Several of days of travel later, Zadia stepped gingerly into the Hot bathing tub at an aliance inn in Theramore "by the gods!"she squealed with delight as the warm water enveloped her lithe bruised body. She had poured the whole elixir into the steaming water. The alchemist had not exagerated his claims as to the soothing remedy,plus the smell was intoxicating like fresh wild berries.Washing her long raven hair of all the dirt and blood of her recent sojurn into the wilds. She relaxed agaisnt the wooden sides of the tub and silently told herself that it was not the lack of a proper fitting garment she had missed on the road, but the luxury of a steaming hot bath. Zadia allowed her mind to wander back a couple of days to the sad farewell to her savior Marouka. They had decided it would be best if the warrior would make camp a good ways away from Theramore, for his safety while Zadia tied up the loose ends of her former life here. Kasindor had escorted her the rest of the way into the port town safely. He too had departed from her company just mere hours ago, to return to retrieve his horse. They all had made a pact to reunite in the coming weeks. Zadia was going to pass the time by training and gathering her possesions she had left behind in her master's care. Civilization was great and everything, but Zadia found herself longing to return to the open road and travelling with her new found companions.