took a sip of the champagne and relaxed against the tub.
David swallowed the bubbly champagne and smiled over at Becky. He was still a bit unsure of this entire nudity thing but he was becoming a bit more comfortable with it.

He wondered how she really felt about all of this but was just a little nervous to ask and the moment had gotten a bit awkward.

He took another drink to fill in the gap of silence, "I been wondering something that is probably none of my business but I'm gonna take a chance here. How is a woman as beautiful as yourself not married? I'm not saying a beautiful woman has to get married or anything but just wondering if you hadn't met the right guy or was just busy with a career?"

He stretched his legs out and they rested against her own but he didn't move them just enjoying the light contact.
Tricia looked over and smiled hearing his question. Her sister and mother often asked her the same thing and she took a sip of her champagne before answering him."I have dated David... A lot and the guys I've been with haven't exactly been the right one for me. I haven't been putting myself out there much since my last. Boyfriend cheated on me then I just poked myself with work back to back. I have been asked out a few times but I declined ... I just guess I was afraid to let myself feel close to another man after the way Wayne hurt me."

She said softly and looked away slightly " Your the first man I've actually let see me like this and happy in months... You cracked my shell David" she chuckled softly and looked over at him.. " ok now it's your turn... How come a guy as sweet and handsome as you hasn't been swept up by another woman in town?"
He listened intently and had to wonder how any man could ever cheat on this woman. She was more than any guy deserved and to go out and cheat on her accomplished what?

"Someone cheated on you?" His mouth was open and it was obvious that he was serious.

"I don't get that? I mean you are more than any man I know deserves and that includes myself. Look I know people are never perfect but from what I've seen you are pretty damn close. A guy will definitely not find a better looking woman and would be hard pressed to find one who is sweeter or nicer. So caring and nice in each and every way and he goes out and cheats on you. Well I only wish that I would be lucky enough to meet someone like you even if I don't deserve to."

He seemed to look inward for a few seconds before turning back to her.

"I cracked your shell? I did nothing of the sort I only treated you the way any human should treat another. Nothing special about it what I did or why I did it though I couldn't' have done that to a better person."

He decided to tell her the ill fated story of his failed engagement and continued with a sigh.

"I dated a lot in high school and college but certainly not that much in the military. When I got out I met Laura and thought she was the love of my life. We were engaged and things were going well. I built the cabin as a wedding present you are now staying in and it was to be revealed after our wedding. I even totally furnished it but she never even set foot inside the door."

He took another drink of champagne as the really difficult part was coming up next and he took a deep breath.

"As our wedding grew closer she seemed to be a little different and when we discussed honey moon we decided to go to Australia but then after I had spent 20,000 buying the package she decided she wanted to go to New York. She began talking about us moving there and had all these dreams of moving to a large city. She was an attorney and started applying at large law firms in various cities across the nation without asking what I wanted. When it finally came up I told her that I would give up everything here for her if she asked me to but I wanted to keep my farm. I would sell all the animals and lock it up but wasn't willing to part with it. For one the property has been in the family for over a 100 years. But that wasn't good enough she wanted me to sell as it's pretty valuable several developers want to build vacation real estate on it. I have been offered as much as 10 million dollars."

He paused again this time his eyes were full of wetness and the moon light glistened off his face as tears began to slowly run down his cheeks. It wasn't a case of crying but his eyes were watering and he was having to space his words.

"We fought about it and she began to tell me that if I wasn't willing to take care of her now by selling the farm that I wasn't a man. That I probably wouldn't stand up for her even if she was being attacked that I would turn and run. That I valued my little farm over her and that I was a sorry excuse for a man."

He stopped talking suddenly, "Sorry that was probably more than you wanted to hear so I will wrap this up. I refused to let go of the farm and she packed her things in the middle of the night and left a note she was taking a job in New York and that I could stay here and rot in this town or go to hell she didn't care. She didn't even return the engagement ring though I didn't care nor did I want it. Since then well I just haven't been open to dating and though there have been a few women that have actually asked I always turn them down. I'm not going to get involved only to find that I can't be the man they want me to be. Also many of her friends in town had only heard her side and he hadn't bothered to try and correct them.

