Erotic Eurasian Visions: (Closed for PP01 & maybe so)


Hmm, so many choices.
Jun 24, 2002
Ad on bulletin board of the University where lodgings are listed and also in the local newspaper Classified section:

English professor has a four room furnished garage apartment for rent to Female Students Only.
There is a bedroom, bathroom, living room and small, but complete kitchen. Laundry facilities are in the garage downstairs.
Rent is $540.00 a month and includes utilities, but not the telephone.
Those interested call Professor Warren Oates, English Department, at 555-0146 or stop by his office to make an appointment to see the apartment.
Jun Xi

Jun saw the advertisement on the campus bulletin board and carefully copied down the information. Tired of looking for an apartment, and tired of seeing cramped rooms in dirty neighborhoods, she hoped this one might be the right one.

"Well, the landlord is a professor, and probably at least lives in a nice, quiet neighborhood," she thought. Her English classes were supposed to start bright and early Monday morning, and it was already Thursday and Jun was still stuck in her expensive hotel. She hadn't expected it to be so difficult to find an apartment, but then again, her aunt hadn't prepared her very well for that.

Jun had only been in the US for about a week. Having just graduated from a convent high school in Hong Kong, she was elated with anticipation of what studies in the US might bring. Her Chinese mother had been strongly opposed to the idea of Jun's desire to study in the US, but her German father had thought that a degree in American Literature might be just the thing to attract a suitable marriage partner when it came time for him to hand down his import/export firm to an heir. Of course, the heir had to be produced by Jun, and had to be male. That she would never directly inherit didn't bother Jun so much-- she wasn't interested in business anyway, but the idea that she had a familial obligation to produce an heir to inherit her father's business chafed a bit.

Jun looked at her notes again, and planned out what she would say on the telephone when she called to inquire. Speaking English was not at all natural to her, and she wanted to make a good impression. She went to the cafeteria to write out a possible "script" for the impending call.

After writing some questions in her notebook, Jun went to find a telephone. She dialed, and waited until a man answered.

"Herro, Mr. Oates? My name is Jun. I am calling about apartment you have?"
"Yes, it is still available. Would you like to come and see it?"
"Please yes. Come now, OK?"
"Well, yes, you could come this afternoon. How about at three o'clock?" the professor answered.
"Three o'clock OK." Jun answered. "Now I at university. Can you give map?"
"Well, a map is a little difficult over the phone, but it is easy to find... How about if I come to the university to get you and show you the way. I'm only a few minutes walk from you. Where are you now?"

Jun looked around her. "I in the hall outside cafeteria." she answered honestly.
"Go back into the cafeteria and i will find you there. What are you wearing?" the professor asked.

"What where am I ?..." Jun asked self-consciously, not sure why he asked about what she was wearing... OH! her clothes! Newly confident after figuring out what he meant, Jun continued. "I wearing white blouse with dark blue skirt. I have black hair, and carry red bag."

"Stay in the cafeteria, and I will find you," said the man on the phone, wondering why in the world he was going out of his way to go get this waif. Renting to a foreign student was probably more trouble than it was worth, although foreign students were usually pretty quiet and studious, and some were more than a little gullible... this might be worth his trouble after all...

"I am wearing a brown sweater and tan slacks. Sit near the door of the main entrance. Do you know where that is?"

Why does he keep asking me about what I wear...? Jun wondered... Already I told him my clothes... "Yes, I wear white blouse and blue skirt," she repeated.

"See you soon then," said the man on the phone, with a sigh and a roll of his eyes, ending the call with a click.

Jun went back into the cafeteria and sat down to wait.
Professor Warren Oates:

'Well judging by the accent she must be of oriental ethnicity. That's a plus as I don't have any of those yet.
'Also they, or so the generalization goes, tend to be industrious and so perhaps she'll study hard rather than throw boistrious parties like my last tenant Tammi did,'
I thought as I walked into the cafeteria.

It took me all of about 20 seconds to spot 'Jun'. I had to walk back outside for a moment to catch my breath, literally.

She must be part white from her features and what I could see of her body. Not many, if any, Chinese or Japanese are that tall, have breasts that filled a rather loose blouse that well or eyes that color.

No matter what it took she'd rent the apartment.

Going back in again I approached her and asked, "Jun?"

She immediately stood nodding her head and looking a bit shy as she offered me her hand to shake.

I did so and used that to move her from the table as I said slowly, but quietly, "I am Professor Oates. Are you ready to go and see the apartment?"

She was only about three inches shorter than I am, so my guess about her height was correct. When she moved to walk beside me the movement under her blouse confirmed that too.

We chatted slowly as we walked to my residence and I learned she was to take an accelerated course in English over the summer to prepare her for the fall term and a plan began to formulate.

Turning up the driveway, "Well we are here Jun."

Pointing at the garage just visible behind the house, "The apartment is upstairs over the garage Jun."

She smiled and nodded looking at the yard and plants and then at the garage as more could be seen.

At the stairs I smiled and indicated she should go first saying, "Ladies before gentlemen Jun." As she proceeded me her ass was at eye level and it looked so lovely, firm and rounded.

I unlocked the door and held it open so she could go in and look over the one bedroom, bathroom, living room and kitchen as I stood watching her moving about and waited for any questions she may have.
Re: Professor Warren Oates:

PhoenixPrime01 said:

Going back in again I approached her and asked, "Jun?"

She immediately stood nodding her head and looking a bit shy as she offered me her hand to shake.

I did so and used that to move her from the table as I said slowly, but quietly, "I am Professor Oates. Are you ready to go and see the apartment?"

We chatted slowly as we walked to my residence and I learned she was to take an accelerated course in English over the summer to prepare her for the fall term and a plan began to formulate.

Turning up the driveway, "Well we are here Jun."

Pointing at the garage just visible behind the house, "The apartment is upstairs over the garage Jun."

At the stairs I smiled and indicated she should go first saying, "Ladies before gentlemen Jun." As she proceeded me her ass was at eye level and it looked so lovely, firm and rounded.

I unlocked the door and held it open so she could go in and look over the one bedroom, bathroom, living room and kitchen as I stood watching her moving about and waited for any questions she may have.

Walking up the driveway with the professor, Jun looked around at the well tended garden and the house. She was impressed by how polite Professor Oates had been, pausing to allow her to go first up the stairs. He'd said something about ladies and gentleman... wasn't that how a speech usually started? Was a speech necessary in this situation? She didn't know what to say.

"The rent is five hundred fourteen a month?" Jun asked.

"No, that is five FORTY, not fourteen," the professor answered.

"What is "Utility"? Jun asked.

"Utilities mean lights, gas and electricity. If you want a phone, you'll have to have that installed on your own," the professor answered.

"OK. Utilities," Jun repeated slowly, trying to find a way to remember the new word.

"Beautiful," Jun said, crossing the small living room to look out the window to the gardens below. "I want live here. Five forty OK. When I can start?" Already, Jun was thinking of where her desk would go. The furnishings were simple, but Jun felt comfortable, and this was by far the best apartment she'd seen since she'd been searching. She liked the look of the over-stuffed sofa, and longed to sink down on it and rest her feet. The walls sparkled with fresh paint, and the air was scented with something citrus. Jun walked over to look at the bathroom.

The fixtures were clean and shiny, yet there was an aura of age about them. The tub had clawed feet, and the faucets were polished bronze. Jun momentarily lost herself in the idea of stretching out for a long hot soak with the aromatic soaps her aunt had given her as a going away present.

Jun's aunt had given her far more than soap-- she had spent a great deal of time shopping and "coaching" Jun for her new life in America. Aunt Min knew more about Jun than she let on. She seemed to understand that Jun most likely would not be returning to Hong Kong after her studies were completed. Jun had never dared tell anyone about her secret hopes to escape the family obligation, but somehow she suspected that her aunt knew, even though it was something that never could be discussed openly.

Turning away from the bathroom, Jun hoped that the professor would allow her to rent this wonderful private space, where her dreams might come closer into view.
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Professor Warren Oates:

Smiling down into her lovely eyes and face, "Why dear girl, you may move in today if you wish.
"Understand Jun? The apartment is yours now. You may move in and live here now if you wish."
Jun Xi

"Now? Today?" Jun wanted to jump up and down and clap her hands for joy, but managed to hold back from all but a broad grin. "Tonight I have hotel, tomorrow OK?"