"The only thing I came to realize is that I honestly didn't love her in the want to spend the rest of my life with you way. In fact I'm over her just worry that if I do meet that woman I want to spend the rest of my life with in what way will I fail her?"

Here was the reason he had felt so responsible for the attack on Becky and the reason he was so careful to be friends but not cross any lines of friendship.

He looked up at her briefly, "So that is my story of failure pretty bad I know. I hope you still want to be friends if not I do understand."
Tricia listened silently as he vented to her. She had thought she felt completely worthless when her ex had cheated on her because she was in love with him but to promise to commit yourself to someone and give everything you had and then crush you like that..she didn't blame him for feeling the way he did she knew she would be devastated.

She knew the cabin was built by hand but for someone as ungrateful as his ex sounded..she felt how David must have. She felt her emotions bubbling and was afraid to say anything feeling her voice would give her away.

They were both hurting from their past and even though they weren't sexually involved yet she could not understand how someone could hurt him like that yet alone write a letter full of such hate and to be outcast by her friends like that pissed her off a bit.

She heard him finish up his story saying that if he did meet the woman he waned to spend his life with how would he fail her and that his engagement was a failure and she couldn't stand to hear him do that to himself.

She wrapped her arms around him holding him and shook her head " could I not want to be your friend? You are an amazing man and if half the men I met were anything like you are perhaps I wouldn't be the single soul here with you today"she chuckled.

She put both hands on the side of his face looking into his eyes deeply seeing he had been crying and felt her heart squeeze as the pain was fresh for him again and she said." She was the one who failed the relationship David not you... You deserve better than what she did and I'm sorry about what happened with her I can imagine how you felt but... Life moves on and I am a strong believer in faith and the woman you deserve ...she would be willing to understand you and you understand her...and with that love should not be a hard thing"she smiled softly and pulled away blushing slightly and wiped his face affectionately.

"We should probably finish up dear dinner is waiting" she chuckled softly returning to the light playful banter they had before they entered the bathroom.
David listened to her say that she still wanted to be friends and her compliments but he still doubted himself. When she took his face in her hands and told him that it wasn't his fault he wanted to believe her but it was hard. She seemed sincere however and it gave him some hope.

"Well I suppose you are right but maybe there was some truth to what she said I just don't know anymore. But I'm willing to try and correct my faults at least perhaps that is a start."

They exited the tub and David slipped out first going to dress in a pair of shorts and tee shirt that he kept in the Jeep for just in case. He almost decided not to give her the flowers and silly rings after the conversation they just had. His light-hearted mood had faded away to a degree. But he pulled them out and sat them on the table with the note in the middle of the food.

"The food is all ready", he announced.
Tricia sat in the tub a little after he left deciding to give him a bit of space to get dressed and relax after the deep conversation and how David still felt. She had slipped into simple short set she purchased in a victorias secret and began drying her hair with a towel. She was brushing in deep thought when she heard him say that the food was ready.

She quickly lotioned and joined him in the large room sighing as the cool breeze hit her freshly lotioned skin. She saw the flowers on the table and she saw him sitting near the food. She sat across from him giving a small nod unsure what to say thinking she had done enough making him bring up his past like that and felt horrible for doing so.

She pressed play on the rental movie and poured them some of the port wine lowering the music so they could watch it. She reached for the platter noticing the folded piece of paper between the food.

She picked it up seeing it was a note and read it softly"For my fake wife a set of fake rings to complete a wonderful day and evening that is anything but fake. In fact it has been one of the best days I can remember! Thank you for being my friend and allowing me to get to know you that is a gift I will never forget!"she smiled at him thanking him and telling him "Im glad you allowed me to be your friend and stayed with me. Most people wouldn't have offered their home or hospitality and youve gine above and beyond David"
David looked up at her a bit sheepish and feeling better than a few minutes ago, "Awww shucks maamm", he said in an exaggerated country accent.

"Well I suppose that's that we are official friends now." He leaned over and put both hands on her face kissing her softly on the forehead. He didn't immediately move his lips but just allowed them to stay there for several seconds.