Lifting her bag off the floor where she had laid it when entering, Jun pulled out her wallet and took out a thick packet of traveler's cheques. "How muchie?" she said, realizing that her excitement had made for poor pronunciation.

When the professor asked for first and last month's rent, Jun wrote out cheques for the proper amount, and decided that she would open a bank account right away, now that she had an address. The next step would be finding a part-time job, as soon as her classes began and she had a better idea of how much time she would have for working.
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Professor Warren OOates:

""Thank you Jun.
"Here are your keys to the doorknob lock and the dead blot lock.
"Take your time and move in when you want.
"Now I'll leave you to look around some more at your new home.
"I'll either be in the house or working in the yard if you need anything."

Turning I left and went in to my home through the back door. Upstairs in my private room, the one with the steel fire door and two dead bolts, I sat down and activated the cameras in all of the rooms of the apartment and then the microphones too.

You see I'm something of a voyeur. I have each room in the apartment covered by at least one camera, the living room and bedroom by more than one, and each room had a high quality microphone also hidden in it so I can hear as well as see any and everything that takes place anywhere in the apartment.

Now I sat, turned on the multiple professional grade taping machines, and watched Jun, my new tenant, as she wandered about in the apartment.
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Jun Xi

PhoenixPrime01 said:
""Thank you Jun.
"Here are your keys to the doorknob lock and the dead bolt lock.
"Take your time and move in when you want.
"Now I'll leave you to look around some more at your new home.
"I'll either be in the house or working in the yard if you need anything."

Jun wandered about in the apartment, planning and making a list of the things she thought she would need to make this little nest a home. Now that the professor had left her alone, she went over to the sofa and sank down on it, feeling its overstuffed softness surround her like a comforting hug.

Before long, Jun swung her legs up onto the sofa to recline completely, arranging a cushion behind her head, and allowing her legs to part slightly. Completely relaxed, her mind turned from planning a shopping list and the logistics of moving her luggage to a different type of excitement. This apartment was to be her home in America, the place for the free; liberty and justice for all.

Jun hadn't known much frredom in her past due to the strict upbringing of her traditional Chinese mother, her stuffy German father, and her convent education. She found it somewhat ironic that her parents had told her much more about what she was not supposed to do than they had provided her information and resources for what she [/B]was[/B] supposed to do. If they only knew...

As Jun thought about her life and how she used to be in Hong Kong and the things she wanted to change about her persona now that she was in the "land of the free", her hands slid out from behind her head, where they had been cradling her neck to rest over the chest of her no longer crisp white blouse.

Toying with the tiny buttons at the collar, she slowly unfastened the first, and then the next, pushing her blouse open at the neck. This was the way American women wore their blouses--open at the neck to reveal hints of what waited below. Jun had mixed feelings about what was below her neck. She wasn't built like typical Asians, who tended to be less rounded, less curvy than Europeans.

Jun's bust was unusally full, to the point that she was not able to find bras in her size in typical Hong Kong department stores. In her teens, Jun's mother had often complained about the high cost of having Jun's bras specially tailored for her. Jun's friends had stared at her in locker room showers, embarrassing her and making her feel that her curves and roundness was unattractive. Jun had learned to dress and walk in a way that hid her curves.

Here in America, women walked differently. They held their shoulders back, and
seemed to glide along through life with their chest in the lead. Magazine covers told women how to accentuate their sexuality rather than hide it. Jun wanted to learn how to do that. A few days before, she had splurged on some new lingerie purchesed off the rack in the downtown department store. The lace and delicasy was enchantingly beautiful, and so different from any of the underthings her mother had bought for her. Longing to have the luxurious sensation of lace against her body, Jun had not been able to resist buying a bra and panty set made of what looked like the tiniest wisp of coverage.

Daringly, Jun continued to work down the front of her blouse, releasing each button, and pushing the white cotton away as she eased her way to the hem on the bottom, which she pulled roughly out of her skirt. Fingertips tracing over her stomach, they found their way to the new bra, and toyed with the hardenig nipples through the lace. Pulling and twisting at them, Jun could stand no mre. Gently pushing the insubstantial cover off her breast, Jun kneaded and rubbed her firm round flesh, lost in arousal. Soon, her hands slowed to gentle caresses, and she lingered in warmth until she became distracted by the sensation between her legs.
Professoe Warren Oates:

I sat and watched as Jun looked around and could almost hear what she was thinking about what would go where and what she'd have to get to make the apartment into her home away from home.

I'd gone to get a soda and when I returned it was to find that she was reclining on the couch with her hands behind her head.

This posture pulled her blouse up snugly against the full breasts I'd suspected were hidden by it's loose fit. The fabric was moulded to the contours of their undersides and showed their general size and shape, as the position lifted them higher than normal, on her slender chest... and I licked my lips as I felt a hardening begin.

I sat mesmerized as I watched her undo the top buttons and was totally spellbound as she began to unbutton her blouse slowly revealing to me just how large and full her breasts actually were.

When she pulled the blouse from the waist of her skirt, spreading it wide open to let me see the whisps of lace cupping and supporting but not hiding or covering them or their hard nipples my drink was forgotten as I began to unbuckle my belt and open the front of my trousers.

As Jun's fingers toyed with her hard nipples I rose and pushed my pants down freeing my not incosiderable nor small penis and I sat down again watching and beginning to slowly stroke up and down the shaft as she pulled her breasts out of the bra and began rubbing and kneading them both, as I now longed to be doing myself.

I saw her thighs press together and moving up and down a bit and watched, waiting to see if she'd go further in pleasuring herself in the safety of her new home. The volume on the speakers was turned up without taking my eyes from the screen or stopping my slow masterbation, so I could hear every sound she might make orally or otherwise if she did continue.
Jun Xi

Jun allowed her hand to move of its own volition to the hem of her skirt. Flipping the skirt up onto her belly, her fingers stroked the silky velvet of her inner thigh, then snuck under the delicate edge of her lace panties to find the source of the wetness of the lace.

Pushing her legs open, Jun explored the bud of pleasure just under the place where her lower lips were joined. Lost in the sensitivity of that magical place, Jun closed her eyes, pushed her head back into the pillow, and moaned aloud. Soon, her breath came in panting gasps, and her fingers brought her to a shuddering and violent climax.

Jun pulled her hand away abruptly and let it rest on her lower belly while she caught her breath. Soon, her fingers began toying with the thick hair that covered her pubis. I must trim, Jun thought to herself, mentally adding some manicure scissors to her shopping list. She had seen some women in the locker room at the hotel changing into their exercise clothes, and she thought their trimmed and groomed bodies were very attractive.

Just thinking about the naked women in the locker room brought a new wave of heat to Jun's loins. Slowly, her hand worked its way southward once again, this time heading straight to the glistening canal that had not yet known a man. Using her tightly clasped fingers as a probe, Jun thrust them inside herself again and again, rolling her hips to meet them as they searched for her core.

"Oh! Oh!" she cried out, lost in the electricity of another orgasm.
Professor Warren Oates:

"Ohhh yess Jun play with your pussy for me. Let me see how you like to pleasure yourself for me," he says quietly to himself as he continues to stroke his now rigid cock.

He licks his lips as he listens to her moans and watches her tits shimmy and shake as she orgasms.

He's still stroking his cock when she pulls on a tuft of black pubic hair and speeds up as he watches her finger fucking her pussy.

As her hips and fingers move in concert his hand strokes faster as it grips his cock harder, tighter and his other hand begins to fondle and tug on his balls.

His moan and grunts of pleasure, as his cum shoots onto his belly, are only seconds ahead of Jun's own sounds of deep pleasure as her second climax claims her.

"Ugh.... Ugh... Mmmmmmm, yesss cum for me.. Cummm with me Jun you sweet looking little slut. Cummmm with meeee."
Jun Xi - a few days later

Jun set the heavy shopping bags down outside her door at the top of the stairs while she rummaged in her bag to find the key.

Arranging the bags once more in her hands, and shoving the door open with her knee, Jun entered, leaving the door drifting idly open until she could set the groceries down.

All day, Jun had been out in the sun on the hot city streets. First, hauling her luggage across town, and then dashing here and there for groceries and other household supplies. She felt limp and exhausted.