"Honestly Becky this is going to sound really silly and crazy but I can't imagine how horrible it will be when I see you finally have to leave. I understand that time will come and all but it will suck just for the record." His tone was sad or over remorse but it did convey a bit of hope that perhaps they wouldn't have to be so far removed when that happened.

"Alright lets get to some of this food!" He began to pass out utensils and plates but for the first time he wondered really wondered if there might be a romantic future between the two of them.
Tricia blushed and smiled "Im honestly having a hard time thinking about leaving here David I love it here and ill miss it alot when i actually do leave but I definitely will visit each season when I'm free id love to see how it looks and experience all of this again. I just hope that you would be okay with me coming up? Id of course tell you when I would come."she said and looked at him.

She wondered about if she and David would get over their comfortable companionship and develop into something more than just friends. She did like him alot and she could tell that he liked her as well from the passionate kisses they shared but she wanted more aside from their soft lust for each other and wanted something deeper between them.

She ate some of the food and sipped the wine enjoying the music and their conversation with him feeling really comfortable
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Dave saw her blush and thought it was the cutest thing ever.

"Well, the door is always open you never have to ask just consider it your own little private retreat." He smiled at her as he ate and the conversation turned light and fun without any feeling of awkwardness.

As the trays of food began to become empty trays Dave looked over at the time and realized that over two hours had passed by since they had sat down to eat. He couldn't believe that time had gone by that fast it had only seemed like a half hour rather than two hours.

"Do you realize that we have been chatting now for two hours? No matter what we do time always flies when I'm with you but that's a good thing. So are you ready for bed or what else might you have on our little agenda tonight?"
Tricia stood and stretched a bit " no I'm not tired yet but I guess we can get up and settle into the bed David" she said picking up the trays and moving them over to the garbage. She poured them more of the good sweet wine and walked over to the bed. She peeled her robe off climbing in and smiled.

" cmon David the bed is incredibly comfortable" she said
Even though David had seen Becky undress now on quite a few occasions he still wasn't exactly used to it though he certainly didn't mind. Her suggestion that he join her made him pause in consideration for only a slight moment.

David smiled back at Becky and stripped off his shirt along with his socks and shorts. He left his underwear on which were boxer briefs.

He pulled the covers back slipping in beside Becky but making sure to stay on his own side. He rolled over to one side so that he could face her direction unsure how she was laying.

"This is a pretty comfortable bed I have to agree."
Tricia turned onto her side and looked at him. She couldn't help but admire his body slightl. She smiled and nodded " it does feel amazing I wish we could stay longer her but I know we have to go back" she giggled. She studied his chest noticing a small scar and could not help but reach out and trail her fingers over his mark on the side of his chest.

She knew he was a soldier from what he told her her and she knew he had alot going on from his ex but something in her wanted to help heal his heart. She saw him look down at her and she continued her trail over to another small mark he had and she gasped feeling his hand move over hers.
Feeling Becky's fingers trail over his scars brought all of his nerve endings alive and her touch was nice and welcoming. He grabbed her hand lightly just barely resting atop of it.

"That scar on my chest was caused by shrapnel from an explosion of a IED. The other one was when I was on leave in Paris and got into a fight with a very drunk French guy that thought he was tougher than he was. He was actually abusing his girlfriend and I couldn't stand to watch it. He pulled a knife and cut me but I beat the holy hell out of the guy and held him till the police arrived. His girlfriend gave them the full story as if he black eye didn't tell them all they needed to know."

Dave moved his free arm around her shoulders a bit so that Becky's chin came to rest slightly on his chest. He inhaled deeply of the scent of her hair and body wash and wished that this would never end.
Tricia relaxed comfortably against him her head resting on his chest and him holding her hand over his scar as his arm held her close. " Your amazing..." She said softly " Your the bravest and truest man I've honestly ever met David"she said lacing her fingers through the hand at her waist holding her to him.

She felt her heart beat increase as he looked down at her and the feelings both terrified and excited her. She was afraid to fall for another man after what she went through with her ex. She knew David would not cheat on her because he was not that kind of man but she was scared he may not be into a serious relationship with her.

She fought off her dark thoughts and realized how close he was to her and without thinking closed the space between them kissing him.