Time to pamper herself. Tea. Jun thought for a moment about which bag the supplies were in. Searching through the disarray of packages, she found the kettle, and prepared to boil some water. While the water simmered, Jun decided she’d like a bath.

Stopping first at her suitcase to retrieve the aromatic bath soap and lotion set a friend had given her as a going away gift, Jun went into the bathroom to fill the tub. Watching the water rush into the bathtub, Jun added a healthy dollop of bubble bath. Entranced with watching the accumulating bubbles, Jun heard the kettle sing, and went back to the kitchen to prepare some tea to take with her to the bathtub.

She stood at the kitchen window while the tea steeped, listening to the rush of the water in the bathtub, and looking out onto the garden. She couldn’t see anyone, and figured that no one could see her. This was her own apartment after all.

Although Jun had been raised in a culture where shy and modest were qualities considered virtues in a girl, the thought of starting a new life in a new place, and discovering her own virtues tempted her into pulling her hot sticky damp blouse up over her head and tossing it on the floor in the corner of the kitchen. She opened the window to better experience the refreshing breeze touching and teasing her aroused nipples, poking out through the scanty lace of her tiny bra.

She unhooked the waist of her skirt and lowered its zipper, allowing it to drop with a whoosh to the floor. Jun looked down at herself in the sexiest underwear she has ever known, and felt a little rush.

The color of the tea was perfect. Jun picked up the hot cup, and carried it off to her steaming bath, fully prepared to soak herself to total relaxation.
Professor Warren Oates:

He'd worked on the Spring flowerbeds all morning and had just gotten out of the shower, dried off and walked naked into the bedroom to dress when he saw his new tenant Jun climbing the steps to her garage apartment with her arms full of bags.

Rather than dressing went to the room with the metal fire door and deadbolt, unlocked it and went inside to watch the monitors in the garage apartment.

He watched the preparation for tea or coffee and a bath and when Jun returned to the kitchen and began disrobing in front of the window hurried back to his bedroom.

He'd watched her undress and pleasure herself, but had never seen her 'in the flesh' so to speak just on the color monitors. Now, standing back far enough not to be seen, he got to see her impressive breasts for the first time through her kitchen window and they looked just as increcible, if not more so, on her slender frame as they did on the monitors.

Apparently she took off her skirt for when she walked away from the window he got a quick look at her barely panty clad ass as it moved most eroticly with the few steps he was able to see.

Back into the monitor room and into his seat. As he now kept the tape machines running all of the time there was no need to turn them on. Each was only turned off long enough to put in another tape while the 'good scenes' of Jun undressing, dressing, semi nude walking around the apartment and pleasuring herself were copied to a Master Tape of her. It now had several hours of high quality images of Jun on it and was waiting for more.

This looked like where more would be added to the Master Tape.

He watched as she walked through the apartment and reentered the bathroom with her tea and settled back to watch what was to come next.
Jun Xi

As she entered the bathroom, Jun saw that the bubbling foam was just at the top of the tub. Setting her cup down on the corner, she turned the water off, and slowly raised her foot up to step over the side.

The water was hot, and Jun paused for a moment to allow her body to become used to the heat. Breathing in the musky sweet scent of the vanilla bubbles, she raised her other leg, and added it to the suds.

Slowly, with her hands on each side of the tub, Jun lowered her body down into the water, holding her breath as the heat stung her thighs, turning them to bright red. Squatting on her knees in the tub, Jun arched her back to hold her chest out of the water, pausing before easing her way down into a more relaxed posture.

Jun reached back and lifted her tea. Cupping it in both hands, she sipped at the surface, and set it back down, taking up the new bar of soap. Plunging the soap into the water to wet it, Jun brought it up to her neck and shoulders, and began to slather herself with its scented softness.
Professor Warren Oates:

He sit watching Jun and licked his lips as she stepped into the tub opening her slit to let him see the tender pink skin between her shaved lips and wondered how her musk smelled and how her juices tasted.

As her back arched it thrust out the breasts he'd love to lick, suck and bite and his hand moved to his hard penis and began slowly stroking it as he watched lathering her breasts as she began to wash.

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